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Ancient flood stories from many parts of the world


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Leaving aside, for the moment, the moral implications of your god wiping out " unreasoning animals that are born naturally to be caught and destroyed" because of the actions of one species, my post centred on how plants and animals are affected by sin. Your post above doesn't address that - it merely states that they would be.

How are snails and oak trees (for example) affected by sin?

I believe animals (and plants) are affected by the sinful course of mankind who ignore God and ruin the earth. Thousands of species have reportedly gone extinct at man's hand. Loss of habitat results in suffering and death for untold millions of creatures. Wars, poaching, and wanton cruelty towards animals creates more animal suffering.
Fortunately, I believe this state of affairs is due to change dramatically. Revelation 11:18 speaks of God's "appointed time...to bring to ruin those ruining the earth."
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Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Especially, one assumes, Filaria , Schistosoma and Guinea worm. Oh, and how could I forget Toxocara?

What a thoughtful deity.

God created lions, also, but not to eat people. Yet, sometimes lions do eat people.
The thousands of organisms currently harmful to humans appear to be so due to our compromised, imperfect, and sin-laden bodies. (Romans 5:12, Romans 7:24)
Under God's rulership, I believe all creatures, large or small, "will do no harm nor cause any ruin." (Isaiah 65:25) I do not believe mankind's current woeful state is what God purposed when he created the first man Adam, and placed him in a paradise-like garden. And the Bible clearly signals an end to death. (Revelation 21:3,4)


slow walker

I believe animals (and plants) are affected by the sinful course of mankind who ignore God and ruin the earth. Thousands of species have reportedly gone extinct at man's hand. Loss of habitat results in suffering and death for untold millions of creatures. Wars, poaching, and wanton cruelty towards animals creates more animal suffering.
Fortunately, I believe this state of affairs is due to change dramatically. Revelation 11:18 speaks of God's "appointed time...to bring to ruin those ruining the earth."

I'm asking about why all organisms had to be drowned because of the supposed sin of humans.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
I'm asking about why all organisms had to be drowned because of the supposed sin of humans.

As to his reasons to destroy the wicked with a Deluge (as opposed to some other means of execution), I do not think the Bible directly states. Nor is God obliged to give us an explanation of why he does certain things, or how he does them. As Creator of all things, I think it is God's right to decide what to do with the animals he created.
it is important to note the great impact this Flood had on Earth's climate, apparently on man's lifespan (which became increasingly shorter after the Flood), and the changes to the Earth's surface, all apparently God's will.
The Flood also forced the angels cohabiting with human women to return to the spirit realm. (Genesis 6:2) In any case, Jehovah's qualities of love, justice, wisdom, and power assure us that the Deluge was a righteous expression of God's judgment upon the wicked. The Flood also serves as a memorable and powerful warning to all the wicked today that God's judgment day will surely come. (2 Peter 3:3-7)


Well-Known Member
As to his reasons to destroy the wicked with a Deluge (as opposed to some other means of execution), I do not think the Bible directly states. Nor is God obliged to give us an explanation of why he does certain things, or how he does them. As Creator of all things, I think it is God's right to decide what to do with the animals he created.
it is important to note the great impact this Flood had on Earth's climate, apparently on man's lifespan (which became increasingly shorter after the Flood), and the changes to the Earth's surface, all apparently God's will.
The Flood also forced the angels cohabiting with human women to return to the spirit realm. (Genesis 6:2) In any case, Jehovah's qualities of love, justice, wisdom, and power assure us that the Deluge was a righteous expression of God's judgment upon the wicked. The Flood also serves as a memorable and powerful warning to all the wicked today that God's judgment day will surely come. (2 Peter 3:3-7)

All this seems to give you a lot of satisfaction. Do you think that that is its appeal to the religious? A chance to look down on other people and to dispute the careful work of thousands of dedicated scientists without doing any such careful work yourself?


slow walker
As to his reasons to destroy the wicked with a Deluge (as opposed to some other means of execution), I do not think the Bible directly states. Nor is God obliged to give us an explanation of why he does certain things, or how he does them. As Creator of all things, I think it is God's right to decide what to do with the animals he created.
So, what do you feel regarding global ecocide due to the actions of humans. A 'fair and just god' we are told.


Can you appreciate why many of us want absolutely nothing to do with such a deity?

Edit: any thoughts on the notion that plants and animals were 'infected by human sin'?


As to his reasons to destroy the wicked with a Deluge (as opposed to some other means of execution), I do not think the Bible directly states. Nor is God obliged to give us an explanation of why he does certain things, or how he does them. As Creator of all things, I think it is God's right to decide what to do with the animals he created.
it is important to note the great impact this Flood had on Earth's climate, apparently on man's lifespan (which became increasingly shorter after the Flood), and the changes to the Earth's surface, all apparently God's will.
The Flood also forced the angels cohabiting with human women to return to the spirit realm. (Genesis 6:2) In any case, Jehovah's qualities of love, justice, wisdom, and power assure us that the Deluge was a righteous expression of God's judgment upon the wicked. The Flood also serves as a memorable and powerful warning to all the wicked today that God's judgment day will surely come. (2 Peter 3:3-7)

Drowning babies is a sin unless you're God?

CG Didymus

Veteran Member
"The Flood also forced the angels cohabiting with human women to return to the spirit realm. (Genesis 6:2)" Rusra02, I've heard several Creationist talk about the bones of giants. Where are they? And, why aren't they being studied for DNA of angels. Or, why can't we get some of these promiscuous angels down here now. But, there were giants in the land after the flood, so they are here. The Raiders could use a good Nephilim to shore up their defense. It wouldn't hurt to have a 39foot tall receiver either. Seriously?
If you believe that, then you must believe they have sex organs and can procreate. Are there male and female angels? Do they have little Cherubs? Can a spirit-being mate with a human female? And, who did the Nephilim mate with? Fantasy, fantasy, fantasy. Why does it have to be literal? You don't believe in the Jewish laws literally, so why their creation story?
Oh, and one more question--What about amphibians and Hippos and alligators? Even otters and beavers? Did Noah have an aquarium on board? I think he must have. He could have starfish, crabs and abalone on a little on board seashore. The rocking of the ark would make waves. It would be like a day at the beach. Except there was no sun for 40 days. Was there torch light? I hope not. That would be dangerous with all the pitch smeared on the walls. Wouldn't that be stinky and sticky? Yeah, but sure, it's all literally true.


Well-Known Member
The thousands of organisms currently harmful to humans appear to be so due to our compromised, imperfect, and sin-laden bodies. (Romans 5:12, Romans 7:24)
How do you propose Filaria worms made their living before there were compromised, imperfect, and sin-laden human bodies to invade?


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
All this seems to give you a lot of satisfaction. Do you think that that is its appeal to the religious? A chance to look down on other people and to dispute the careful work of thousands of dedicated scientists without doing any such careful work yourself?

True Christians appreciate the contributions of scientists and others in increasing man's knowledge. I believe that scientific discoveries are important. As I'm sure you are aware, not all that passes for "science" is truly science. Eugenics, for example, and the theory of evolution, for another example. Time and again, the Bible has been attacked intellectually, and time and again, the Bible has proven correct. Anyone can make this examination for themselves, rather than rely on the word of others, either of those who believe in evolution or in the Bible's account of creation.


True Christians appreciate the contributions of scientists and others in increasing man's knowledge. I believe that scientific discoveries are important. As I'm sure you are aware, not all that passes for "science" is truly science. Eugenics, for example, and the theory of evolution, for another example. Time and again, the Bible has been attacked intellectually, and time and again, the Bible has proven correct. Anyone can make this examination for themselves, rather than rely on the word of others, either of those who believe in evolution or in the Bible's account of creation.

creation is known pseudoscience

the flood is straight mythology

and the bible has been proven errant time and time again

only a few theist still hold on to this primitive narrow view, that goes against science, geology, dating methods, fossil records, anthropology, and on and on and on, all from a severe standpoint of wilful ignorance and lies. which has been demonstrated here


Rogue Theologian
creation is known pseudoscience

the flood is straight mythology

and the bible has been proven errant time and time again

only a few theist still hold on to this primitive narrow view, that goes against science, geology, dating methods, fossil records, anthropology, and on and on and on, all from a severe standpoint of wilful ignorance and lies. which has been demonstrated here

So many postings...and you still think denial is a winning strategy.

The earth has never been covered in water?
And the water would then recede.

Some scientists are now predicting it will happen...soon.
Could not have happened in previous times?


So many postings...and you still think denial is a winning strategy.

The earth has never been covered in water?
And the water would then recede.

Some scientists are now predicting it will happen...soon.
Could not have happened in previous times?

denial is not part of science. It did not happen.

4 billion ish years ago the earth had a possibility to be covered by water, atleast your promotong OEC pseudoscience. but the water did not recede

no credible scientist is claiming the earth wil be covered in water again.

now only that we know the exact origins of all the flood legends in the levant. there is no mystery here


Rogue Theologian
denial is not part of science. It did not happen.

4 billion ish years ago the earth had a possibility to be covered by water, atleast your promotong OEC pseudoscience. but the water did not recede

no credible scientist is claiming the earth wil be covered in water again.

now only that we know the exact origins of all the flood legends in the levant. there is no mystery here

Global warming and plate shifting are now in the mix.
People living near the coast....and the current earth population does so at 40%....
Are just now seriously reconsidering their locale and life style.

People don't tell stories when the water rises?
Of course they do.


Global warming and plate shifting are now in the mix.
People living near the coast....and the current earth population does so at 40%....
Are just now seriously reconsidering their locale and life style.

People don't tell stories when the water rises?
Of course they do.

it floods every year on the planet some where, so we get flood legends. many because as man first built civilizations, he had no sense not to buuild them on high enough land to avoid those 100-500 year floods

but water rising is only going to do so far.

The euphrates did flood in 2900 BC and a real man did live and is said to have gone down the river on a barge, and made a animal sacrifice, and did start all the flood legends including noahs mythology. which legends match word for word in places. all about 1700 years before Israelites even existed.


Rogue Theologian
it floods every year on the planet some where, so we get flood legends. many because as man first built civilizations, he had no sense not to buuild them on high enough land to avoid those 100-500 year floods

but water rising is only going to do so far.

The euphrates did flood in 2900 BC and a real man did live and is said to have gone down the river on a barge, and made a animal sacrifice, and did start all the flood legends including noahs mythology. which legends match word for word in places. all about 1700 years before Israelites even existed.

And scientists are exploring the ocean bottom for Atlantis.
They may have found it

What's your point?


And scientists are exploring the ocean bottom for Atlantis.
They may have found it

What's your point?

No they havnt found Atlantis

and many natural events can and probably have drug civilizations into the sea.

all of which has nothing to do with a mythical flood.

my point? there was no global flood as reported in the bible. there is no mystery to te river flood that spawned legends that clearly evolved into the israelite version.


Rogue Theologian
No they havnt found Atlantis

and many natural events can and probably have drug civilizations into the sea.

all of which has nothing to do with a mythical flood.

my point? there was no global flood as reported in the bible. there is no mystery to te river flood that spawned legends that clearly evolved into the israelite version.

I suppose from a territorial perspective....people living in the region would assume a global event....especially when they could not realize they were living on a globe.

Today's scientist seem to lean to the notion it's possible and is again pending.

I further suppose your lengthy denial is fueled by a lack of faith
rather than a knowing of earth history.

The only gain I see you can achieve is to say....'God didn't do it'.
Would that be correct?


I suppose from a territorial perspective....people living in the region would assume a global event....especially when they could not realize they were living on a globe.

this is true

Today's scientist seem to lean to the notion it's possible and is again pending.


sources please

I further suppose your lengthy denial is fueled by a lack of faith
rather than a knowing of earth history.

False again.

I understand the earths history

and I understand and know theology at a level higher then most

and yes you are required to follow faith in the midst of your pseudoscience

CG Didymus

Veteran Member
The stories obviously show far more differences than similarities.

Flood Stories from Around the World
It's still strange to me that some Christians use the "many" stories to try and "prove" a flood happened. It seems odd that the people would remember the flood but forget what the ark looked like, who was on the ark, where they landed, what happened right after that, things like the Tower of Babel. That was a pretty significant event also. So the ancient myths should sound like: "Your great, great, great grandpa Noah landed on Mt. Ararat. His ancestors built a tower. God confused the languages and our great, great grandfather migrated here and spoke Incan." "Gee, grandfather, tell us another story. Did God make the world and people in six days?"