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Ancient flood stories from many parts of the world


The Lost One
I know enough about Gobekli Tepe Temple excavation that I need to watch the video?

(Editor's note: I forgot to add a question mark (?) to the opening line. Sorry.)

And I like to know more what facts they have uncovered, rather than all the conjecturing, speculating, presuming and assuming that this video has done. The video relied less on factual information, and more on conjecturing by journalists that have no real business in informing us about the discovery.

And worse of all, you have 2 guests, who are nothing more than pseudoscience and pseudo-archaeology authors - Graham Hancock and Andrew Collins.

The video is not helped when they made highly speculative rationality in linking Gobekli Tepe with the Biblical Flood. If there are archaeological evidences or facts to link it with the Flood, then bring it on, but all is it just baseless guesswork.

I would have prefer interviews of real archaeologists who are really involved with excavation instead of 2 crackpot authors making baseless interpretations of the evidences found.
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I know enough about Gobekli Tepe Temple excavation that I need to watch the video.

And I like to know more what facts they have uncovered, rather than all the conjecturing, speculating, presuming and assuming that this video has done. The video relied less on factual information, and more on conjecturing by journalists that have no real business in informing us about the discovery.

And worse of all, you have 2 guests, who are nothing more than pseudoscience and pseudo-archaeology authors - Graham Hancock and Andrew Collins.

The video is not helped when they made highly speculative rationality in linking Gobekli Tepe with the Biblical Flood. If there are archaeological evidences or facts to link it with the Flood, then bring it on, but all is it just baseless guesswork.

I would have prefer interviews of real archaeologists who are really involved excavation instead of 2 crackpot authors making baseless interpretations of the evidences found.

LOl no kidding.

You hit that spot on.


The Lost One
outhouse said:
LOl no kidding.

You hit that spot on.

What the "documentary" spoke of, the ones that contained factual information, I already know, and I had no problem with.

The problem arises (for me) when this "documentary" make wild speculations and interpretations of what have been discovered, and it doesn't help this when you get 2 guest interviews, who are known for their conspiracy theories.

The "documentary" should have real archaeologists or real anthropologists, even if I must read the subtitle if they don't speak English. Except we have the host and several writers fantasizing or romanticizing who they could be or what probably could have happen.

That's why I don't watch much documentaries these days, because of many of them are rubbish. And I would have preferred when they uncover more of the site and give us factual truth than spinning stories about what they believe is the truth.


Atheist Triple Goddess
What the "documentary" spoke of, the ones that contained factual information, I already know, and I had no problem with.

The problem arises (for me) when this "documentary" make wild speculations and interpretations of what have been discovered, and it doesn't help this when you get 2 guest interviews, who are known for their conspiracy theories.

The "documentary" should have real archaeologists or real anthropologists, even if I must read the subtitle if they don't speak English. Except we have the host and several writers fantasizing or romanticizing who they could be or what probably could have happen.

That's why I don't watch much documentaries these days, because of many of them are rubbish. And I would have preferred when they uncover more of the site and give us factual truth than spinning stories about what they believe is the truth.

Hey, are there any good conspiracy theories on the flood story floating around out there in the aether?


What the "documentary" spoke of, the ones that contained factual information, I already know, and I had no problem with.

The problem arises (for me) when this "documentary" make wild speculations and interpretations of what have been discovered, and it doesn't help this when you get 2 guest interviews, who are known for their conspiracy theories.

The "documentary" should have real archaeologists or real anthropologists, even if I must read the subtitle if they don't speak English. Except we have the host and several writers fantasizing or romanticizing who they could be or what probably could have happen.

That's why I don't watch much documentaries these days, because of many of them are rubbish. And I would have preferred when they uncover more of the site and give us factual truth than spinning stories about what they believe is the truth.

Rubbish? Oh ya. This wouldnt supprise me if it was back to back with ancient aliens, playing the ignorance card.

CG Didymus

Veteran Member
I have a theory. You know how you leave the sprinkler on too long or even all night, what if God told Jesus to go water the Garden and he left it on for forty days and forty nights? I channeled L. Ron and he agreed with me.

Actually, I love the History Channel. I can't believe you guys blaspheme against them. I take everything they say as literal, infallible truth. Now take it back. I don't care how many "facts" you think you have, I know in my heart and I have faith that all their programming is inerrant and inspired.


I have a theory. You know how you leave the sprinkler on too long or even all night, what if God told Jesus to go water the Garden and he left it on for forty days and forty nights? I channeled L. Ron and he agreed with me.

Actually, I love the History Channel. I can't believe you guys blaspheme against them. I take everything they say as literal, infallible truth. Now take it back. I don't care how many "facts" you think you have, I know in my heart and I have faith that all their programming is inerrant and inspired.

You know whats funny, I saved to hard drive, about 15 ish documentaries on historical Jesus with all the top scholars, and fo rthe most part, all the information was spot on.

But ya a few out there are just that, out there.


Atheist Triple Goddess
You're reading some right now.

I was hoping for some current day political ones projected back in time so that we can blame the usual suspects, you know, like the liberals, the feminists, the atheists, or if all else fails Obama.

CG Didymus

Veteran Member
I was hoping for some current day political ones projected back in time so that we can blame the usual suspects, you know, like the liberals, the feminists, the atheists, or if all else fails Obama.
God drowned all the people and the animals, all of them (I'm exaggerating of course. So don't take it literally), and still, out of that one family we still have liberals, the feminists, the atheists? How is that possible? Why didn't He have them one by one annihilated as they were born? When He control them. Now they are completely out of hand again.


Atheist Triple Goddess
God drowned all the people and the animals, all of them (I'm exaggerating of course. So don't take it literally), and still, out of that one family we still have liberals, the feminists, the atheists? How is that possible? Why didn't He have them one by one annihilated as they were born? When He control them. Now they are completely out of hand again.

Am I sensing some flooding plans in the near future to clean up the riff raff--again?

Maybe someoen else should do the planning this time, the last few thousand flood obvioulsy did not clean house properly....just saying.

And if HE created humanity in HIS image, well, what does that say about HIMSELF?

CG Didymus

Veteran Member
Am I sensing some flooding plans in the near future to clean up the riff raff--again?

Maybe someoen else should do the planning this time, the last few thousand flood obvioulsy did not clean house properly....just saying.

And if HE created humanity in HIS image, well, what does that say about HIMSELF?
He's not going to flood the whole world, just little pieces of it. I know this because He promised and put rainbows in the sky. So we don't have to worry about that, just all the other plagues and curses. Do you need any earthquake insurance? Or, how about stars crashing into the Earth insurance?


The Lost One
I believe that I'd be perfectly safe if there were to be any future global flood...I got a pretty good umbrella. :D


Atheist Triple Goddess
He's not going to flood the whole world, just little pieces of it. I know this because He promised and put rainbows in the sky. So we don't have to worry about that, just all the other plagues and curses. Do you need any earthquake insurance? Or, how about stars crashing into the Earth insurance?

I got the insurance angle covered, thanks. Seems it's time to look into otherworld real estate. I sort of like the Mars idea--we could just build a couple of biospheres with the insurance money. How's the asteroid problem on Mars? Any idea?

I believe that I'd be perfectly safe if there were to be any future global flood...I got a pretty good umbrella. :D

Umbrella, indeed?!? I am working on getting a yacht with satellite reception. :angel2:


The Lost One
shawn001 said:
Just FYI

Comparison of the Babylonian
and Noachian flood stories


I have only just read the link you have provided.

As interesting as the webpage or article was, it only referred to the Babylonian version of the 1st millennium BCE, tablets (referring to the Epic of Gilgamesh) were found in the Library of Nineveh.

These tablets from Nineveh (Tablet I is missing) formed the most complete epic (of Gilgamesh) we have which is generally known as the Standard Babylonian Version (SBV). Tablet XI is largely undamaged and contained Uta-napishtim's deluge story.

However, the Epic of Gilgamesh and the Babylonian story has far longer history and tradition than the Genesis version. And it is far popular in the entire Near East, where tablets have been found east and west of Babylonia, including in Canaan/Palestine.

I can see quite clearly that the article failed to mention older tablets (older than the SBV), that dated back in the Middle Babylonian period, Old Babylonian period and the earliest of them all, Sumerian period.

I have mentioned these older versions, back in post 333, in reply to Dubio's query about the Epic of Gilgamesh, when Uta-napishtim was called Atrahasis in Akkadian and Old Babylonian versions, and Ziusudra in Sumerian legend.

That article failed to mention Atrahasis or Ziusudra. It also failed to mention reference to the Flood and Gilgames (or Bilgames) as he was called in the Death of Gilgames in one of 5 Sumerian poems. The article author also failed to mention flood story that were independent to the Gilgamesh legend, in the Sumerian Eridu Genesis and the Akkadian Epic of Atrahasis. The article only concentrated on 650 BCE version.

Did the author left out these important details about older tablets deliberately, so he can say the Genesis than the myth of Ziusudra/Atrahasis/Uta-napishtim? Why didn't the author mention Sumerian-Akkadian versions?

The only thing it did say is this:

Noah's ark and the flood: Comparison of the Babylonian and Noachian flood stories said:
Which Came First Noah or Ut-Napishtim?

The Babylonian tablets which contain the full story of the flood have been dated circa 650 BCE. However, portions of the story have been found on tablets from about 2000 BCE. A study of the language used in the tablets indicates that the story originated much earlier than 2000 BCE.
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The Lost One
CG Didymus said:
Actually, I love the History Channel. I can't believe you guys blaspheme against them. I take everything they say as literal, infallible truth. Now take it back. I don't care how many "facts" you think you have, I know in my heart and I have faith that all their programming is inerrant and inspired.

I don't like many of the recent documentaries, especially from the History Channel. Frequently these shows have re-enactment or dramatization. I actually started a thread on this very topic, some times last year. Here it is:
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CG Didymus

Veteran Member
I got the insurance angle covered, thanks. Seems it's time to look into otherworld real estate. I sort of like the Mars idea--we could just build a couple of biospheres with the insurance money. How's the asteroid problem on Mars? Any idea?
Umbrella, indeed?!? I am working on getting a yacht with satellite reception. :angel2:
Venus might be a better bet. I knew some New Age people that reincarnated here to help us bring in the Age of Aquarius. I think they might have gone back, but they said it was very pleasant there. If, by chance, you're planning on riding out the storm here on Earth, my I suggest you get a hold of John Cusack and go where ever he goes. Or, just give in and get born-again. Would it be that bad to get raptured and go live with Jesus in heaven? I play a little guitar, learning to play a harp can't be that much harder.

Hey and Gnostic, I've got History Channel 2 on right now. They're doing Robin Hood. I hear they're going to do the Bible soon. I wonder when God wrote his book if he didn't spice it up a bit too. I wonder what the real story was like without all the dramatization? I guess God figured he needed it for the ratings. But you know, I was just thinking, how dumb was God in the first place. He tries to get rid of the evil on the Earth by flooding the whole thing? Why didn't he just kill the devil, the father of all lies and evil? Or, is the devil under contract to keep tormenting and tempting people until the end?


Atheist Triple Goddess
Venus might be a better bet. I knew some New Age people that reincarnated here to help us bring in the Age of Aquarius. I think they might have gone back, but they said it was very pleasant there. If, by chance, you're planning on riding out the storm here on Earth, my I suggest you get a hold of John Cusack and go where ever he goes. Or, just give in and get born-again. Would it be that bad to get raptured and go live with Jesus in heaven? I play a little guitar, learning to play a harp can't be that much harder.

Thanks for the tip re Venus. I thought that maybe I should justgo all the way and stay moving. Why settle on a planet when you can experience the multiverses till you die.

The rapture/born again thing is too involved. I would have to deal with control freak zealots and they have a tendency to be rather loud and dramatic.

Also, heaven is kind of iffy. I don't think I want to hang out with those who actually want to go to heaven and scheme and manipulate to get there. I don't do that whole sanctimonious thing any too well. Hell sounds like more fun.


Coincidentia oppositorum
Would it have been possible to find enough material to build Noah's Ark? When another early supership was built, the Great Michael (completed in Scotland in 1511) it was said to have consumed "all the woods of Fife". Fife was a county in Scotland famous for its shipbuilding. The Great Michael's timber had to be purchased and imported not only from other parts of Scotland, but also from France, the Baltic Sea, and from a large number of cargo ships from Norway. Yet at 73 meters, she was only about half the length of Noah's Ark. Clearly a ship twice the length of the Great Michael, and larger in all other dimensions, would have required many times as much timber. It's never been clearly stated exactly where Noah's Ark is said to have been built, but it would have been somewhere in Mesopotamia, probably along either the Tigris or Euphrates rivers. This area is now Iraq, which has never been known for its abundance of shipbuilding timber.
That explains the Sahara desert.