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Another irrefutable proof that God created all things using mathematical induction. And a proof that The Bible is the word of God.


Admiral Obvious
Here is just one and you fulfill it all the time.

8 And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming:
9 Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,
10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.
11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:
12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
2 Thess 2:8-12
A fulfilled prophecy.

Sadly it is yourself who has fulfilled it.
Though it is not the least bit surprising that the only fulfilled prophecy is about you.
I mean, you have been accusing others of your sins for quite some time.


Well-Known Member
A fulfilled prophecy.

Sadly it is yourself who has fulfilled it.
Though it is not the least bit surprising that the only fulfilled prophecy is about you.
I mean, you have been accusing others of your sins for quite some time.
Amazing how unbelievers are now "believers" of the Holy Bible. Of course, it is yiu. More circular reasoning and fulfilling dozens of Biblical prophecies.

If you believe the redshift con job, the universe, space itself, has been expanding a lot less than the speed of light for billions of years. And even the space where the most distant galaxies exist, is expanding less than the speed of light and they were the earliest.

It is a failure of the Big Bang model. The size of the universe is supposedly 94 billion light years, and the universe is supposedly 13.7 billion years old. The universe, and thus space itself, is expanding at a rate less the speed of light. The space itself is expanding less that the speed of light. How could the universe be 7x larger in light years than its age? In 13.7 billion years it should have expanded less than 13.7 billion light years vs 94 billion light years.

In fact, many are now finding irrefutable proof that the redshift theory is false, that the universe is not expanding at all, and that there was no Big Bang. Many are refuting the Big Bang, and they are not just YEC scientists.


Admiral Obvious
Amazing how unbelievers are now "believers" of the Holy Bible. Of course, it is yiu. More circular reasoning and fulfilling dozens of Biblical prophecies.

If you believe the redshift con job, the universe, space itself, has been expanding a lot less than the speed of light for billions of years. And even the space where the most distant galaxies exist, is expanding less than the speed of light and they were the earliest.

It is a failure of the Big Bang model. The size of the universe is supposedly 94 billion light years, and the universe is supposedly 13.7 billion years old. The universe, and thus space itself, is expanding at a rate less the speed of light. The space itself is expanding less that the speed of light. How could the universe be 7x larger in light years than its age? In 13.7 billion years it should have expanded less than 13.7 billion light years vs 94 billion light years.

In fact, many are now finding irrefutable proof that the redshift theory is false, that the universe is not expanding at all, and that there was no Big Bang. Many are refuting the Big Bang, and they are not just YEC scientists.
More of Satans will spilling freely from you.
Perhaps you should get that looked at?


Lightly seared on the reality grill.
What was the first living thing made of? Was it DNA? Was it RNA? Was it just proteins? Was it some mix?
What was its code? How many amino acids did it have? When did it come into being?
Repeating questions that have already been addressed endless times already is hilarious and only shows how afraid you are of facing up to real debate.


Veteran Member

It Aint Necessarily So

Veteran Member
Premium Member
So all logic has been ignored so that you can keep your circular reasoning going.
How would you know? You're like somebody who has never learned the rules of addition criticizing the work of somebody adding. How would he know where a mistake has been made?
So now all sequences work? Prove that.
You don't get compelling, evidenced argument because you wouldn't know what to do with one, meaning it could have no impact on you. You're unprepared. You'd have to learn valid reasoning first, and you're far from there. You might start by learning what a circular argument is.
What was the cause of the Big Bang and where did the fist living creature come from?
IANS prophecy fulfilled again.
Here is just one and you fulfill it all the time.

8 And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming:
9 Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,
10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.
11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:
12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
2 Thess 2:8-12
As others have already noted, that describes you. It's you consumed by "the spirit of his mouth," not the unbelievers, who disregard what allegedly comes from that mouth.

Notice how much better my prophecies are than that one. A strong prophecy is specific and predicts something unlikely or unexpected. Biblical prophecy does neither. My prophecies predict the obvious like biblical prophecy, but mine are specific. The provide the who, what, where, and when in enough detail that a person can come to any of your threads at any time and see you post words that have been predicted, words like "evolution and billions of years."

Of course, scientific prophecy trumps us both, as it is specific like mine, but predicts unexpected things rather than the expected thinks like your posting and that there will be scoffers at your religion who resist your "truth." Every cult predicts that, and yes, a cult is just a small religion that hasn't gained enough popularity and cultural influence to be called a religion yet. They're all generally disapproved of for their methods and messages, like Scientology.

Nice god, by the way. You have no way to know that it didn't send you a "strong delusion, that [you] should believe a lie: That [you] might be damned." All you know is that it is willing to do that to a person. What would it look like to inject somebody with a vexatious evil spirit? How would that affect his thinking and behavior? Such a person might seem troubled unto distraction, unable to find peace.

And of course, pleasure is disparaged.
Amazing how unbelievers are now "believers" of the Holy Bible.
Here's an example of poor reasoning now. You shouldn't conclude that anybody telling you that those words describe you believes the book they come from.
I guess you might want to tell God that when you stand before Him
That's for you and others who believe what you do to worry about. This is from atheist firebrand Pat Condell:

"It must be quite galling for religious people to see atheists like me going about their business without a shred of guilt or self-loathing, and not in the least inclined to pray or to do penance of any kind, and not in the slightest bit worried about any form of eternal punishment. I have to admit if I was religious, I'd probably think to myself: "How come I've got all this weight on my shoulders while these bums are getting a free ride?"


Well-Known Member
How .....
Just hogwash.

What was the first living creature and what features did it have?
What was the first living creature's offspring and what features did it have? Repeat for the next 10 generations.
What caused the Big Bang? What was there before it and before that?
Why can't you answer my many origin questions?
Have you met my challenge yet?
Can you refute my many infallible proofs that the Bible is the word of God and evolution and billions of years are lie?
What do you think about the attack on Israel? That is several Biblical prophecies being fulfilled in exact detail and timing.
The Bible describes the great heat needed to dissolve the universe. – 2 Pet 3
That is advanced science from the Bible before that was discovered in modern time.

What does your circular reasoning tell you and will you fulfill many prophecies?

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
What you said was simply untrue. Anybody can check that the expansion of the universe is not measured as a speed and hence the assertion that it is less than the speed of light is false.
I am betting that he has a problem with the concepts of velocity and acceleration too.


Well-Known Member
What you said was simply untrue. Anybody can check that the expansion of the universe is not measured as a speed and hence the assertion that it is less than the speed of light is false.
The rate of the expansion is measured and is less than the speed of light. So the Big Bang is false.

The redshift theory is already falsified by certain observations too,

It Aint Necessarily So

Veteran Member
Premium Member
The rate of the expansion is measured and is less than the speed of light.
Using the science that you like to argue with that which you don't? If you think you know something about those things, you didn't get it from a holy book.

The Bible writers knew nothing about a universe that expands. Nor did they know that light has a speed. They didn't even know where the rain came from. Do you? Spoiler: it's not from a reserve of water above a dome with vents in it. If you know that, you're doing better than your forebears, but not as well as your contemporaries who have put the book down and walked away from it.

So the Big Bang is false.
Only inside your creationist bubble. Out here, it's Genesis that's been falsified, in part by the Big Bang theory.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
The rate of the expansion is measured and is less than the speed of light. So the Big Bang is false.

The redshift theory is already falsified by certain observations too,
You keep confirming that you cannot do even simple math.

Do you want to go over the mathematical concepts involved?

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
What caused the Big Bang and where did the fine tuned orderly laws of nature come from?
You have now conceded the debate on evolution, billions of years, and abiogenesis. That is what you do when you move the goal posts.

Here is the problem. You are assuming "fine tuning". That is a claim. It is not a fact. Fine tuning itself assumes that things could have been different.

One argument that fails now is the expansion rate of the Big Bang. I cannot do the math, not even close, but I can link you to someone that can. And astrophysicists have done the math. The solution to the expansion tells us what rate it had to expand at. There was no "fine tuning" there. They do understand that number. I don't. But just because I do not understand something, and definitely just because you do not understand almost anything, does not mean that there are not those that do understand.

At any rate if you want to claim "fine tuning" you need to do more than just show numbers. You have to be able to prove that it could be something else.


Well-Known Member
You have now conceded the debate on evolution, billions of years, and abiogenesis. That is what you do when you move the goal posts.

Here is the problem. You are assuming "fine tuning". That is a claim. It is not a fact. Fine tuning itself assumes that things could have been different.

One argument that fails now is the expansion rate of the Big Bang. I cannot do the math, not even close, but I can link you to someone that can. And astrophysicists have done the math. The solution to the expansion tells us what rate it had to expand at. There was no "fine tuning" there. They do understand that number. I don't. But just because I do not understand something, and definitely just because you do not understand almost anything, does not mean that there are not those that do understand.

At any rate if you want to claim "fine tuning" you need to do more than just show numbers. You have to be able to prove that it could be something else.
Now you are so entrapped by circular reasoning, you are having imaginary conversations with yourself.

Continental drift cannot have raised the mountain ranges of the Earth, This further shows that the rock layers were not formed through Uniformitarianism . Furthermore, the continents would have been eroded considerably if evolution and billions of years were true,

The rock layer ages are assumed by the science of Uniformitarianism. But an analysis of the rock layers shows they were laid down by a worldwide flood which is recorded in history at about 4500 years ago. The fossils are dated by the rock layers they are in. So that is circular reasoning which is proven false. So almost all rock layers must have been laid down about 4500 years ago, further proven evolution to be a delusion

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Now you are so entrapped by circular reasoning, you are having imaginary conversations with yourself.

Continental drift cannot have raised the mountain ranges of the Earth, This further shows that the rock layers were not formed through Uniformitarianism . Furthermore, the continents would have been eroded considerably if evolution and billions of years were true,

The rock layer ages are assumed by the science of Uniformitarianism. But an analysis of the rock layers shows they were laid down by a worldwide flood which is recorded in history at about 4500 years ago. The fossils are dated by the rock layers they are in. So that is circular reasoning which is proven false. So almost all rock layers must have been laid down about 4500 years ago, further proven evolution to be a delusion
Regardless of what your lying source says we can demonstrate that mountains were built by plate tectonics.

Why do you trust Liars For Jesus that cannot manage to even get their nonsense past peer review?

How weak do you think that Jesus is? You seem to think that he needs people to lie for him.

In other words, you not only call your own god a liar. You also say that he is so weak that you have to have people who lie for him.


Admiral Obvious
Now you are so entrapped by circular reasoning, you are having imaginary conversations with yourself.
I tend to agree with you here.
Seeing as you have not contributed to anything remotely resembling a conversation but still chase your own tail is why you are stuck in an ever repeating circular cycle.

So yes, it is much likened to have a conversation with ones self when the other participant refuses to actually participate and instead keeps running in circles repeating the same thoroughly refuted nonsense in a sad attempt to convince themselves they are correct.
Sadly, I conclude that you just aren't able to convince yourself and will forever be stuck in an infinite loop.