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Another irrefutable proof that God created all things using mathematical induction. And a proof that The Bible is the word of God.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
The redshift theory has been found false and that means there was no Big Bang. Why anyone would listen to a Catholic priest about origins is crazy.

If you can only find garbage sources it tells us that your ideas are garbage.

Try to find a reliable source.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member


Admiral Obvious
I don't think that he moved the goalpost. He is simply reading headlines and posting articles. He seems to think that is a valid debating technique.

Too bad that he does not realize that one needs to read the articles and be able to understand them to use them as sources..
they moved the goal post when they switched from the link you quoted to a completely different source.


Veteran Member
So what? You have just taken the worst defeat in all of history.

How does this help your religious beliefs? Where is the evidence that your interpretation of Genesis is true? How come all you do is try to poke holes in science, but offer no evidence that your belief of a 6000 year old earth is valid? Even if all of science was wrong it doesn't mean your religious belief is true. You need to show us your view is correct, but you don't. It's as if you know it's fraud.


Well-Known Member
How does this help your religious beliefs? Where is the evidence that your interpretation of Genesis is true? How come all you do is try to poke holes in science, but offer no evidence that your belief of a 6000 year old earth is valid? Even if all of science was wrong it doesn't mean your religious belief is true. You need to show us your view is correct, but you don't. It's as if you know it's fraud.
I already have provided several infallible proofs that evolution and billions of years are false, and that God created all things in 6 days about 6000 years ago. One of them used MI, another one used the law of non contradiction.
I also gave a challenge that no one has yet met.
I have gave many questions which show that evolution and billions of years are false.
I showed the circular reasoning which has misled the believers in evolution and billions of years.
I proved that the Bible is the true word of God, and it’s corollary that God created all things is 6 days about 6000 years ago.
This was done by all the predictions of the Bible coming true with exact detail and exact timing, predictEd about 2000 to 3500 years ago, with you keep fulfilling. I also showed that the Bible has advanced scientific knowledge in it that has only been discovered in modern times.

Here are even more evidence against the Big Bang and evolution.



Veteran Member
I already have provided several infallible proofs that evolution and billions of years are false, and that God created all things in 6 days about 6000 years ago. One of them used MI, another one used the law of non contradiction.
You have claimed yourself infallible in your interpretation of the Bible. You haven't shown us any evidence that anything you claim is true. You might be easily convinced, but we are critical thinkers and require actual evidence and reasoning. You fail to provide adequate evidence because your standards are too low.
I also gave a challenge that no one has yet met.
You continue to state this falsehood.
I have gave many questions which show that evolution and billions of years are false.
I showed the circular reasoning which has misled the believers in evolution and billions of years.
I proved that the Bible is the true word of God, and it’s corollary that God created all things is 6 days about 6000 years ago.
This was done by all the predictions of the Bible coming true with exact detail and exact timing, predictEd about 2000 to 3500 years ago, with you keep fulfilling. I also showed that the Bible has advanced scientific knowledge in it that has only been discovered in modern times.
More claims, no evidence. I've asked you many questions that you ignore, like why your God created a world with cancers that kill children. That must really annoy you since it is a serious question that goes again what you believe your God stands for. Yet you know cancers kill children. And you believe your God does it, and doesn't stop it happening.


Well-Known Member
You have claimed yourself infallible in your interpretation of the Bible. You haven't shown us any evidence that anything you claim is true. You might be easily convinced, but we are critical thinkers and require actual evidence and reasoning. You fail to provide adequate evidence because your standards are too low.

You continue to state this falsehood.

More claims, no evidence. I've asked you many questions that you ignore, like why your God created a world with cancers that kill children. That must really annoy you since it is a serious question that goes again what you believe your God stands for. Yet you know cancers kill children. And you believe your God does it, and doesn't stop it happening.
Hogwash and rubbish from your circular reasoning unjustified reaction.

What was the first living creature and what features did it have?
What was its code?
What caused the Big Bang and where did the fine tuned and orderly laws of nature come from?
What was the first living thing and the first 10 generations of offspring ?

The findings from the James Webb Telescope show that the redshift theory is false, which shows the expansion is false and the Big Bang is also false.
Many Corollaries then are false and others are shown to be true. Evolution, billions of years, abiogenesis, rock layer and fossil dating, and Uniformitarianism are all false. That God created all things in 6 days about 6000 years ago, and the worldwide flood about 4500 years ago are all proven to be true. So here is a recap.

I already have provided several infallible proofs that evolution and billions of years are false, and that God created all things in 6 days about 6000 years ago. One of them used MI, another one used the law of non contradiction.
I also gave a challenge that no one has yet met.
I have gave many questions which show that evolution and billions of years are false.
I showed the circular reasoning which has misled the believers in evolution and billions of years.
I proved that the Bible is the true word of God, and it’s corollary that God created all things is 6 days about 6000 years ago.
This was done by all the predictions of the Bible coming true with exact detail and exact timing, predictEd about 2000 to 3500 years ago, with you keep fulfilling. I also showed that the Bible has advanced scientific knowledge in it that has only been discovered in modern times.

Here are even more evidence against the Big Bang and evolution. The Bible had it right all along. In the beginnin, God created the heavens and the Earth. - Genesis 1:1

Carbon-14 dating dinosaur bones

Plate Tectonics: too weak to build mountains

Big Bang Failures Reach the Breaking Point – CEH


Webb telescope solidly refutes Big Bang theory « Economics Job Market Rumors

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
I already have provided several infallible proofs that evolution and billions of years are false, and that God created all things in 6 days about 6000 years ago. One of them used MI, another one used the law of non contradiction.
I also gave a challenge that no one has yet met.
I have gave many questions which show that evolution and billions of years are false.
I showed the circular reasoning which has misled the believers in evolution and billions of years.
I proved that the Bible is the true word of God, and it’s corollary that God created all things is 6 days about 6000 years ago.
This was done by all the predictions of the Bible coming true with exact detail and exact timing, predictEd about 2000 to 3500 years ago, with you keep fulfilling. I also showed that the Bible has advanced scientific knowledge in it that has only been discovered in modern times.

Here are even more evidence against the Big Bang and evolution.

LOL!! You don't know what is and is not evidence. Remember how you repeatedly ran away from discussions on the topic?

At best you are demonstrating gullibility.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Hogwash and rubbish from your circular reasoning unjustified reaction.

What was the first living creature and what features did it have?
What was its code?
What caused the Big Bang and where did the fine tuned and orderly laws of nature come from?
What was the first living thing and the first 10 generations of offspring ?

The findings from the James Webb Telescope show that the redshift theory is false, which shows the expansion is false and the Big Bang is also false.
Many Corollaries then are false and others are shown to be true. Evolution, billions of years, abiogenesis, rock layer and fossil dating, and Uniformitarianism are all false. That God created all things in 6 days about 6000 years ago, and the worldwide flood about 4500 years ago are all proven to be true. So here is a recap.

I already have provided several infallible proofs that evolution and billions of years are false, and that God created all things in 6 days about 6000 years ago. One of them used MI, another one used the law of non contradiction.
I also gave a challenge that no one has yet met.
I have gave many questions which show that evolution and billions of years are false.
I showed the circular reasoning which has misled the believers in evolution and billions of years.
I proved that the Bible is the true word of God, and it’s corollary that God created all things is 6 days about 6000 years ago.
This was done by all the predictions of the Bible coming true with exact detail and exact timing, predictEd about 2000 to 3500 years ago, with you keep fulfilling. I also showed that the Bible has advanced scientific knowledge in it that has only been discovered in modern times.

Here are even more evidence against the Big Bang and evolution. The Bible had it right all along. In the beginnin, God created the heavens and the Earth. - Genesis 1:1

Carbon-14 dating dinosaur bones

Plate Tectonics: too weak to build mountains

Big Bang Failures Reach the Breaking Point – CEH


Webb telescope solidly refutes Big Bang theory « Economics Job Market Rumors
And you forgot how I refuted your C14 dating nonsense.


Veteran Member
Assuming this is correct

It's not.

Do you think that science will let this corrective information adjust other determinations?
Science literally makes progress by correcting its theories in light of new evidence. It's not a bug or a weakness. It is instead a feature and its very strength.
The problem here however, is that he gets all his intel from invalid, unscientific sources.

He gets his intel from pseudo-science sites, dogmatic religious sites, pathological liars, unqualified sensation controversy seeking media opinion pieces, etc.

Any proper scientific source will tell you that this is all nonsense.


Lightly seared on the reality grill.
What a surprise!

Hey, @SavedByTheLord, here's a handy calculator. I've entered the speed of light at it tells you what distance it will apply at:

The Big Bang has been disproved yet again, It just went KABOOM!!!!!
Well there's a massive non sequitur.

I just showed you, yet again, that your claims that the universe is expanding at less than light speed was wrong and represented a total misunderstanding of the theory.

This is so often the case with science deniers, they cannot deal with the real theories, so they make up straw men. You'll find the same sort of thing on pretty much every creationist site. It just emphasises their dishonesty and lack or regard for telling the truth.


Veteran Member
They are all reliable. Do you believe this site has idiots?

That is indeed a proper site. Unsurprisingly, it doesn't at all agree with your nonsense and in fact explains where your invalid sources are in the wrong.
You didn't read the article, did you?

Here are a few quotes for you to enjoy:

But those surprising results were based on one particular method for measuring the redshift — a method that isn’t all that accurate.
In a follow-up paper submitted for publication and appearing on the preprint arXiv, a pair of astronomers compared two dozen photometric redshifts with the redshifts obtained by a more accurate method: spectroscopy.

The researchers found that in their sample almost all photometric redshifts were biased to be higher than the spectroscopic ones. In other words, the rough estimate produced a redshift that was almost always higher than the true redshift.
This is not a new phenomenon, researchers pointed out. In fact, it’s something the great astronomer Sir Arthur Eddington first pointed out in 1913 in the context of surveys of distant stars.

In other words... it's been known since 1913 that this method of measuring redshift was innaccurate for larger distances.
So .... this means that this nonsense you are spewing all over the forum uses misunderstandings that have been known to be problematic for more then a century.

Remember my impeccable perfect track record of predictive capability?
Let's prove once again that I am the absolute king of prediction.

I predict that you will ignore all this and simply continue to spew the very same mistakes all over these boards (and probably beyond).

Go ahead. Prove to us all how accurate my predictions are.