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Another irrefutable proof that God created all things using mathematical induction. And a proof that The Bible is the word of God.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
So you do not believe in the radioactive decay of C-14?
Why are even isochrons inaccurate and so are so many other “clocks”?
I know .
Of course, C14 is a valid technique. When done correctly. But once again, you had idiots and liars running an experiment. Is it any wonder that they got it wrong.

I told you what you would expect to see if all of the dinosaur fossils were due to your mythical flood. Their numbers do not agree with that. I told you what it would look like if it was due to contamination caused by sloppy methodology. And those numbers look exactly like that.

And you really should not mimic terms that you do not understand.


Veteran Member
Hogwash and rubbish from your circular reasoning unjustified reaction.
Do you not realize cancers kill children? Are you in denial that cancer exists? You stated that your God created everything and that inclides cancers and Satan, so when you blame Satan you are really blaming your God.

If you try to deflect blame then your God must not have known the outcomes of what it created, so not onmipresent. So how can there be prophesies? You started these threads, and you claim it's all God at work, but then you want to evade what your God created, and how it affects humans.
What was the first living creature and what features did it have?
What was its code?
What caused the Big Bang and where did the fine tuned and orderly laws of nature come from?
What was the first living thing and the first 10 generations of offspring ?

The findings from the James Webb Telescope show that the redshift theory is false, which shows the expansion is false and the Big Bang is also false.
Many Corollaries then are false and others are shown to be true. Evolution, billions of years, abiogenesis, rock layer and fossil dating, and Uniformitarianism are all false. That God created all things in 6 days about 6000 years ago, and the worldwide flood about 4500 years ago are all proven to be true. So here is a recap.

I already have provided several infallible proofs that evolution and billions of years are false, and that God created all things in 6 days about 6000 years ago. One of them used MI, another one used the law of non contradiction.
I also gave a challenge that no one has yet met.
I have gave many questions which show that evolution and billions of years are false.
I showed the circular reasoning which has misled the believers in evolution and billions of years.
I proved that the Bible is the true word of God, and it’s corollary that God created all things is 6 days about 6000 years ago.
This was done by all the predictions of the Bible coming true with exact detail and exact timing, predictEd about 2000 to 3500 years ago, with you keep fulfilling. I also showed that the Bible has advanced scientific knowledge in it that has only been discovered in modern times.

Here are even more evidence against the Big Bang and evolution. The Bible had it right all along. In the beginnin, God created the heavens and the Earth. - Genesis 1:1

Carbon-14 dating dinosaur bones

Plate Tectonics: too weak to build mountains

Big Bang Failures Reach the Breaking Point – CEH


Webb telescope solidly refutes Big Bang theory « Economics Job Market Rumors
More of your nonsense questions and invalid sources. You know you are being deceptive. Explain why.


Well-Known Member
Do you not realize cancers kill children? Are you in denial that cancer exists? You stated that your God created everything and that inclides cancers and Satan, so when you blame Satan you are really blaming your God.

If you try to deflect blame then your God must not have known the outcomes of what it created, so not onmipresent. So how can there be prophesies? You started these threads, and you claim it's all God at work, but then you want to evade what your God created, and how it affects humans.

More of your nonsense questions and invalid sources. You know you are being deceptive. Explain why.
The fall due to the sin of mankind has produced death and disease and it is heart breaking.

But compared to everlasting life, it is still not eternal.

The following is just a sketch of what happens for a DNA/RNA based creature to make just a single protein. It is purely mind boggling how amazing and complex and yet how efficient it is. And of course, if you have had any Advanced Biology course, you would have studied was mor than this site describes because it only describes one function of living creatures, although one of the fundamental functions. It is one of the greatest proofs ever that God Almighty exists and created all things, which leads to the corollary that the Bible is the true word of God, and that God created all things in 6 days about 6000 years ago, and that the theory of evolution and billions of years is a lie. It also shows another proof of these facts because how can anyone who sees such an amazing thing ever think it came from natural processes. This delusion comes from the great deceiver.

From RNA to Protein - Molecular Biology of the Cell - NCBI Bookshelf

The folding of proteins could have never evolved.



Veteran Member
The fall due to the sin of mankind has produced death and disease and it is heart breaking
Your God designed the Fall. Your God created Satan. Your God knew what it was doing, and that includes children dying of cancer and defects. Your God does nothing to stop it. Explain.
But compared to everlasting life, it is still not eternal.
What makes you think you measure up? Look at all the false claims you make.


Well-Known Member
Your God designed the Fall. Your God created Satan. Your God knew what it was doing, and that includes children dying of cancer and defects. Your God does nothing to stop it. Explain.

What makes you think you measure up? Look at all the false claims you make.
God made free will creatures and so all things happened do to that.
God is not a dictator.

How could even the smallest protein come into being?
The smallest in a person's body is 234 base pairs long. And that does not even consider all the molecules that hold the structure together. There would be about 5000 atoms in such a protein. Nor does it consider the folding that is needed fro the protein. Nor does it consider that there would be a protective structure surrounding it. Nor would it consider that there would be multiple copies of said protein and how could copies come into being.



Veteran Member
God made free will creatures and so all things happened do to that.
God is not a dictator.

How could even the smallest protein come into being?
The smallest in a person's body is 234 base pairs long. And that does not even consider all the molecules that hold the structure together. There would be about 5000 atoms in such a protein. Nor does it consider the folding that is needed fro the protein. Nor does it consider that there would be a protective structure surrounding it. Nor would it consider that there would be multiple copies of said protein and how could copies come intobeing.

Your God created a world that failed. If your God really wanted Eden to be permanent wouldn’t he have designed it to last?

Your God wanted the Fall and everything that happened afterwards. Your God created rules to follow, so don’t you think he would have created beings capable of being obedient? If God really wanted Adam and Eve to be obedient why tempt them? That’s because God is Satan. It was all designed to fail and collapse.


Well-Known Member
Your God created a world that failed. If your God really wanted Eden to be permanent wouldn’t he have designed it to last?

Your God wanted the Fall and everything that happened afterwards. Your God created rules to follow, so don’t you think he would have created beings capable of being obedient? If God really wanted Adam and Eve to be obedient why tempt them? That’s because God is Satan. It was all designed to fail and collapse.
God created people and angels that will live forever with free will and no sin.

If you were God how would you do it?


Veteran Member
God created people and angels that will live forever with free will and no sin.
Doesn’t that sound cheerful. Then why did God create the Fall? How much disease killed people? How many wars, many religious wars that Christians took part in? How many natural disasters that occur in your God’s world that kills innocent people? All this just so Christians can be saved? If so then salvation is built upon crimes against humanity, and seriously how can you benefit and feel comfortable?
If you were God how would you do it?
I asked you this and you didn’t answer.

I have the freedom and courage to do so. If I was God and created a world all animals and humans would be vegetarian. No animals preying on others and ripping them apart and eating while still alive. Humans suffer no diseases. I can accept aging and death coming quickly and painlessly. Death could be in conjunction with how a person lives, better eating habits and physical and emotional balance means longer life. Weather would be fairly comfortable with no extreme storms and floods. No earthquakes either. I would design human brains to be less emotional and more rational. This means humans wouldn’t be easily manipulated by promises that exploit fear and emotion, so no need for religious belief. Of course there would be no need for the evolutionary trait of fight or flight since there’s no predators, and humans wouldn’t suffer irrational beliefs as they do in our current evolved state, just like other animals.


Admiral Obvious
God created people and angels that will live forever with free will and no sin.

If you were God how would you do it?
Never really did understand the reasoning behind a being creating everything, then setting up a whole bunch of rules for their favored species to follow that he knew they could not follow, then blaming them for not following the rules, then sending himself as his son to save his favorite species for breaking the rules he set in place that he already knew they could not follow....

Seems a bit soap opera for me....


Well-Known Member
Never really did understand the reasoning behind a being creating everything, then setting up a whole bunch of rules for their favored species to follow that he knew they could not follow, then blaming them for not following the rules, then sending himself as his son to save his favorite species for breaking the rules he set in place that he already knew they could not follow....

Seems a bit soap opera for me....
God is Creator and makes the rules and judges all.
Yes no one cam keep the law, that is why Christ is Saviour.


Veteran Member
If you were God how would you do it?
For starters, I wouldn't play hide and seek and letting people fight and wage wars over "who has the right idea of god".
I wouldn't give vague and contradictory "rules" on how life should be lived.

And I certainly wouldn't make the universe and everything in it look as if I had nothing to do with it.

In short: I wouldn't troll my creation.


Well-Known Member
For starters, I wouldn't play hide and seek and letting people fight and wage wars over "who has the right idea of god".
I wouldn't give vague and contradictory "rules" on how life should be lived.

And I certainly wouldn't make the universe and everything in it look as if I had nothing to do with it.

In short: I wouldn't troll my creation.
Well I proved the Bible to be the word of God through several infallible proofs.

And all creation, especially living things show that God Almighty does indeed exist. And you are correct, God does not make it look like He has nothing to do with it. That is why God revealed His wisdom and judgments in the Bible.