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Answers these questions to see if you are a Good Person


Big Squishy Hugger
Premium Member
Have you ever lied?
Have you ever stolen anything?
Have you ever lusted after another person?
Have you ever coveted something owned by another person?
Have you ever used God’s name in vain?

Yes to all of them.

And if your God takes issue with the fact that even though I've asked for forgiveness from the people I have wronged from making mistakes in my life, that I am unworthy of being in heaven after I die, then I think somebody peed in his Cheerios and all he needs is a Big Squishy Hug to make him feel better. :rainbow1:


Well-Known Member
Have you ever lied?
Have you ever stolen anything?
Have you ever lusted after another person?
Have you ever coveted something owned by another person?
Have you ever used God’s name in vain?

Yes, to protect myself or my loved ones.
Yes, but only stuff out of my family's fridge. A couple of pieces of candy when I was like 5. Have never shoplifted though.
Yes, lust is how I was born.
Yes, it is what drives ambition.
Which God?

Ave Satanas.

Why do doing these things indicate that someone is bad?


Just me
Premium Member
Have you ever lied?
Have you ever stolen anything?
Have you ever lusted after another person?
Have you ever coveted something owned by another person?
Have you ever used God’s name in vain?
1. Yes.
2. Yes.
3. Yes.
4. Yes.
5. Yes.

I guess I'm a good person.


Higher and Higher
Have you ever lied?
Have you ever stolen anything?
Have you ever lusted after another person?
Have you ever coveted something owned by another person?
Have you ever used God’s name in vain?

Being a good person doesn't require that one never have done any of these things, but only that, if one has done some of these things, one understands that what one did was wrong, and regrets having done them, and has decided not to do them anymore.

Also, merely lusting for another person is not a sin, or even morally problematic-- at least, not as far as Judaism is concerned.

And we consider that it would be impossible at this point to use God's name in vain, because that commandment refers specifically to the four-letter name of God which no one knows how to pronounce. FWIW, it also refers specifically to using that name as witness in false oaths or blasphemous curses (not like cussing, but like literally directing a formal curse at God Himself).

I might also say that more important to being a good person is caring for the poor, trying to make society more just and fair for everyone, helping the helpless and the vulnerable, feeding the hungry, and housing the homeless.


Heretic and part-time (skinny) Santa impersonator
Have you ever lied?
Have you ever stolen anything?
Have you ever lusted after another person?
Have you ever coveted something owned by another person?
Have you ever used God’s name in vain?


Yes. (A candy bar when I was 6 yo).
Frequently. :)

I'm suppose then that I'm not a Good Person.

Thank you.

I never knew until today that was so...

*hangs head in shame*


.45 Cal
I never thought I'd find people as confident of their own righteosness as those found in the Christian church....that is until I finally started talking about the subject with everybody else


Premium Member
Jesus also said “Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels." :sorry1:

You totally missed the point of what I was saying. All those people mentioned in the Beatitudes were sinners- yet they were also blessed according to Jesus. You do notice that Jesus never asked anyone if they thought they were good or bad- and the only people He criticized were the religious upright- the "holier than thou" types who thought they were beyond reproach. He didn't condemn tax collectors, prostitutes, and all sorts of people the religious leaders of the time did condemn.

Man of Faith

Well-Known Member
He didn't condemn tax collectors, prostitutes, and all sorts of people the religious leaders of the time did condemn.

I'll take issue with this. He condemned everyone who wasn't born again. He told the woman in John 8 who was caught in adultery to "go and sin no more", which means that she was sinning. In Matthew 23 he told the religious leaders that they were “whitewashed tombs”, meaning they looked good on the outside but were corrupt sinners in the inside. In Luke 19 Jesus met the tax collector Zacchaeus who after meeting Jesus went and repaid all those that he stole from, showing a change of heart and that he was a sinner.
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Man of Faith

Well-Known Member
I never thought I'd find people as confident of their own righteosness as those found in the Christian church....that is until I finally started talking about the subject with everybody else

People in the Christian church should be confident in their righteousness as long as their righteousness doesn’t come from themselves. Maybe you can ask them where they get their confidence and righteousness from.
I'll take issue with this. He condemned everyone who wasn't born again.
Just as an aside, notice the choice of words Jesus used: "born again". I'm sure it was no accident that he used that particular terminology.

As we know, birth is not brought about by the one being born, but by the one giving birth. It makes no more sense to condemn a person for not being born again than it would to condemn them for not being born the first time. :) It's not up to the baby to induce labor -- that's the job of those delivering that baby.

If Jesus meant to convey personal responsibility in salvation, he would have found a better choice of words with which to express that, imo.



1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
Have you ever lied?
Have you ever stolen anything?
Have you ever lusted after another person?
Have you ever coveted something owned by another person?
Have you ever used God’s name in vain?

I've seen video of Ray Comfort playing this game before. He claims that if you've done something even once, then it defines you: if you've lied even once, then you're a liar; if you've stolen even once, then you're a thief.

So... have you ever wet the bed?


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
Interesting. :D

Indeed it is, and here's why: common effects suggest common causes. For example, if one lamp in my house doesn't work but the rest do, I'll usually assume that there's a problem with the bulb, or perhaps with that one lamp. However, if none of the lights in my house work, then I won't assume that every single bulb has burned out simultaneously - I'll assume it was something common to every light: my main breaker or a neighbourhood power failure, maybe.

So... you're suggesting that every single person without exception "doesn't work" according to the test that matters. Which do you think would make more sense?

- pin the blame on each individual person (i.e. the "assume all the bulbs burned out all at once" approach)

- look for something common to every single person (e.g. the inherent "design" of humanity put in place by our intelligent, all-powerful creator)

Which is more reasonable?


Wonder Woman
Indeed it is, and here's why: common effects suggest common causes. For example, if one lamp in my house doesn't work but the rest do, I'll usually assume that there's a problem with the bulb, or perhaps with that one lamp. However, if none of the lights in my house work, then I won't assume that every single bulb has burned out simultaneously - I'll assume it was something common to every light: my main breaker or a neighbourhood power failure, maybe.

So... you're suggesting that every single person without exception "doesn't work" according to the test that matters. Which do you think would make more sense?

- pin the blame on each individual person (i.e. the "assume all the bulbs burned out all at once" approach)

- look for something common to every single person (e.g. the inherent "design" of humanity put in place by our intelligent, all-powerful creator)

Which is more reasonable?

but...but...our intelligent, all-powerful creator could do no wrong...he's PURFICT. So it MUST be us. How could you even question that? :eek:


Premium Member
I'll take issue with this. He condemned everyone who wasn't born again. He told the woman in John 8 who was caught in adultery to "go and sin no more", which means that she was sinning. In Matthew 23 he told the religious leaders that they were “whitewashed tombs”, meaning they looked good on the outside but were corrupt sinners in the inside. In Luke 19 Jesus met the tax collector Zacchaeus who after meeting Jesus went and repaid all those that he stole from, showing a change of heart and that he was a sinner.

Let's just say that no one wants to be told they're bad by someone who isn't any better than they are. It was one thing for Jesus to criticize those religious people and to tell people to "sin no more", since, as Christians, we believe Him to be the Son of God. But everyone else is a human: You, me, Kirk Cameron, Ray Comfort, The Apostles, etc. Christians are supposed to be a witness, not go around telling people they are not good. We all need to take the log out our own eyes and not worry about the sliver in our brother's (or sister's) eye.


Sceptic, Libertarian, Egalitarian
Premium Member
Have you ever lied?
Have you ever stolen anything?
Have you ever lusted after another person?
Have you ever coveted something owned by another person?
Have you ever used God’s name in vain?


I guess I'm a good person then? :p