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Anti-immigrant rhetoric


Well-Known Member
Where do you see anything here about children being separated from their parents by US officials?

As you can easily find out, pre-Trump, children were only separated from their parents under unusual circumstances, namely if their parent or parents were being charged with certain crimes committed at the border (e.g. drug smuggling). Otherwise, children were not separated from their parents. Under Trump, separation of parents and their children became the norm, in some cases lasting months. No cogent system of keeping track of these kids was implemented, leading to all kinds of problems. Thousands of kids, including many infants and toddlers, were ‘detained’ in completely different locations.

Your response is to post some pictures of crowded rooms. Are you unable to understand how absurd that is?
You don't seem to understand - this is to protect children from being trafficked. When adults are illegally entering the country and they have children with them, you're making an assumption if you think that adults entering the country illegally are their parents; you don't know that they're their parents, and I'm not going to join you in making such an assumption, either.


My own religion
You don't seem to understand - this is to protect children from being trafficked. When adults are illegally entering the country and they have children with them, you're making an assumption if you think that adults entering the country illegally are their parents; you don't know that they're their parents, and I'm not going to join you in making such an assumption, either.

So they separate them in all cases?


Well-Known Member
You don't seem to understand - this is to protect children from being trafficked. When adults are illegally entering the country and they have children with them, you're making an assumption if you think that adults entering the country illegally are their parents; you don't know that they're their parents, and I'm not going to join you in making such an assumption, either.
You don’t see that you’re making an assumption here? Think about how strange it is to imagine I’m making an assumption by making your own assumption that all adults with children are not the parents of those children.

A blanket policy to separate all children, without any process to determine whose children they are, as a matter of course, without any coherent means to keep track of those kids, is in no way a reasonable measure. What data are you using to come to the conclusion that it is?


Well-Known Member
Americans breaking the law is no justification for illegal aliens to break the law, and I'm not a spokesperson for the Trump campaign; you'll have to ask them your questions about Trump.
What laws have they broken by presenting themselves for asylum on US territory which being on US territory is the prerequisite for claiming asylum?

Migrants presenting themselves at the border in Eagle Pass Texas.

Why there are lots running around, we can't process their claims due to a lack of judicial resources and under US law like the rest of us they are guaranteed due process. Resources to process these immigrants was a large part of the bill that Trump scuttled.

Also, I have to ask the question, does this collection of women, children and families look like a jail population or a mental asylum population to you?

We Never Know

No Slack
Also, I have to ask the question, does this collection of women, children and families look like a jail population or a mental asylum population to you?

I didn't realize you judge people by looks.

Who else do you judge by looks?
Black people.
Tattooed people
Over weight people?
Where do you stop?.

Does this guy look like a serial killer cannibal?


Maybe you should work for law enforcement since you can look at people and tell what they are.


Well-Known Member
You don't seem to understand - this is to protect children from being trafficked. When adults are illegally entering the country and they have children with them, you're making an assumption if you think that adults entering the country illegally are their parents; you don't know that they're their parents, and I'm not going to join you in making such an assumption, either.
We need to see some evidence of this actually occurring under the circumstances you are positing. trafficking of young single girls does happen and all to frequently, but the circumstances are not those of a family crossing together and the receiving traffickers are likely American citizens whether of Hispanic origin or not. You seem to have very much bought into Trump's conflation of many problems when in fact they are largely all separate enterprises. The drug importers do not use migrants, they use trucks with normal cargo, the traffickers don't steal girls from families at the border, they promise them jobs in the US in their home towns and then move them and so forth. Persons waiting for a court date in immigration court are not illegal though they generally are not allowed to work, but those that are working are very likely to have entered legally and overstayed their legal entrance but still using the government provided paperwork.
It ain't what Donald is pretending it is.


Well-Known Member
There’s a lot of space between ‘don’t trust everything’ and ‘I won’t read that because it’s CNN’. The first is taken as read, the second is the mindset of a cult member.

To me it's the mindset of a cult member when they continue to read & subscribe to propaganda, spin, and deception from discredited sources.

Ok, so give me a link to an article you think it misleading or deceptive, about Trump or some related topic.
I already gave you an example, but if you need an article, here you go:

Here's a video clip with that content and everything he said about it before & afterwards without any of that being edited out, ignored, or deleted:

Here are 2 different transcript sources:

Personally, I don't think either side are fine people; to me making a big deal one way or another about a Confederate statue is obnoxious. The ones who want it torn down are Democrats trying to erase history about the Democrat slave south; the ones who want it to remain are descendants of of the Democrat slave south who are proud of their ancestry.

Maybe I think it's stupid to make a big deal of it because I don't have a dog in that fight and I can't relate. My mother's from South America and my father's from Wilmington Delaware (which is also where I was born), a state that was with the abolitionist North during the Civil War; my understanding is that some of my ancestors served in the Union military.

We can see how the ‘skeptical’ mind of someone who considers Breitbart a reliable source works.
I don't trust Breitbart, either. I don't trust any mainstream media. If you want to try to refute the fact that Obama was putting children in cages before Trump became POTUS, go right ahead; I'd actually like to see you try.


My own religion

Here's a video clip with that content and everything he said about it before & afterwards without any of that being edited out, ignored, or deleted:

Here are 2 different transcript sources:


I don't trust Breitbart, either. I don't trust any mainstream media. If you want to try to refute the fact that Obama was putting children in cages before Trump became POTUS, go right ahead; I'd actually like to see you try.

So none of these 3 links are relevant as they are from mainstream media and thus you trust the links but you don't. :D


Well-Known Member
You’re going to need to explain (with some actual facts, data etc please) why you think American voters benefit from Trump referring to immigrants as sub-human.
You're engaging in defamation against me. I don't think American voters benefit from Trump referring to immigrants as sub-human.

My own mother's an immigrant from South America; are you saying that I think my own mother is sub-human?

Is there a reason you're associating immigrants with being sub-human? That's you doing this, not me.


Well-Known Member
You don’t see that you’re making an assumption here? Think about how strange it is to imagine I’m making an assumption by making your own assumption that all adults with children are not the parents of those children.

A blanket policy to separate all children, without any process to determine whose children they are, as a matter of course, without any coherent means to keep track of those kids, is in no way a reasonable measure. What data are you using to come to the conclusion that it is?
Strawman. I never claimed that none of the adults were the parents of the children who came with them.

You seem to have a reading comprehension or logic skill problem. Being unknown is not the same as not being, otherwise it would be known, which is a contradiction. This is rather basic logic.


My own religion
What do you mean "all cases"? What are all of the cases in question?

Some adults with children cross the border and are according to the laws placed in detention or whatever (don't nitpick the words, please) and the children are separated. Please explain further as per your post that it happens and explain how it happens to your knowledge.