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Antichrist Discussions ~ FFH ~


Veteran Member

The upshot of reading all your stuff to me is that you are weeks short of wearing a tin foil hat and wearing a hand-lettered sandwich board that says "REPUNT or be LUST!"

Do you discuss this all with your family and friends or are you doing it in dark corners?

You really need to get with people whom you feel have your best interests at heart and talk this all out, before you are drinking cyanide kool-aid somewhere.

Whatever, just because I speak out against the world, I'm a nut..

Makes no difference to me how you believe...just putting the info out there...

Many things we do in this life we justify, I do it too.


Veteran Member
What was that about the mouth of two or three witnesses?
Brigham Young spoke out against playing cads too, just need to find a link...

Poker playing cards are very Satanic and there's no reason to have them in the home...

Will find Another link...


Well-Known Member
Brigham Young spoke out against playing cads too, just need to find a link...

Poker playing cards are very Satanic and there's no reason to have them in the home...

Will find Another link...

you are aware that the only difference between a "Poker" deck and a "Bridge" deck is the dimensions of the cards--the Poker Deck is slightly larger than the bridge deck.



Not your average Mormon
It's My Birthday!
Scott, you do know, I hope, that you aren't talking to a "typical" Latter-day Saint. Please keep that in mind, and spare the rest of us the agony of having to observe this debacle.


Well-Known Member
Scott, you do know, I hope, that you aren't talking to a "typical" Latter-day Saint. Please keep that in mind, and spare the rest of us the agony of having to observe this debacle.


He needs some hlep--for real--very real. If people aren't reacting to what he posts in some way or other, he's going to feel even more alone and abandoned than he does. He'll be reduced to scrawling digital grafitti on virtual walls like the people in SOunds of Silence.



Veteran Member
Christ has said he would seperate the sheep from the goats, so what are you then if you're not a sheep...

I am a human being, who thinks for herself after careful consideration of what is presented to her along guidelines that have set out by her chosen denomination.

Like I quoted before, "Even the very elect will be deceived".

Do more research please. It is clear even by this statement that you do not know what you think you know on this subject. I've claimed a bit of knowledge because I heard it from the 'horse's mouth' on this subject. Arrogance doesn't fit you too well.

Okay, whatever you want to believe

I know facts, all you know is your 'opinion' on the subject. Like I said, please do more research before claiming what you think as fact is true.


Liebe ist für alle da
I'm wandering, what's next in line to be a Anti-Christ or of evil.

Martial Arts, I mean it teach about inner power and strength.
or maybe
Video Game.......

I mean come on really can you make up your on mind or must you do what others tell you.


Veteran Member
I'm wandering, what's next in line to be a Anti-Christ or of evil.

Martial Arts, I mean it teach about inner power and strength.
or maybe
Video Game.......

I mean come on really can you make up your on mind or must you do what others tell you.

No, it's actually Harry Potter. Didn't you know that? :rolleyes::D


Liebe ist für alle da
No, it's actually Harry Potter. Didn't you know that? :rolleyes::D

Oh that's right. I must have forgotten that because my mind is all corrupt from playing card, video game, and the Martial Arts, and other the other evil stuff I do.:cover:


Veteran Member
Oh that's right. I must have forgotten that because my mind is all corrupt from playing card, video game, and the Martial Arts, and other the other evil stuff I do.:cover:

Me too! :slap:

I guess I need to pray and repent! :shout


Veteran Member

He needs some hlep--for real--very real. If people aren't reacting to what he posts in some way or other, he's going to feel even more alone and abandoned than he does. He'll be reduced to scrawling digital grafitti on virtual walls like the people in SOunds of Silence.

Whatever, this is a religious forum and a boring one at that, let's talk...

Bridge and poker cards, of course they're the same, just used the term poker instead of playing cards to make sure I'm understood...

If I say playing cards it's not specific enough...

You're all welcome to put me on you ignore list and resume discussions on the same old boring things..

All I'm doing is attaching real faces and events onto well known scripture..

Wake up folks, it's all around, nothing apocolyptic, just everyday stuff that messes with peoples beliefs...

Just an average guy seeing things as they are not for what mowt believe them to be.....

Deception is so subtle and our adversary is well trained..

Don't worry, if you need to ignore me, it's fine with me...no worries here.


Veteran Member
I am a human being, who thinks for herself after careful consideration of what is presented to her along guidelines that have set out by her chosen denomination.
And I would say that you're an ordinary LDS member, but I'm not interested in being ordinary...
Do more research please. It is clear even by this statement that you do not know what you think you know on this subject. I've claimed a bit of knowledge because I heard it from the 'horse's mouth' on this subject. Arrogance doesn't fit you too well.
Sure John Lennon flip flopped concerning his beliefs, but before his death he had a definite opinion about what he believed.

I know facts, all you know is your 'opinion' on the subject. Like I said, please do more research before claiming what you think as fact is true.
I quoted his song entitled "God" and also gave a well known quote of John's.

You can choose to interprete it the way you want and I'll see it for what it is, a slap in the face of God...

"God is a concept, by which we can measure our pain, I'll say it again, God is a concept, by which we can measure our pain"
~John Lennon~

Just in case we didn't get it the first time...

I'll reinforce that quote with another.

Just a minute


Veteran Member
Sure John Lennon flip flopped concerning his beliefs, but before his death he had a definite opinion about what he believed.

And you definitely knew this opinion? :sarcastic I highly doubt this is the case. I will not trust anything from you on John Lennon because I already know your opinion of him and it is biased. You will present anything and everything in order to view him in the light you want to view him in, and 'anti-Christ' light.

"I believe in God, but not as one thing, not as an old man in the sky. I believe that what people call God is something in all of us. I believe that what Jesus and Mohammed and Buddha and all the rest said was right. It's just that the translations have gone wrong."

~John Lennon


Veteran Member
Another wonderful quote of John's I found

"People always got the image I was an anti-Christ or anti-religion. I'm not. I'm a most religious fellow. I was brought up a Christian and I only now understand some of the things that Christ was saying in those parables. Because people got hooked on the teacher and missed the message." - ~John Lennon


Veteran Member
I'm wandering, what's next in line to be a Anti-Christ or of evil.

Martial Arts, I mean it teach about inner power and strength.
or maybe
Video Game.......

I mean come on really can you make up your on mind or must you do what others tell you.
Nobody's dictating to me what to do, that's for sure...

Sure, if some marial arts teach that we have inner power and strength, this is clearly opposing Christ's teachings...

Christ is the source of our strength, we in and of ourselves can do nothing, we live because we have chosen to come to earth and be tested. Our very breath is lent to us every day...

Video games are obviously very messed up, I don't own or mess with them...

I remember buying Need For Speed 2, way back in the day, about 10 years ago and started noticing the stuff on the side of the road, like Buddhist temples and such, very subliminal, but effective, same went for the Microsoft Flight Simulator, things on the ground were very obviously trying to persuade one to believe a certain way..

Think I'm nuts, well the twin tower pilots used this same flight simulator to train themselves to handle a DC10 or a 757 or whatever they needed to fly...

I spent hours flying them myself and it quickly oriented mysef to the controls and the feel of a large aircraft and yes you could fly over the twin towers and get a feel for the distance and speed between land marks..

I had a spooky feeling about the simulator and returned it...

Later it was confirmed that these same simulators were used to train these terrorists..

It was weird there was something about the simulator that spooked me and could not keep it in the home, I can't remember exactly what it was, but it was something on the software that was not right..

Just very sensitive to these things that's all. Take it for what it's worth..

I throw out any things that seem to jump out at me and say "get rid of me"...

I have a profound peace in my life because of this...

You live your lives the way you want to, I'm just puting this stuff out there for someone who may need to hear it...

Just ignore me if you need to...


Veteran Member
I'm wandering, what's next in line to be a Anti-Christ or of evil.

Martial Arts, I mean it teach about inner power and strength.
or maybe
Video Game.......
Those are two obvious things which people use to push their ungodly beliefs onto others..

I mean come on really can you make up your on mind or must you do what others tell you.
I don't see anyone else here agreeing with my thoughts, so how can you say that another is dictating to me what to post here..

I post according to what is written in scripture, just puting a "face" on it...


Veteran Member
I remember buying Need For Speed 2, way back in the day, about 10 years ago and started noticing the stuff on the side of the road, like Buddhist temples and such, very subliminal, but effective, same went for the Microsoft Flight Simulator, things on the ground were very obviously trying to persuade one to believe a certain way..

So Need for Speed is going to make you Buddhist? Only if you let it, and you must not have any faith if that is what is happening. I own two Buddhist statues and one Hindu statue. They are sitting on my desk. On the wall in front of my desk in the Proclamation to the World and a picture of the First Vision. The statues aren't making me or trying to persuade me to believe anything. Something only has power if you let it.

Think I'm nuts, well the twin tower pilots used this same flight simulator to train themselves to handle a DC10 or a 757 or whatever they needed to fly...

Later it was confirmed that these same simulators were used to train these terrorists...

So a flight simulator is going to make you become a terrorist??? :areyoucra

It was weird there was something about the simulator that spooked me and could not keep it in the home, I can't remember exactly what it was, but it was something on the software that was not right..

Just very sensitive to these things that's all. Take it for what it's worth..

You aren't sensitive, your paranoid.

I throw out any things that seem to jump out at me and say "get rid of me"...

You ever think you are just talking to youself?

I have a profound peace in my life because of this....

And I've had peace in my life with playing cards, video games and John Lennon. So? Just because you can't handle those things, doesn't mean other people can't.

You all live you lives the way you want to, I'm just puting this stuff out there for someone who may need to hear it...

Preaching is more like it. :sarcastic


Veteran Member
Wow, found it...

Playing Cards
by W. John Walsh

Church leaders have counseled that Latter-day Saints do not use playing cards.

President Spencer W. Kimball taught:
"We hope faithful Latter-day Saints will not use the playing cards which are used for gambling, either with or without the gambling." (The Teachings of Spencer W. Kimball, p.355)​

President Joseph F. Smith taught:
"Card playing is a game of chance, and because it is a game of chance it has its tricks. It encourages tricks; its devotees measure their success at the table by their ability through devious and dark ways to win. It creates a spirit of cunning and devises hidden and secret means, and cheating at cards is almost synonymous with playing at cards. Again, cards have a bad reputation and they are the known companions of bad men. If no other reason existed for shunning the card table, its reputation alone should serve as a warning. It may be conceded that superb skill is often acquired in this game of chance, but this skill itself endangers the moral qualities of the possessor and leads him on to questionable practices. Such games as checkers and chess are games more of fixed rules whose application are open and freer from cunning devices. Such games do not intoxicate like cards and other games of chance." (Gospel Doctrine, p.331-332)​

President Heber J. Grant taught:
"By the way, I hear that card playing is becoming very, very popular, and that the Church must be in favor of card-playing, because the Church authorities never say anything against it. From the time I was a child and read the Juvenile Instructor, published for the benefit of the people, I have read nothing except condemnation of card-playing and the wasting of your time in doing something that brings no good, bodily, intellectually, or in any way, and sometimes leads your children to become gamblers, because they become expert card-players. The Church as a Church requests its members not to play cards. I hope you understand me, and I want you to know that I am speaking for the Church when I ask the people to let cards alone." (Gospel Standards, p.42)​

President Joseph Fielding Smith taught:
"Children should be encouraged in the home to read and be instructed in the value of good books and how to discriminate between the good and the bad in literature. It is far better for a home to be thus provided where the children can be entertained with a good, wholesome story than to more than waste their time playing cards—a habit that cannot too severely be condemned—or spending their time in poolhalls or upon the streets in company of evil associates…." (Doctrines of Salvation, Vol.3, p.204)​

Elder Bruce R. McConkie taught:
"President Joseph F. Smith has stated the position of the Church with reference to card playing in these words: "Card playing is an excessive pleasure; it is intoxicating and, therefore, in the nature of a vice. It is generally the companion of the cigaret and the wine glass, and the latter lead to the poolroom and the gambling hall. . . . Few indulge frequently in card playing in whose lives it does not become a ruling passion. . . . A deck of cards in the hands of a faithful servant of God is a satire upon religion. . . . Those who thus indulge are not fit to administer in sacred ordinances. . . . The bishops are charged with the responsibility for the evil, and it is their duty to see that it is abolished. . . . No man who is addicted to card playing should be called to act as a ward teacher; such men cannot be consistent advocates of that which they do not themselves practice.​

"The card table has been the scene of too many quarrels, the birthplace of too many hatreds, the occasion of too many murders to admit one word of justification for the lying, cheating spirit which it too often engenders in the hearts of its devotees. . . .​

"Card playing is a game of chance, and because it is a game of chance it has its tricks. It encourages tricks; its devotees measure their success at the table by their ability through devious and dark ways to win. It creates a spirit of cunning and devises hidden and secret means, and cheating at cards is almost synonymous with playing at cards." (Gospel Doctrine, 5th ed., pp. 328-332.)​

Members of the Church should not belong to bridge or other type of card clubs, and they should neither play cards nor have them in their homes. By cards is meant, of course, the spotted face cards used by gamblers. To the extent that church members play cards they are out of harmony with their inspired leaders. Innocent non-gambling games played with other types of cards, except for the waste of time in many instances, are not objectionable." (Mormon Doctrine, p.113)​

From this page: Light Planet