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Antichrist Discussions ~ FFH ~


Veteran Member
Christianity will go. It will vanish and shrink. I needn't argue with that; I'm right and I will be proved right. We're more popular than Jesus now; I don't know which will go first - rock and roll or Christianity.
John Lennon


One Accepts All Religious Texts
Premium Member
Christianity will go. It will vanish and shrink. I needn't argue with that; I'm right and I will be proved right. We're more popular than Jesus now; I don't know which will go first - rock and roll or Christianity.
John Lennon
So here is the point for all to see.....
1) Paul is false and contradicts Christ loads.
2) John being Pharisee is mostly made up.
3) Simon is the stone laid before Yeshua's feet, which confused them all.

Christianity is established by them and so where is your motive for doing all of this?

Are your's trying to be more popular? :confused:


Well-Known Member
Rather ask, who is right, President Kimball or yourself ????.

Do I have to post it again ???

So, basically you're saying President Kimball is "wacked out" too.

Yeah, he's such a fanatic about this sort of thing, as am I...(said with much sarcasm)

Spencer W. Kimball ~ Wiki

Originally Posted by FFH
God Will Not Be Mocked
Spencer W. Kimball
We hope faithful Latter-day Saints will not use the playing cards which are used for gambling, either with or without the gambling.
Gospel Library > Magazines > Ensign > November 1974

Okay, I don't accept kimball as an authority on anything. Leaving that aside, Kimball is NOT saying what you say he says. He makes no mention of demnic influence.



Well-Known Member
Christianity will go. It will vanish and shrink. I needn't argue with that; I'm right and I will be proved right. We're more popular than Jesus now; I don't know which will go first - rock and roll or Christianity.
John Lennon
False religion will go that is why Gods people are told to GET OUT OF HER revelation 18;4................. and as JOHN LENNON SANG imagine all the people living in PEACE:) HERE THEY ARE SPOKEN OF IN revelation 7;9-10and it is even now a GREAT CROWD , who knows how many that great crowd will be in the end


Veteran Member
Christianity will go. It will vanish and shrink. I needn't argue with that; I'm right and I will be proved right. We're more popular than Jesus now; I don't know which will go first - rock and roll or Christianity.
John Lennon

That quote has been highly misunderstood. John Lennon was never using to mean that they were better then Jesus Christ, but that it seemed liked the people were making them a bigger deal then they actually were and that it seemed like they got more attention as a rock group then Jesus Christ (a Lord and Saviour to many) did. Before you take quotes from people, please understand that context.


Veteran Member
Rather ask, who is right, President Kimball or yourself ????.

Personally when a prophet says something, I listen; but there are also other things to consider. One, Is it repeated by other prophets and general authorities. Two, is it in our standard works or alluded to in there; and Three, Personal Revelation.

So, basically you're saying President Kimball is "wacked out" too.

Not at all, you are the one who said it. Not me, I highly respect President Kimball as a prophet, seer and revelator, but look above on how I judge each and every statement. I NEVER follow blindly -- although it seems like some people do.


"The antichrist" is the "great whore of all the earth"

whoever is not on the lord's side is against him basically.

Whoever builds itself up to become popular in the eyes of the world, that is the great whore of all the earth.

whoever put's his trust in the arm of the flesh will falter.

Christ will come in the hour we think not.

Does all of this really matter to or affect the righteous?


Veteran Member
"The antichrist" is the "great whore of all the earth"

whoever is not on the lord's side is against him basically.

Whoever builds itself up to become popular in the eyes of the world, that is the great whore of all the earth.

whoever put's his trust in the arm of the flesh will falter.

Christ will come in the hour we think not.

Does all of this really matter to or affect the righteous?

You know, I actually agree with you on something. ;)


One Accepts All Religious Texts
Premium Member
John 17;3
:sorry1: wrong answer, asked what Yeshua said not the Pharisee doctrine of John Nicodemus....if you don't know the difference between the Pharisee and Yeshua's words...who is it you are then following?


Veteran Member
I highly respect President Kimball as a prophet, seer and revelator, but look above on how I judge each and every statement. I NEVER follow blindly -- although it seems like some people do.
So one prophet warning us against something is not enough for you.

That quote has been highly misunderstood. John Lennon was never using to mean that they were better then Jesus Christ, but that it seemed liked the people were making them a bigger deal then they actually were and that it seemed like they got more attention as a rock group then Jesus Christ (a Lord and Saviour to many) did. Before you take quotes from people, please understand that context.
You're interpreting what John Lennon has stated to fit your belief about John Lennon..

God is not real to John Lennon, just "a concept"...he repeated it twice in his song entitled "God," which I've posted the lyrics to on the previous page...

John did not believe in Jesus Christ or the Bible, according to his song "God" which he wrote...

This is a professed antichrist....

I John 2:22 Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, who denieth the Father and the Son.


Veteran Member
So one prophet warning us against something is not enough for you.

No, it's not. Things like modesty, gambling (excluding cards), pornography have been talked about by SEVERAL prophets, not just one. If something is of up most importance to the saints they will repeat it over and over and over again throughout the Church and throughout the whole time we've been a Church. I'm sorry that I don't follow blindly like yourself, I'm not a sheep. :no:

You're interpreting what John Lennon has stated to fit your belief about John Lennon..

God is not real to John Lennon, just "a concept"...he repeated it twice in his song entitled "God," which I've posted the lyrics to on the previous page...

You ******* kidding me, right? You obviously do not know much about John Lennon, my statement comes right from a filmed interview with John Lennon which I own on the Beatles Anthropology. Because you think you understand 'rock and roll' and how evil it is, you think you understand John Lennon. There is much more to it then you even understand, even more then I understand, but blatant misleading like you have, c'mon, do a bit more research or keep your mouth shut.

John did not believe in Jesus Christ or the Bible, according to his song "God" which he wrote...

This is a professed antichrist....

You know nothing, it's obvious for your short-sightedness on this issue that you haven't researched it properly. It's a song, and his views on God/or the lack of god changed several times, so who is to really know what he thought when he died. He is not Antichrist anymore then I am.


Well-Known Member

The upshot of reading all your stuff to me is that you are weeks short of wearing a tin foil hat and wearing a hand-lettered sandwich board that says "REPUNT or be LUST!"

Do you discuss this all with your family and friends or are you doing it in dark corners?

You really need to get with people whom you feel have your best interests at heart and talk this all out, before you are drinking cyanide kool-aid somewhere.



Veteran Member
I don't follow blindly like yourself,
Niether do I
I'm not a sheep. :no:
I am a sheep trying to follow the "good shepherd"

Christ has said he would seperate the sheep from the goats, so what are you then if you're not a sheep...

I claim to be one (sheep)...and I'm sure you are too, you just don't realize it yet...

You ******* kidding me, right? You obviously do not know much about John Lennon, my statement comes right from a filmed interview with John Lennon which I own on the Beatles Anthropology. Because you think you understand 'rock and roll' and how evil it is, you think you understand John Lennon. There is much more to it then you even understand, even more then I understand, but blatant misleading like you have, c'mon, do a bit more research or
Like I quoted before, "Even the very elect will be deceived".

keep your mouth shut.
so profound

You know nothing, it's obvious for your short-sightedness on this issue that you haven't researched it properly. It's a song, and his views on God/or the lack of god changed several times, so who is to really know what he thought when he died. He is not Antichrist anymore then I am.
Okay, whatever you want to believe