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Antichrist Discussions ~ FFH ~


Veteran Member
Just like you'll have a confirmation asking the Lord on which toothpaste you shouldn't use cause it's made by an 'anti-Christ'. Honestly, this is ridiculous and nutty. Glad you aren't my Sunday School teacher, I would walk out of your class and never come back.
The spirit can help you discern the truth of all things..

I don't really try it just happens most of the time, in order to discern the good from the evil in all situations, so I don't get "burned" again,, like I have been in the past by certain people.....

See post number 240 and tell me how he can fake driving a car and a motorcycle blind...

It's done by seeing with the spirit eyes and mind...

That's why they call him a "mindfreak," he uses his mind, and the powers of Satan, to do his "real" stunts...

There is a section on this link, in which he teaches "the power of the mind," which is contrary to Christ's teaching that "we can do nothing without him"....

Even if it's an illusion, the rusults he's seeking are the same...which is to teach people the power of their minds to do all things, instead of Christ's teaching which states, "I can do all things through Christ, who strengtheneth me".


Veteran Member
Just like you'll have a confirmation asking the Lord on which toothpaste you shouldn't use cause it's made by an 'anti-Christ'. Honestly, this is ridiculous and nutty. Glad you aren't my Sunday School teacher, I would walk out of your class and never come back.
Wouldn't ever bring stuff that I talk about on this forum into any formal LDS teaching setting, but only strictly follow the lesson plan, and the scriptures, and bring no other materials with me to church, other than a lesson manual and the scriptures, and don't use any commentaries, or other materials, to supplement the LDS lesson manuals and the scriptures..

This is a radical forum, and hey, we can talk here...

No hinderances...


Veteran Member
The LDS church has advised us to not have playing cards in the home, which are staples in any magician's act...

There really is no such thing as a magician who does not use playing cards..

Again, remember, the LDS church has advised us not to own a deck of cards or have any poker playing cards in the home...

They bring a very bad spirit into the home, and into the lives of those who own them, and keep them in their homes...


Veteran Member
Chriss is funny tho...

God loves us, in spite of ourselves...

John 3: 17
For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.

Also, Christ would rather we be either hot or cold, as far as our beliefs and actions are concerned.

We are that final church spoken of in Revelation 3, of which there are 7, we are the last/final church of these 7 churches/dispensations of believers in Christ...

Revelation 3: 15-16
15- I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot:I would thou wert cold or hot.

16 So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.

Harsh words from Christ for sure, but it accurately describes many Christians today...

In other words, don't sit on the fence...


Veteran Member
No illusion here...

What a freak

Criss Angel - Mindfreak - S01E05 - Body Suspension - Full
Again, in this video he makes the cross formation while he is suspended from a helicopter, by skin on his back.

"It was like the last temptation of Christ" (speaking of the aftermath of this stunt in this video)
~ Simon Miller (Chriss' manager) ~

Quote from the video, from Chriss.

"When the mind, body and spirit are one, anything is possible".
~ Christopher (Criss) Angel ~

Christ would rather us say...

"I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me".

Give the glory to God, not ourselves...

We, in and of ourselves, can do nothing...

Christ is the "resurrection and the life" (in us)...in him (Christ) we live, move, breathe and have our being....


Veteran Member
Chriss turns water into beer...

Still think he's not an antichrist type figure ???

Fast forward to 5 minutes and 30 seconds

Fake or real, it matters not, it's what he's suggesting or portraying....

Criss Angel - Mindfreak - S01E03 - Wine Barrel Escape - Full

His mother and brother pray, in Jesus name, for his safety.

Madonna did the same thing, she would pray with her crew before each show...

I saw this is Europe, as we were in one of the hotels, uncut shots of her before each performance...

Very ironic stuff..


Liebe ist für alle da
Chriss turns water into beer...

Still think he's not an antichrist type figure ???

No, why because we do have power within us. We are what we make strong, I have that same belief as Chris there(though real or not can't do what he does, yet).
Does that make me an Anti-Christ. You know though I don't think he cares, he might find it Offensive, but I don't know him personally, and nether do you, so I really don't see how it's right to call some one an Anti-Christ if you never met and talked to him in person.

P.S. thanks FFH I have a new quote for my sig.


Veteran Member
Asakal said:
we do have power within us.
That's just it, we don't have any power residing within us at all.

All powers come from Chrsit and it only flows through us and does not originate from ourselves, but from Christ..

If we perform a miracle, it's because of the power that originates from Christ. and we should never take credit for it...

Christ is the life of this world and in him there is life eternal.

The power is not within us to do anything.


Well-Known Member
The first antichrist figure I can point to directly was the Pharoah in the time of Moses.

So why does an antichrist figure today mean Jesus is still to return.

In my estimation Christ returned more than 1300 years ago as Muhammad. He returned in 1844 as a twin Manifestation the Bab and Baha`u'llah. The antichrists have been busy since 1844 as well, in opposition to the new Dispensation.

To become worried now is peculiar from my point of view. To conclude that the antichrist phenomenon TODAY poses a greater 'threat' than it has ever done or ever will do is even more peculiar.

The Day of God, Resurrection, Judgment, The End of Days is a day just like any other and the sun will rise and set and the spiritually blind will not see the day as any different from any other.



Veteran Member
Popeye said:
So why does an antichrist figure today mean Jesus is still to return.
Because there are so many of them...

Musicians, actors, politicians, scientists, etc.

Great opposition to Christ's teachings will only increase, as we draw nearer to Christ's imminent return.

Many will immitate Christ, in order to deceive..


Well-Known Member
Because there are so many of them...

In musicians, actors, politicians, scientists, etc.

Great opposition to Christ's teachings, will only increase as we draw nearer to Christ's imminent return.

Many will immitate Christ, in order to deceive..

"Antichrist" is a collective noun, FFH. There have always been scads of people who personify the Antichrist, just as there have been scads of people who personify a Christly nature. Sometimes we do both in the same moment.

Who is the Antichrist? You are (sometimes). I am (sometimes). Who is the Spirit of Christ in the world? you are (sometimes). I am (sometimes).

Relax. All this apocalypse and doom is your own imagination. God created all of the universes just because He loves His Own creation. He will not tear it down, unless He builds it back up at the same time.



Veteran Member
The LDS church has advised us to not have playing cards in the home, which are staples in any magician's act...

There really is no such thing as a magician who does not use playing cards..

Again, remember, the LDS church has advised us not to own a deck of cards or have any poker playing cards in the home...

They bring a very bad spirit into the home, and into the lives of those who own them, and keep them in their homes...

Would you kindly point me to the doctrine that says no playing cards in the home?


Veteran Member
Because there are so many of them...

Musicians, actors, politicians, scientists, etc.

Great opposition to Christ's teachings will only increase, as we draw nearer to Christ's imminent return.

Many will immitate Christ, in order to deceive..

The whole world is out to get you, aren't they? :rolleyes:


Veteran Member
Would you kindly point me to the doctrine that says no playing cards in the home?
God Will Not Be Mocked

Spencer W. Kimball

We hope faithful Latter-day Saints will not use the playing cards which are used for gambling, either with or without the gambling. It would seem that we are play-conscious, travel-conscious, and our economy seems to be providing for the traveling public and the gaming public and the drinking public.

Gospel Library > Magazines > Ensign > November 1974

According to this statement, given by Spencer W. Kimball, we should not have paying cards in the home, for use with or without gambling.


Well-Known Member
God Will Not Be Mocked

Spencer W. Kimbal
We hope faithful Latter-day Saints will not use the playing cards which are used for gambling, either with or without the gambling. It would seem that we are play-conscious, travel-conscious, and our economy seems to be providing for the traveling public and the gaming public and the drinking public.

Gospel Library > Magazines > Ensign > November 1974

According to this statement given by Spencer W. Kimball, we should not have paying cards in the home, for use with or without gambling.

This does not mention any spiritual damage by the nature of cards and opposes cards merely because they might incite people to go to Las Vegas and gamble.

I am not sure why travelling is an evil thing, though.



Liebe ist für alle da
That's just it, we don't have any power residing within us at all.

All powers come from Chrsit and it only flows through us and does not originate from ourselves, but from Christ..

If we perform a miracle, it's because of the power that originates from Christ. and we should never take credit for it...

Christ is the life of this world and in him there is life eternal.

The power is not within us to do anything.

Well my friend if you wish to believe that you have no power and can't do what is natural to all of use with out help from some Other Worldly being then go ahead. But I know where I stand and understand and embrace the power within me.


tri-polar optimist
That's just it, we don't have any power residing within us at all.

All powers come from Chrsit and it only flows through us and does not originate from ourselves, but from Christ..

If we perform a miracle, it's because of the power that originates from Christ. and we should never take credit for it...

Christ is the life of this world and in him there is life eternal.

The power is not within us to do anything.

Through the Son of man all men have the power within them. Christ said we would do more miracles than Him but it has not happened yet.