Please tell me in a paragraph what the steps of salvation are to LDS.
Without side stepping around, present it in it's LDS entirety,as if your be tested on it from your elders, here's a kick start.
Joseph Fielding Smith explains what that last phrase means: "that which man merits through his own acts through life and by obedience to the laws and ordinances of the gospel" (Doctrines of Salvation, vol. 1, p.134).[/QUOTE]
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Please don't bring in what we born again Christians already know from scirpture, we both know there is so much more that is taught in your secret books regarding this subject that is never brought out,open up what you call the revealed truth which is found in your other books and show us what they have to say about salvation regarding the indivdual and the dead.
Ok first I think it is important to establish some ground work. To LDS people(at least to me anyway) salvation means two things. Firstly is means being saved and going to heaven. Secondly it means being allowed to go to heaven, meaning the Celestial Kingdom. There are three degrees of glory in heaven Telestial, Terrastrial, and Celestial.
As far as the first definition of salvation we believe that all but a few people will be saved. Everybody but a very small number will be allowed to go to heaven regardless of their actions or if they believe in Christ.
Now the second definition fo salvation is where the works comes in. The Lowest degree is the Telestial. This is where people who don't accept Christ in this life or the Spirit world will go. ONly the Holy Ghost has presence here. There is no reason for Christ or God the Father to be here since these people don't bvelieve in them. But this degree is far better than anything here on Earth.
The Second degree is the Terrestrial. This degree is for people who have accepted Christ but haven't done the neccesary ordinances(or works) in this life or the Sprirt world.
The Third degree is the Celestial. This is for all those who have accepted Christ, done the ordinances, and remained faithful. In the Celestial Kingdom there are again three degrees. The highest degree is where we recieve the blessing of exaltation.
So we believe in both. We can be saved(go to heaven) regardless of what we do. But we also believe that we most do the proper ordinances and live faithfully to be saved(go to the Celestial Kingdom).
So with that established I will go ahead and list those things we need to do in order to recieve salvation(highest degree of the Celestial Kingdom).
1. We need to have faith in Jesus Chirst.
2. We need to repent of our sins. Repentance is a life long process that is never completed in this life. Repentance is both an attitude and a process.
3. We need to be baptized. Without the correct authority a baptism isn't recognized as baptism.
4. We need to recieve the gift of the Holy Ghost. Now simply experienbce the Holy Ghost but be blessed to have the Holy Ghost with us as a constant companion.
5. Recieve the endowment and make covenants inside the Temple.
6. Be married and sealed in the Temple.
7. Remain faithful to our covenants live all the above steps to the best we can throughout our lives.
I think that's all of the steps. If I missed any the other LDs will probably correct me. So what we do in this life determine where we go in heaven. They don't determine whether or not we are saved(there are exceptions) but they do determine where we go in Heaven.
Hopefully that explains some things. I didn't go into alot of detail using scriptures and stuff but it gives the jist of it.