No, I described agnosticism. Atheism starts with the basic premise that God does NOT exist. The very concept of a God is rejected absolutely. This is as much a position of Faith as the most devout theist as a negative cannot be proven.
Agnosticism says there is no proof either way and rejects both positions on the current evidence, but is willing to change position if the evidence changes.
Maybe I should turn to agnosticism about the possibility that the Universe comes from the excrements of a huge amount of spiritual ants. Possible. Cannot prove it wrong. My current a-excrementism might be indeed too strong and arrogant. Need definetely to be more humbe about that.
Or agnosticism about the possibility that Mickey Mouse spiritually revealed Himself to some humans and that He is the true creator of the world and the giver of moral values. And the main reason why I love cheese so much. Possible. Who can deny it? There must be a reason for the objective appreciation of cheese among humans.
Or agnosticism about the possibility that some invisible fairies are conspiring to prevent the growth of Habanero peppers in my garden. Someone must be conspiring something against that, and my gardener with a PhD in gardening is himself very puzzled about it. Maybe we should contemplate this possibile evil fairies scenario in a very humble and open minded way.
Or agnosticism about a god-man-prophet coming to earth to take the Passover weekend off for my sins, before taking off to a place of eternal bliss. In some variants this take off can be in the form of winged horses providing shuttle service to the same location. Of course, that is possible. How can I prove it wrong?
Or agnosticism about the possibility that planets are in truth carried around by invisible angels obsessed with conic sections, and that any other naturalistic explanation of their orbits is wrong. That would also simplify physics considerably. My teacher would disagree, but he is an a-angelist with the obvious agenda of making angels superflous. How arrogant and close minded.
Or agnosticism about the possibility that ....
Plug in the infinity of possible things that share the same evidence and that I cannot prove wrong, and I should, therefore, be agnostic about. And I shall.
Now what? Am I suddenly more intellectually respectable by withholding judgement about all these equally plausible things?
- viole