It absolutely matters. No one with any critical reasoning skills is going to take "Germany will lose some wars" as any more of a prophesy (divine or otherwise) than if I say, Germany will experience a few droughts.
The events either occurred or not. It s as simple as that. What you think that means is another matter altogether. Baha'u'llah foresaw WWI and WWII and those events took place. What you make of that is your own business. Baha'u'llah was not offering that as proof of His prophet-hood, it was simply being offered as a warning to Kaiser Wilhelm I.
“O banks of the Rhine! We have seen you covered with gore, inasmuch as the swords of retribution were drawn against you; and you shall have another turn. And We hear the lamentations of Berlin, though she be today in conspicuous glory.” Proclamation of Bahá’u’lláh, p, 39
Seizing control in an illegal coup with little significant support, either internal or external. The first decade I remember was the 70s and I knew that was an unstable regime before I was a teenager. To anyone educated and born in the 1800s, that would not have been prophecy. It would have been blindingly obvious.
An uncontested monarch in a stable and VERY prosperous country, separated from her enemies by water. Again, how is this prophecy?
Excerpts from the Tablet to Napoleon III:
“Give ear, O King, unto the Voice that calleth from the Fire which burneth in this verdant Tree, on this Sinai which hath been raised above the hallowed and snow-white Spot, beyond the Everlasting City: ‘Verily, there is none other God but Me, the Ever-Forgiving, the Most Merciful!’ ……. Arise thou to serve God and help His Cause. He, verily, will assist thee with the hosts of the seen and unseen, and will set thee king over all that whereon the sun riseth. Thy Lord, in truth, is the All-Powerful, the Almighty......
Ere long the world and all that thou possessest will perish, and the kingdom will remain unto God, thy Lord and the Lord of thy fathers of old. It behoveth thee not to conduct thine affairs according to the dictates of thy desires. Fear the sighs of this Wronged One, and shield Him from the darts of such as act unjustly.
For what thou hast done, thy kingdom shall be thrown into confusion, and thine empire shall pass from thine hands, as a punishment for that which thou hast wrought. Then wilt thou know how thou hast plainly erred. Commotions shall seize all the people in that land, unless thou arisest to help this Cause, and followest Him Who is the Spirit of God (Jesus Christ) in this, the Straight Path. Hath thy pomp made thee proud? By My Life! It shall not endure; nay, it shall soon pass away, unless thou holdest fast by this firm Cord. We see abasement hastening after thee, whilst thou art of the heedless. It behoveth thee when thou hearest His Voice calling from the seat of glory to cast away all that thou possessest, and cry out: ‘Here am I, O Lord of all that is in heaven and all that is on earth!’” Proclamation of Baha'u'llah, pp. 18-20
That Tablet was written in 1869 when Napoleon was at the height of His glory. In 1870, Napoleon III fell in battle:
In July 1870, Napoleon entered the Franco-Prussian War without allies and with inferior military forces. The French army was rapidly defeated and Napoleon III was captured at the Battle of Sedan.
Napoleon III - Wikipedia
EVERYTHING that Baha’u’llah predicted came to pass. All those who rejected His Tablets fell from power just as He had warned them would happen. Those who persecuted Him and exiled and banished Him met with an ever sorrier fate. This is all history so it cannot be refuted. The only monarch He addressed that did not fall from power was Queen Victoria, because she did not reject Baha’u’llah:
Queen Victoria, upon reading the Tablet revealed for her by Baha'u'llah, remarked: "If this is of God, it will endure; if not, it can do no harm." (pdc 65)
2nd Coming of Christ by David Yamartino