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Are Baha’u’llah’s prophecies coming true?

rational experiences

Veteran Member
Men do own a double talk incorrect psyche.

A human is accepting a human only self one purpose. Natural human.

A human double talks science talk not about life.

Life li ves survives by its human owned biology inside of a natural heavenly body.

We know water cooled by God earths ice saviour body keeps hot gas spirit cooled too. The saviour

Having no human owned status other than taught life is kept safe by gods ice saviour.

Human science double talk is a liar.

So we were told our brother never listened to our human father's natural life advice

For a purpose. That you wouldn't be involved nor support his scientific satanisms.

Yet you have and are.

You self idolise your human man's scientific status to discuss science.

The human present human family world community teaching own no scientific God Jesus Allah meanings.

It's about humanity only as a family unified by being human.

A human each one human the self human life equal. And then making correct human choices in civilisation for a unified family condition.

Science terms aside not used nor inferred when speaking on behalf family.

As family human knows what human science choices harms the environment and human life. As we are all meant to be equally mutual a healthy human.

There is no argument about a human life other than it should not be sacrificed hurt.

Pretty basic you don't need to own a human idol to advise the human truth.

Yet hu man behaviour is hierarchial established against its own person.

Where a human says leadership denotes the importance of my information.

Reasoned because the human theist man established leadership himself first.

When family leadership natural was parent grand parents great grand parents only.

The choice is mutual family equality or just give up preaching. As hierarchy owns no business in natural life.


Veteran Member
Other than your religion, which had the prophet write his own books, which handed down the leadership to a specific person, and that had a plan of how to set up an administrative order... what other religion "established" anything? Christianity is a good example of what happens when the prophet doesn't write his own books. The leadership and administration became the church in Rome. And that didn't work out that well.

Maybe Judaism? They had prophets, and Levitical Priests, and, eventually, a Temple.
All Religions when they were established, were a True and Pure religion. Then, after a while their message got corrupted. An example of that is Islam. The year 666 is mentioned in the Bible, as number of the beast, a person who rises to take control over religion of God, and cause corruption. Then when the Promised One comes, He would Re-establish the true Religion despite the corruption and evil forces in the world. Revelation that started with the Bab, continued with Baha'u'llah and then resulted in establishing UHJ, is the fulfillment of prophecies in the NT.
Mind you, it took 120 years from the Bab till establishing UHJ, as it was prophesied in Bible, that it will take 120 years to build Ark of covenant.

CG Didymus

Veteran Member
All Religions when they were established, were a True and Pure religion.
Okay, what was the true and pure religion that Krishna, Buddha, Moses and Jesus brought. And when did it first get corrupted?

Revelation that started with the Bab, continued with Baha'u'llah and then resulted in establishing UHJ, is the fulfillment of prophecies in the NT.
Mind you, it took 120 years from the Bab till establishing UHJ, as it was prophesied in Bible, that it will take 120 years to build Ark of covenant.
Ark of the covenant or the ark that Noah supposedly built? I'm going assume you meant Noah's ark. So, it took him 120 years to build it. How old was he when he started it? Here's an article about Noah and the ark...
Scripture says that Noah was about five hundred years old when he was first mentioned. When he entered the ark, Noah was about six hundred years old. Some scholars say Noah took one hundred and twenty years to build the ark. Scripture doesn’t tell us exactly how long it took him to build the ark.
All sorts of problems... Since when does the length of time that Noah took to build the ark become a prophecy that skips Christianity and Islam to get to the Baha'i Faith and predict from the time of The Bab to the establishment of the UHJ there will be 120 years? Next problem you believe in the 120 years, but I doubt you believe Noah was 500 when he started building it. Next problem, the Bible doesn't say 120 years. So, where did that number come from? Next, do you believe the flood really happened? If not, then why believe someone named Noah built an ark? But I know these kinds of questions are unimportant to most Baha'is, because they "believe". Their religion teaches it, therefore, regardless of what the Bible or any other Holy Book says, the Baha'i teachings are correct and true.

The year 666 is mentioned in the Bible, as number of the beast, a person who rises to take control over religion of God, and cause corruption.
And yet another "prophecy" I believe to be manipulated by Baha'is. Who rose up and when did they rise up to take control of the "religion" of God? I assume you're talking about Islam. So, in the year 666AD. Who was this that rose up? The Umayyads took control in 661AD is that the one? Are they the beast? Let's take a look...

Revelation 13:1The dragon stood on the shore of the sea. And I saw a beast coming out of the sea. It had ten horns and seven heads, with ten crowns on its horns, and on each head a blasphemous name. 2 The beast I saw resembled a leopard, but had feet like those of a bear and a mouth like that of a lion. The dragon gave the beast his power and his throne and great authority. 3 One of the heads of the beast seemed to have had a fatal wound, but the fatal wound had been healed. The whole world was filled with wonder and followed the beast. 4 People worshiped the dragon because he had given authority to the beast, and they also worshiped the beast and asked, “Who is like the beast? Who can wage war against it?”

5 The beast was given a mouth to utter proud words and blasphemies and to exercise its authority for forty-two months...

11 Then I saw a second beast, coming out of the earth. It had two horns like a lamb, but it spoke like a dragon. 12 It exercised all the authority of the first beast on its behalf, and made the earth and its inhabitants worship the first beast, whose fatal wound had been healed. 13 And it performed great signs, even causing fire to come down from heaven to the earth in full view of the people. 14 Because of the signs it was given power to perform on behalf of the first beast, it deceived the inhabitants of the earth. It ordered them to set up an image in honor of the beast who was wounded by the sword and yet lived. 15 The second beast was given power to give breath to the image of the first beast, so that the image could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed. 16 It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, 17 so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name.

18 This calls for wisdom. Let the person who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man. That number is 666.​

Who's the dragon? Who's the first beast? This beast had authority for 42 months. And the head with the fatal wound, who is that? Then another beast... Who is this? Then the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name, 666. No, reason to make this a year. Then it isn't even the right year, so Baha'is go back a few years to make the year 661AD the fulfillment of the number of the beast, 666. I don't know why you have to try and do this. It convinces no one but other Baha'is. It takes a reasonably sensible and practical religion and makes it look foolish.


Veteran Member
Okay, what was the true and pure religion that Krishna, Buddha, Moses and Jesus brought. And when did it first get corrupted?
It is not possible to know the pure Religion Krishna or Jesus had brought originally in our time. This is why we see different sects in Christianity claim they are the true Christianity and other denominations are false. We can see historically when the divisions occurred.

Ark of the covenant or the ark that Noah supposedly built? I'm going assume you meant Noah's ark. So, it took him 120 years to build it. How old was he when he started it? Here's an article about Noah and the ark...
Scripture says that Noah was about five hundred years old when he was first mentioned. When he entered the ark, Noah was about six hundred years old. Some scholars say Noah took one hundred and twenty years to build the ark. Scripture doesn’t tell us exactly how long it took him to build the ark.
All sorts of problems... Since when does the length of time that Noah took to build the ark become a prophecy that skips Christianity and Islam to get to the Baha'i Faith and predict from the time of The Bab to the establishment of the UHJ there will be 120 years?
When Jesus said the Days of His return shall be like the Days of Noah.
In Islamic traditions also, it is recorded there are similarities between previous Prophets, such as Noah and the Qaim.
In Hadithes it is also said, the Qaim lives 120 years. These are signs. They were giving signs to recognize the Promised One.

Next problem you believe in the 120 years, but I doubt you believe Noah was 500 when he started building it. Next problem, the Bible doesn't say 120 years. So, where did that number come from? Next, do you believe the flood really happened? If not, then why believe someone named Noah built an ark? But I know these kinds of questions are unimportant to most Baha'is, because they "believe". Their religion teaches it, therefore, regardless of what the Bible or any other Holy Book says, the Baha'i teachings are correct and true.
The Bible says, the Spirit of God remains with them for 120 years. This is an allusion to how long the spirit of God will remain to build the Ark of covenant (Religion).
There is no mention of how old was Noah when He started building the Ark in scriptures. The 500 years is based on some assumptions.
Flood is a symbol. It means calamity. It means that the Noah build His Religion to guide people to save people from the calamity, but most people did not believe and follow His guide. So, then their waywardness eventually caused calamity.

And yet another "prophecy" I believe to be manipulated by Baha'is. Who rose up and when did they rise up to take control of the "religion" of God? I assume you're talking about Islam. So, in the year 666AD. Who was this that rose up? The Umayyads took control in 661AD is that the one? Are they the beast? Let's take a look...

Revelation 13:1The dragon stood on the shore of the sea. And I saw a beast coming out of the sea. It had ten horns and seven heads, with ten crowns on its horns, and on each head a blasphemous name. 2 The beast I saw resembled a leopard, but had feet like those of a bear and a mouth like that of a lion. The dragon gave the beast his power and his throne and great authority. 3 One of the heads of the beast seemed to have had a fatal wound, but the fatal wound had been healed. The whole world was filled with wonder and followed the beast. 4 People worshiped the dragon because he had given authority to the beast, and they also worshiped the beast and asked, “Who is like the beast? Who can wage war against it?”

5 The beast was given a mouth to utter proud words and blasphemies and to exercise its authority for forty-two months...

11 Then I saw a second beast, coming out of the earth. It had two horns like a lamb, but it spoke like a dragon. 12 It exercised all the authority of the first beast on its behalf, and made the earth and its inhabitants worship the first beast, whose fatal wound had been healed. 13 And it performed great signs, even causing fire to come down from heaven to the earth in full view of the people. 14 Because of the signs it was given power to perform on behalf of the first beast, it deceived the inhabitants of the earth. It ordered them to set up an image in honor of the beast who was wounded by the sword and yet lived. 15 The second beast was given power to give breath to the image of the first beast, so that the image could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed. 16 It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, 17 so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name.

18 This calls for wisdom. Let the person who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man. That number is 666.​

Who's the dragon? Who's the first beast? This beast had authority for 42 months. And the head with the fatal wound, who is that? Then another beast... Who is this? Then the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name, 666. No, reason to make this a year. Then it isn't even the right year, so Baha'is go back a few years to make the year 661AD the fulfillment of the number of the beast, 666. I don't know why you have to try and do this. It convinces no one but other Baha'is. It takes a reasonably sensible and practical religion and makes it look foolish.
Abdulbaha explained this prophecy in Some Answered Questions.

CG Didymus

Veteran Member
It is not possible to know the pure Religion Krishna or Jesus had brought originally in our time. This is why we see different sects in Christianity claim they are the true Christianity and other denominations are false. We can see historically when the divisions occurred.
Yes, it is impossible to know but you said, "All Religions when they were established, were a True and Pure religion. Then, after a while their message got corrupted." So, you don't really know that. You're just saying that. I suppose based on something in the Baha'i writings? Which would be what?

Another problem... What we call Hinduism isn't one religion or one message. Hinduism was not started by Krishna. And, even in the Hinduism that believes in Krishna, he was not the first avatar.

And Jesus? Why isn't what the NT says... is the "original" Christianity? That's the best we have since God thoughtlessly didn't have Jesus write his own "original" teachings down.

And right now, corruption within the Baha'i Faith has been controlled. But there still is corruption happening, and I think it will continue to happen. Will the UHJ be able to maintain control?

When Jesus said the Days of His return shall be like the Days of Noah.
In Islamic traditions also, it is recorded there are similarities between previous Prophets, such as Noah and the Qaim.
In Hadithes it is also said, the Qaim lives 120 years. These are signs. They were giving signs to recognize the Promised One.

Days of Noah? And it says that people will be going about their lives as usual and then the end, or the return, happens. When hasn't life been going on as usual and then something happens that changes everything?

And what are these traditions that talk about the similarities between Noah and the Qaim? And you might as well give me some quotes from the Quran about who the Qaim is and when he will return.

Oh, and there is some information about the Qaim now. He will live 120 years? And how is that worded in the Hadith? And this Hadith is true and accurate? Since Baha'u'llah didn't live to that age, then how is this a "sign" on how to recognize the promised one? Obviously, Baha'is must have some "symbolic" interpretation to this 120 years?

The Bible says, the Spirit of God remains with them for 120 years. This is an allusion to how long the spirit of God will remain to build the Ark of covenant (Religion).
There is no mention of how old was Noah when He started building the Ark in scriptures. The 500 years is based on some assumptions.
Flood is a symbol. It means calamity. It means that the Noah build His Religion to guide people to save people from the calamity, but most people did not believe and follow His guide. So, then their waywardness eventually caused calamity.
So, where does the Bible say anything about the Ark of the Covenant taking 120 years to build or something that "alludes" to that?

About Noah, so it is not the ark that Noah supposedly built that you are saying took 120 years to build? But the Ark of the Covenant? And where are you getting that from?

Baha'i "symbolic" interpretations make very little sense to me. It seems like a mythical story. Why do you need to make it "symbolic"? Accept to make the story not "literally" and "historically" true, but "symbolically" true. I see that as nothing more than a way for Baha'is to claim they believe in the Bible. When they don't. They change any story they want to into some "metaphor" or something. Why can't it be just a fictional story written as if it was true to get people to fear and obey God?

Abdulbaha explained this prophecy in Some Answered Questions.

"The year 666 is mentioned in the Bible, as number of the beast..." It is not "mentioned" as a year... but the name or the number of the beast. It the supposed prophecy was about the Umayyad's in 661AD, why wouldn't God have told John to write the beast rose up in 661. Or make one of his famous day into year prophecies and say, "From the day of the Lord there shall be 40 days unto the evil empire striking back"? That way Baha'is could say, "The day of the Lord is 621AD. Then we add 40 years to that to get 661AD."

Sorry, it is meaningless to me. Why too much fudging and manipulating numbers to get to the desired date. You believe it. Your happy and satisfied it is true and correct? Then good for you. You are a true Baha'i... meaning you believe whatever the Baha'i Faith says is true. I don't. And I see lots of things that don't seem right in the claims of the Baha'i Faith.


Veteran Member
Yes, it is impossible to know but you said, "All Religions when they were established, were a True and Pure religion. Then, after a while their message got corrupted." So, you don't really know that. You're just saying that. I suppose based on something in the Baha'i writings? Which would be what?

Another problem... What we call Hinduism isn't one religion or one message. Hinduism was not started by Krishna. And, even in the Hinduism that believes in Krishna, he was not the first avatar.

And Jesus? Why isn't what the NT says... is the "original" Christianity? That's the best we have since God thoughtlessly didn't have Jesus write his own "original" teachings down.

And right now, corruption within the Baha'i Faith has been controlled. But there still is corruption happening, and I think it will continue to happen. Will the UHJ be able to maintain control?

Days of Noah? And it says that people will be going about their lives as usual and then the end, or the return, happens. When hasn't life been going on as usual and then something happens that changes everything?

And what are these traditions that talk about the similarities between Noah and the Qaim? And you might as well give me some quotes from the Quran about who the Qaim is and when he will return.

Oh, and there is some information about the Qaim now. He will live 120 years? And how is that worded in the Hadith? And this Hadith is true and accurate? Since Baha'u'llah didn't live to that age, then how is this a "sign" on how to recognize the promised one? Obviously, Baha'is must have some "symbolic" interpretation to this 120 years?

So, where does the Bible say anything about the Ark of the Covenant taking 120 years to build or something that "alludes" to that?

About Noah, so it is not the ark that Noah supposedly built that you are saying took 120 years to build? But the Ark of the Covenant? And where are you getting that from?

Baha'i "symbolic" interpretations make very little sense to me. It seems like a mythical story. Why do you need to make it "symbolic"? Accept to make the story not "literally" and "historically" true, but "symbolically" true. I see that as nothing more than a way for Baha'is to claim they believe in the Bible. When they don't. They change any story they want to into some "metaphor" or something. Why can't it be just a fictional story written as if it was true to get people to fear and obey God?

"The year 666 is mentioned in the Bible, as number of the beast..." It is not "mentioned" as a year... but the name or the number of the beast. It the supposed prophecy was about the Umayyad's in 661AD, why wouldn't God have told John to write the beast rose up in 661. Or make one of his famous day into year prophecies and say, "From the day of the Lord there shall be 40 days unto the evil empire striking back"? That way Baha'is could say, "The day of the Lord is 621AD. Then we add 40 years to that to get 661AD."

Sorry, it is meaningless to me. Why too much fudging and manipulating numbers to get to the desired date. You believe it. Your happy and satisfied it is true and correct? Then good for you. You are a true Baha'i... meaning you believe whatever the Baha'i Faith says is true. I don't. And I see lots of things that don't seem right in the claims of the Baha'i Faith.
Yes, you can also create your own religion and then manuplate some verses in Bible to justify it. Maybe some people believe you too. But I believe in Bahai Faith. After all we have a choice.


Well-Known Member
Yes, you can also create your own religion and then manuplate some verses in Bible to justify it. Maybe some people believe you too. But I believe in Bahai Faith. After all we have a choice.
What is the significance of "After all we have a choice"? It sounds like you think that having a choice is sufficient to justify the choice?

CG Didymus

Veteran Member
What is the significance of "After all we have a choice"? It sounds like you think that having a choice is sufficient to justify the choice?
Fifty years ago, I thought the Baha'i Faith was a very good choice. And was ready to make that choice until a friend became a Jesus Freak and taught me what the Bible said according to them. I thought, "Hell yes, let me give this a try." I gave Christianity and several religions a serious look. The end result was there are choices. Lots of choices and it depends on who and what a person wants to believe. I ended up not trusting any of them. They are almost like a car salesman trying to sell me on their make and model.

I don't know if you've been following my comments on some of these "prophecies" that the Baha'is claim point directly to their guy being the promised one of all ages. But I'm finding the same problems you and the others are having with Baha'is... they don't have evidence or proof... only a belief in the things their religion tells them are true.


Well-Known Member
Fifty years ago, I thought the Baha'i Faith was a very good choice. And was ready to make that choice until a friend became a Jesus Freak and taught me what the Bible said according to them. I thought, "Hell yes, let me give this a try." I gave Christianity and several religions a serious look. The end result was there are choices. Lots of choices and it depends on who and what a person wants to believe. I ended up not trusting any of them. They are almost like a car salesman trying to sell me on their make and model.

I don't know if you've been following my comments on some of these "prophecies" that the Baha'is claim point directly to their guy being the promised one of all ages. But I'm finding the same problems you and the others are having with Baha'is... they don't have evidence or proof... only a belief in the things their religion tells them are true.
I have been reading your posts on and off for the last few months and generally find them to be both thoughtful and empathetic. I have the impression that you are something akin to a deist?


Veteran Member
Yes, you can also create your own religion and then manuplate some verses in Bible to justify it. Maybe some people believe you too. But I believe in Bahai Faith. After all we have a choice.
Well to me, Bahai Faith has its proofs, and in fact its divinity is proven to me. I have been trying to show it to you guys too, but to me, for some reason you guys don't see it. It is not like everyone agrees on everything. So, you have a choice what you want to believe or disbelieve.

CG Didymus

Veteran Member
I have been reading your posts on and off for the last few months and generally find them to be both thoughtful and empathetic. I have the impression that you are something akin to a deist?
Actually, if there is a God, I'd rather have it intervene and interact and communicate with us. But, considering, what life is like, I have my doubts in an all knowing, all loving being or energy force or whatever is out there.
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CG Didymus

Veteran Member
Yes, you can also create your own religion and then manuplate some verses in Bible to justify it.
Yes, Christianity manipulated the Bible to their prophet the Jewish Messiah. Then used the Bible to make Jesus God and Satan and hell real and to make Adam the reason sin entered the world causing the need for the perfect sacrifice to be made, Jesus.

Then the Baha'i Faith and Islam take what they want from the Bible to "prove" their beliefs. Finding prophesies is one thing that Christianity, Islam and the Baha'i Faith have done with the Bible to make it seem like their religions were predicted from ancient times.

Well to me, Bahai Faith has its proofs, and in fact its divinity is proven to me. I have been trying to show it to you guys too, but to me, for some reason you guys don't see it. It is not like everyone agrees on everything. So, you have a choice what you want to believe or disbelieve.
Is it us? Or are there problems with this "proof"? It's too easy to just blame it on others... "They just don't see." We get the same thing from every proselytizing religion. You all have "proofs". Christians have a book, "Evidence that Demands a Verdict." Why don't you "see" what is presented there? Maybe because you to see things differently? Maybe because there are flaws in their "proofs"?

Same thing with what Baha'is present. "God is real. And Baha'u'llah is his latest messenger." Okay, how do you prove that? Then, what was his message? That we can and will have peace and unity by following the plan that Baha'u'llah has brought from God? Maybe, but some people question that plan. Disarm and follow the decisions of some world tribunal? How would they be better or different than the people in power now? That are far from perfect? And have made lots of mistakes, made poor decisions, and some have been totally corrupt.

Then someday, we are supposed to let the Baha'i Faith, with it supposed laws from God, rule over the whole world? Best make sure that this new religion is for sure for real. So far, there's just too many issues with it.