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Are Playing Cards Evil ???


Obstructor of justice
I'm not going to respond in any DIR forum, as a rule, especially on a matter like this or tarot cards, It's too easy for me to get an infraction and so I generally will not respond in any DIR forum..

I may start my own thread on tarot cards and examine them for what they are and point out the opposition they pose to Christianity in general

I forget too easily that I'm not in a debate setting and quickly get an infraction, one being permanent now.

Will generally only start my own threads too, from now on, cause I tend to offend and/or hijack threads..

Trying to tone it down as best I can...

I didn't ask you to. I'm asking you to go back and read post 252 in this thread.


Veteran Member
Llama said:
Would you mind commenting on or answering the question in post 252? I've made this comment a few times, with no response.
Yeah, I'm at work and trying to do two things at once, so I'm going to miss some things. 252, will look at it..


Veteran Member
As I said before, you immediately think of gambling. Many people don't. When I see a deck of playing cards I immediately think of magic tricks, because my husband is a magician, and that's mainly what we use the cards for. Neither of us play card games at all, and neither of us gamble (my husband isn't even really allowed into Casinos).
Yeah, magicians and cards go hand in hand.

The tarot card "the magician" is one that I would like to discuss, but on a different thread, I'll start later...

Magician mentality/philosophy/belief is; we have the power within, to create, change or do anything we set our minds to. Chriss Angel pushes this philosophy in general, which is in opposition to what Christ taught, which is, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me".

So, why is it that when you think of playing cards, you only think of gambling, and why it is that you simply can't accept that not everyone thinks the same way you do?
Negative and positive associations are powerful things, when assigned to certain symbols/indices/renderings or whatever...


Obstructor of justice
Yeah, magicians and cards go hand in hand.

The tarot card "the magician" is one that I would like to discuss, but on a different thread, I'll start later...

If you lack the ability to distinguish between a stage magician, and a tarot card symbol, then I really don't think you and I have anything left to talk about, ever. Ever ever.

Negative and positive associations are a powerful thing, when assigned to certain symbols/indices/renderings or whatever...

Then, I hope that you'll stop saying that everyone only associates playing cards with gambling. Because, that statement is a lie, and I think you know that lying makes Jesus cry.


Well-Known Member
I think this topic has gotten a lot more attention than it really deserves, anyway. Some people behave outlandishly and proclaim outlandish opinions just because they love attention and they are not getting it elsewhere.



Veteran Member
Llama said:
(my husband isn't even really allowed into Casinos).
Yeah, because he probably knows all the corrupt tricks Casinos use to make sure they don't lose more than is coming in from unsuspecting customers/gamblers, ametueur or professional, in order to stay in biz. They let the unsuspecting gambler/customer win just enough money to keep them coming back..

Before they know it they are cleaned out over over long or short periods of time.


Obstructor of justice
Yeah, because he probably knows all the corrupt tricks Casinos use to make sure they don't lose more than is coming in from unsuspecting customers/gamblers, ametueur or professional, in order to stay in biz. They let the unsuspecting gambler/customer win just enough money to keep them coming back..

Before they know it they are cleaned out over over long or short periods of time.

Yea, that's why lots of people don't go to casinos.

Doesn't mean that the same thing will happen to them by playing Hearts or Bridge at home with friends.


Veteran Member
The negative associations I have linked to poker cards are pretty intense, because I've worked under managers, for the past 18 years, who have been addicted to gambling in all their forms and one of the owners of this chain blew his money gambling and we were one day from closing all our doors.

This is serious business, nothing to scoff at...

All I've worked with who have these addictions are fat and lazy people, who refuse to do their share or even a share of the work...

They do all they can to avoid working including pushing the rest of us harder than we would normally have to if they would get off their butts and work..

People I work with now actually work, but still many are lazy and want a free ride any way they can get it by stealing or not doing their work...

Gamblers are lazy lazy people, who are looking for an easy way out of this life and it's toil and heartache..

Life is hard, suck up and get to work...that was the clear message I got from God, when he was dealing with me a year ago about not wanting to come back to the job I currently have..

He got rid of the lazy people, including one of the owners and all the managers that were stealing, amazingly they are all gone now and life is good here at work...

Never has it been better for me than it is now..

Gamblers will be dealt with in their own way, by God, they are all gone from this place at least the ones above me, thank goodness..


Proud to be a Sinner.
If you lack the ability to distinguish between a stage magician, and a tarot card symbol, then I really don't think you and I have anything left to talk about, ever. Ever ever.
You made one mistake, you took this long to realize.


Gambling perpetuates Lazyness and Greed,

Greed perpetuates gambling.

lazyness perpetuates greed.

nobody wants to work for anything they have.

I would be more proud to say "I worked my butt off for what i have." Rather than say, "Oh, i won the jackpot."

there is no sense of accomplishment when you win big. only a desire to win big again, because...hey, if it happened once it can happen again, right?


Veteran Member
Llama said:
If you lack the ability to distinguish between a stage magician, and a tarot card symbol, then I really don't think you and I have anything left to talk about, ever. Ever ever.
Was just referring to the magician tarot card Llama and what they both represent, the power within philosophy...

Fantasy or reality, tricks or real miracles, it's the philosophy behind it which I'm trying to point out, which is in opposition to Christ's teachings..

Ignore me scoff at me it makes no difference to me.. I already know what works for me and my life, only trying to share that with others so that it might benefit them as well..


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
Yeah, because he probably knows all the corrupt tricks Casinos use to make sure they don't lose more than is coming in from unsuspecting customers/gamblers, ametueur or professional, in order to stay in biz. They let the unsuspecting gambler/customer win just enough money to keep them coming back..
Umm... there really are no tricks, just flashing lights, ringing bells, free alcohol (in Vegas, anyway - not legal here) and giving people "comps" (i.e. "complimentary" items) the more they play. Everything else is high school level math.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
I would be more proud to say "I worked my butt off for what i have." Rather than say, "Oh, i won the jackpot."

there is no sense of accomplishment when you win big. only a desire to win big again, because...hey, if it happened once it can happen again, right?
It strikes me that this would also work as an argument against the doctrine of salvation preached by most Christian denominations. :D


It strikes me that this would also work as an argument against the doctrine of salvation preached by most Christian denominations. :D

do they think it's some sort of lottery on who gets saved, liek someone spins a big wheel and if you're lucky enough you're chosen?

that would be Ludacris to me...


Proud to be a Sinner.
"Gambling promises the poor what property performs for the rich--something for nothing." - George Bernard Shaw


Veteran Member
Was referring to this particular card Llama and the philosophy behind it, that the power is within ourselves to create, do or have anything and that man is god in a way, symbolized by the infinity sign above the head.

The while lillies and roses are also symbols of Christ, who has been referred to as a white lilly and a rose...

Man is god/man is his own savior, are some of the themes I see in this tarot card...

Man has the power to create/do/be anything he sets his mind to without the power of God to help him out, since the power is within us all, which is not true.

We have no powers within us at all and are dependent on God for all that we are and have, even our breath...

God lends us our breath every moment of our lives and can take it away if he chooses to.

We must acknowledge the hand of God in our lives in ALL respects...

We cannot perform miracles without the power of God. We alone are only highly organized dust, nothing more...

Tarot Study: The Magician


Veteran Member
Umm... there really are no tricks, just flashing lights, ringing bells, free alcohol (in Vegas, anyway - not legal here) and giving people "comps" (i.e. "complimentary" items) the more they play. Everything else is high school level math.
Dude, everything from the slots to the crap tables are full of tricks so the casinos get their money and the consumer loses.