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Are soul and spirit the same?What are they in bible context?


Jesus in me
Are you saying that 1 Corinthians 15:45 is not evidence? What do you believe to be the difference between Body/Flesh and Soul? Are you saying that you believe Soul and Spirit to be the Same?
I believe I am saying that the soul is not an in-between body and spirit.


Jesus in me
Sadly, the majority of people, especially those of any type of Three in one (Trinitarian) or One in Three (Unitarian), have not received the knowledge of the directive from Jesus Christ to be aware of the corruption. Where the corrupted scriptures are plain to see, they take it as ‘Gospel’ that the corruption is ‘Truth’.
I believe scripture is not corrupted and where interpreted correctly it is truth.


Son of his Father: The Heir and Prince
I believe scripture is not corrupted and where interpreted correctly it is truth.
So you don’t think you need to heed the warning Jesus Christ set before us:
  • ‘I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this scroll: If anyone adds anything to them, God will add to that person the plagues described in this scroll.’ (Rev 22:18)


Well-Known Member
I believe I am saying that the soul is not an in-between body and spirit.
1 Corinthians 15:45

45 And so it is written, The first man Adam was made a living soul; the last Adam was made a quickening spirit.

How do you Interpret 1 Corinthians 15:45? Do you accept this Holy Scripture Verse?


Son of his Father: The Heir and Prince
1 Corinthians 15:45

45 And so it is written, The first man Adam was made a living soul; the last Adam was made a quickening spirit.

How do you Interpret 1 Corinthians 15:45? Do you accept this Holy Scripture Verse?
The first man, Adam, became a living PERSON.

Soul is just a different language word for Person.

In the New Testament the Greeks used their own word for what the Hebrews called ‘Soul’. But remember that the Greeks were tainted by their own mythological belief so in fact, they confused the meaning of ‘Soul’ with that of ‘Spirit’, which has led to arguments and disagreement between those who take the translations literally.

But the truth is very simple… SOUL is the individual, the Self, the Body and Spirit.

Adam, the PERSON named Adam (The SOUL called Adam) had his body made for him from dust of the earth…

The Soul of Adam was NOT LIVING… dust is not a living matter BUT the SELF, the PERSONAGE of Adam was in existence AWAITING the enlivening by the next process:

God blew the ENLIVENING SPIRIT into the body of the person named Adam, and thus the Person named Adam became a LIVING PERSON (A LIVING SOUL).

In another thread there is an ongoing discussion about this sand issue but here is a point to note:

Before the Soul of Adam became a LIVING Soul, it was not a DEAD Soul. This is a grave error madd by those who think in only BINARY terms: ‘If it ain’t living then it must be dead!!’. But that thinking is wrong since how can God be creating the body of a DEAD SOUL… The term ‘DEAD’ is wrongly used in that regard, which is what leads to the confusion - even to those who claim ‘Dead is the opposite and only state if not Living’.

Do we not read of Jesus raising up a child sh the family thought was ‘DEAD’. Jesus told them that the child ‘WAS NOT DEAD but merely SLEEPING’… yet the child was UNRESPONSIVE TO THE WORLD… to the environment and people (Other Living Souls).

A non-living Soul is with God by their Spirit; the Creator of Spirits:
Living Soul —- Spirit and body together
Non-living Soul —- Spirit out of body resting with God
Dead Soul: Humanity not able to communicate with the resting Spirit
Destroyed Soul: Annihilated; no longer in existence


Son of his Father: The Heir and Prince
1 Corinthians 15:45

45 And so it is written, The first man Adam was made a living soul; the last Adam was made a quickening spirit.

How do you Interpret 1 Corinthians 15:45? Do you accept this Holy Scripture Verse?
The interpretation is that the second (and Last) created sinless Man was granted the gift of giving life to those who believe in almighty God and in him:
  • ‘Eternal life depends on them believing in you, the only true God, and in Jesus Christ’
  • ’And as the Father has life in him so he has granted the Son also to have life in him’ (that is, at the end of time when Jesus grants eternal life to those whom he judges as worthy)
  • We achieve life in the new world through the salvation brought by Jesus Christ

Ella S.

Well-Known Member
I can see how a doctrine might play a role in enhancing practice. But I do have two minor objections on which I'd like to hear your opinion.

1) Once you have a mystical experience of the divine, doesn't that kind of make all doctrines irrelevant? I mean, if one genuinely makes contact with God, and receives truth directly from God, doesn't doctrine kind of "muddy the waters" a bit? Why continue to lean on doctrine, when you have access to the Source? Mind you, I'm not saying that doctrines can't help you "get to" God. That may be their one and only value. But once you've "gotten to God," haven't then doctrines outlived their usefulness?
In some sense, perhaps. Have you heard of post-Satori practice? I'm assuming that you have, but I'll go into detail about it and its relevance here.

After one achieves their initial mystical experience, that experience must continue to be developed. The experience alone might not be all you need to maintain and deepen the insight that you've gained.

Aside from that, the Gnostics were generally of the disposition that their doctrines made more sense after mystical experiences, since they used esoteric metaphor to describe facets that were thought to be universal to the resulting spiritual epiphanies. It was the epiphanies that were important and, if they did not line up with the doctrine, it was a good way to tell whether a claimed experience was genuine or not.

That's quite common in mysticism in general, though. I've seen similar approaches in Theravada Buddhism and Eastern Orthodox monasticism. Unlike these, I'm not sure that Gnostics believed in a malevolent force that mislead people through their visions, but they did believe that someone might not fully understand them if they were too ignorant about doctrine.

I've used the metaphor of trying to build a car engine from scratch before. Say you manage to get one piston moving. How do you know where to go from there without the generations of engineers and mechanics who have built their own engines and modified the designs? It might take you longer than the rest of your lifetime to figure out. Doctrine provides an important manual.

From the mystical perspective, at least. In my own opinion, I think mysticism is overrated. I prefer simple contentment now.
2) Doctrines are dangerous. They can just as easily conceal the truth as bring the truth into focus. Just take a look at the utter dominance that Pauline Christianity had on Gnosticism as a whole. Even if you assume that Gnosticism is true, one must also admit that "doctrine" was its undoing. The Pauline interpretation was not only popular, it was used as a reason to oust the Gnostics and others from the (small "c") catholic church. And (as a fellow appreciator of Plato and Socrates) you must admit that the coercive aspects of doctrines sometimes interfere with the exchange of good ideas among intelligent people.

Especially when you have folks like Paul (and I think Paul was very well-meaning, and in general a nice guy)... but he formulated rigid beliefs. And he had no qualms about impressing those beliefs on his followers in order to control them. And centuries later, he still had a following, and these later followers were willing to burn people at the stake for the mere disagreement with Paul on any number of small matters. Whether he intended to or not, Paul created a monster. An incredibly violent monster that it took reasonable people centuries until they were able to even question the evil and the violence of it all. And even more centuries passed before they were able to put an end to it.

On the whole, Christianity has been a rather bloody affair. And, though I'm sure you have some nuance to add to that rather hamfisted statement, I have gathered, from our previous conversations, that you probably see this as deeply problematic (as I do).

Aren't doctrines dangerous? What would be the modern Gnostic and/or Sethian's response to the argument that doctrines are dangerous (so far as you can tell)? Does a contemporary Sethian insist on any doctrine at all? If so, which doctrines?
Doctrines can be dangerous, but why are they dangerous? What makes doctrine dangerous?

Is it ambiguity? Is it misinformation? Is it the fact that dogma can lead to abuse?

As far as ambiguity is concerned, this is why many early Gnostic traditions were initiatory mystery schools. Those with more experience and knowledge could help correct aberrant interpretations by recent converts until they were able to reach the same states of consciousness.

As far as misinformation is concerned, obviously all doctrines claim to be true. I think that might be a separate discussion.

Dogma being abused is an important point, because Gnostic dogma has been abused. We saw it abused by the Manichaens and it continues to be abused to this day by the Mandaens.

The Manichaens abused Gnostic dogma by creating a clerical class that did basically nothing and were doted upon, given anything they wanted, had their every need catered to by others, and took responsibility for the achievements of their entire congregations. The Mandaens have abused Gnostic dogma by becoming intensely tribalistic, xenophobic, and regressive.

The Gnostics did attempt to skirt the problems of orthodoxy by focusing more on the importance of practice. There's a reasonable case to be made that some sects tolerated or participated in the use of myths that seem contradictory from an exoteric standpoint, but can only resolve their meanings esoterically. Did it work?

There have been modern-day Gnostic organizations that could probably meet the criteria of an abusive cult, such as the Cult of Qayin, the Temple of the Black Light, the Fraternitas Saturni, the Order of Nine Angles, and so on.

Does this make doctrine inherently bad, though? How many institutions have abused science for nuclear, biological, and psychological warfare? How many small groups have used engineering to create weapons to attack masses of innocent civilians? Is it the information itself, the doctrine, that's bad, or is it how the doctrine is used and regarded?

In my opinion, I believe that the Catholic Church has been a greater force for evil than for good, and that it's still a harmful institution to this day. However, despite insistence to the contrary, the Church has often reformed and modified its doctrine over the years to be less severe. Granted, many of these modifications were forced out of them, kicking and screaming as society changed around them, but it does show that doctrine is not necessarily set-in-stone.

I think it's when doctrine is taken as the fixed, absolute truth that it becomes the greatest issue. That's certainly a stance that many of the worst Catholics have taken over history, including the ones responsible for so many atrocities. That's not a necessary disposition to have towards doctrine, though.

It does open the question up a bit. What counts as doctrine? When does a statement of belief become doctrinal? There are some simple definitions we can easily look up, but I'd be interested in your input on where that line can be drawn, precisely.


Well-Known Member
The first man, Adam, became a living PERSON.

Soul is just a different language word for Person.

In the New Testament the Greeks used their own word for what the Hebrews called ‘Soul’. But remember that the Greeks were tainted by their own mythological belief so in fact, they confused the meaning of ‘Soul’ with that of ‘Spirit’, which has led to arguments and disagreement between those who take the translations literally.

But the truth is very simple… SOUL is the individual, the Self, the Body and Spirit.

Adam, the PERSON named Adam (The SOUL called Adam) had his body made for him from dust of the earth…

The Soul of Adam was NOT LIVING… dust is not a living matter BUT the SELF, the PERSONAGE of Adam was in existence AWAITING the enlivening by the next process:

God blew the ENLIVENING SPIRIT into the body of the person named Adam, and thus the Person named Adam became a LIVING PERSON (A LIVING SOUL).

In another thread there is an ongoing discussion about this sand issue but here is a point to note:

Before the Soul of Adam became a LIVING Soul, it was not a DEAD Soul. This is a grave error madd by those who think in only BINARY terms: ‘If it ain’t living then it must be dead!!’. But that thinking is wrong since how can God be creating the body of a DEAD SOUL… The term ‘DEAD’ is wrongly used in that regard, which is what leads to the confusion - even to those who claim ‘Dead is the opposite and only state if not Living’.

Do we not read of Jesus raising up a child sh the family thought was ‘DEAD’. Jesus told them that the child ‘WAS NOT DEAD but merely SLEEPING’… yet the child was UNRESPONSIVE TO THE WORLD… to the environment and people (Other Living Souls).

A non-living Soul is with God by their Spirit; the Creator of Spirits:
Living Soul —- Spirit and body together
Non-living Soul —- Spirit out of body resting with God
Dead Soul: Humanity not able to communicate with the resting Spirit
Destroyed Soul: Annihilated; no longer in existence
1 Corinthians 1:19

19 For it is written, I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and will bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent.

The Intelligent or those that Consider themselves Intelligent will Never Understand the Real Meaning of Soul taught by Elohim/God in the Holy Scriptures/Bible. Given that Elohim/God Wrote the Holy Scriptures/Bible from Genesis to Revelation It Is Inerrant. You, @Soapy, are Lacking and Certainly Not the Bible.

Apart from a Few hundred/thousand Elect, all of the 2.2 Billion Christians in Christendom learn the Holy Scriptures/Bible in Isolation from the Old Testament/Hebrew Scriptures. It's impossible to Understand the Holy Scriptures/Bible in Isolation from the Old Testament/Hebrew Scriptures.


Well-Known Member
The interpretation is that the second (and Last) created sinless Man was granted the gift of giving life to those who believe in almighty God and in him:
  • ‘Eternal life depends on them believing in you, the only true God, and in Jesus Christ’
  • ’And as the Father has life in him so he has granted the Son also to have life in him’ (that is, at the end of time when Jesus grants eternal life to those whom he judges as worthy)
  • We achieve life in the new world through the salvation brought by Jesus Christ
Yes, Only those Deemed Worthy in the Eyes of Elohim/God will Inherit the Promises. How to you become Worthy in Eyes of Elohim/God?


Son of his Father: The Heir and Prince
1 Corinthians 1:19

19 For it is written, I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and will bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent.

The Intelligent or those that Consider themselves Intelligent will Never Understand the Real Meaning of Soul taught by Elohim/God in the Holy Scriptures/Bible. Given that Elohim/God Wrote the Holy Scriptures/Bible from Genesis to Revelation It Is Inerrant. You, @Soapy, are Lacking and Certainly Not the Bible.

Apart from a Few hundred/thousand Elect, all of the 2.2 Billion Christians in Christendom learn the Holy Scriptures/Bible in Isolation from the Old Testament/Hebrew Scriptures. It's impossible to Understand the Holy Scriptures/Bible in Isolation from the Old Testament/Hebrew Scriptures.
What are you talking about. I do not recall ever separating the old and new testaments making claims in isolation about one of the other.
My only point was that some words have been changed because the Greeks had a different viewpoint because of their mythological background belief.


Son of his Father: The Heir and Prince
Yes, Only those Deemed Worthy in the Eyes of Elohim/God will Inherit the Promises. How to you become Worthy in Eyes of Elohim/God?
We must be reborn in Spirit (Humanly, we would say, ‘the mindset’) Set our mindset, our Spirit to that as exampled by Jesus Christ.


Well-Known Member
What are you talking about. I do not recall ever separating the old and new testaments making claims in isolation about one of the other.
My only point was that some words have been changed because the Greeks had a different viewpoint because of their mythological background belief.
Do you Practice the Law of Moses?

Elohim/God has Kept the Integrity/Inerrancy of the Holy Scriptures/Bible From Genesis to Revelation to make Salvation to Known. Do you think it's beyond the Capacity of Elohim/God to Preserve his Word?

Yes, Greeks use some different words to Hebrew, although they mean the same thing. Elohim/God has Corrupted some Translation to Try the Hearts and Reins.


Well-Known Member
We must be reborn in Spirit (Humanly, we would say, ‘the mindset’) Set our mindset, our Spirit to that as exampled by Jesus Christ.
John 3:5

5 Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.

How do you get Reborn in Spirit? Yeshua/Jesus Instructs that you Must be Born of Water and the Spirit. Have you been Baptised in Water? Do you agree that Yeshua/Jesus is teaching about John the Baptist's Water Baptism in John 3?


Son of his Father: The Heir and Prince
Do you Practice the Law of Moses?

Elohim/God has Kept the Integrity/Inerrancy of the Holy Scriptures/Bible From Genesis to Revelation to make Salvation to Known. Do you think it's beyond the Capacity of Elohim/God to Preserve his Word?

Yes, Greeks use some different words to Hebrew, although they mean the same thing. Elohim/God has Corrupted some Translation to Try the Hearts and Reins.
You might think you are right but yet Jesus Christ warned us that there is a massive penalty for those who do try to corrupt the scriptures.

And you think no one has?

You are right that God preserves his word… but it is up to the reader to find the preserved word of God betwixt the corruption.

For instance, Jesus never said he came FROM HEAVEN. He said he came FROM GOD; that GOD SENT HIM.

The corruption is that the TRINITARIAN TRANSLATORS changed the MEANING of ‘SENT FROM GOD’ to ‘SENT FROM HEAVEN’ so they could reinforce the false claim that Jesus was pre-existent.

Also, the verse in 1 Corinthians where Jesus is supposedly the one who ‘Created all things…’, how could Jesus have created all things (or anything, for that matter) when it is YHWH who is called ’Father’… and what does ‘Father’ mean:
  • ‘He that creates’
  • ‘He that brings into being’
  • ‘He that gives life’
- Jesus is not called ‘Father’.
- Jesus never claimed to have created anything…
- Jesus always said he could do nothing unless he saw the Father first doing it (was there a created world before this created world?)

No Corruption? What about the verse saying:
  • ‘God became flesh … and was seen by angels, was justified in the flesh, was raised up to Heaven…’
Do you really think that angels do not ‘See God’ in Heaven… that God needed to be a man for angels to see him….. That GOD could be justified IN THE FLESH????? And that GOD WAS RAISED UP TO HEAVEN?
No corruption???

And what about the verse that claimed:
  • ‘There are three in Heaven… the The Father, the Son, and the Spirit. And the three are one?’ (Paraphrased)
That fallacy verse was TOTALLY DEBUNKED as a forced attempt BY TRINITARIANS trying to claim a trinity….

I ask you: If trinity is true… WHY SO MUCH CORRUPTION that tries to JUSTIFY IT??
Surely if it were true there would be no need for corruption as the truth of the claim would testify to that truth?

What does Jesus RECEIVE as the reward for his gallant deeds and sacrifice.

As regards the attempt at making mankind a three-part animal: ‘Spirit, Soul, and Body’.
Yes, another corruption… The Hebrews only thought of ‘Spirit and Body’ as ‘Nephesh’… ‘a Soul’. ‘God blew the breathe of Life into the lifeless body of the man. And the man became a living NEPHESH.’
But by the time of the Greeks, who wrote the New Testament, the Hebrew word changed to the MEANING of that understood by the Greeks (who were steeped in mythological fallacy, as we know!). They confused the Nephesh in their translation into their belief of an inner Spirit, which they ALSO wrote as ‘Soul’. Therefore THEIR beliefs was that man was ‘Spirit, Soul, and body’. Of course, these Greeks were influenced by TRINITARIAN ‘Christians’ who underwrote this belief as it meant it felt like ‘God as man’…!!

But if you believe the fallacy, please answer me this (I’ve asked several posters before but they seemed incapable of answering):
  • It is claimed that ‘God is three: ‘Father, Son, Holy Spirit’
  • It us claimed that ‘Man is image of God as three - as God is three’
Please outline which of:
  1. Body
  2. Soul
  3. Holy Spirit
  1. Father
  2. Son
  3. Holy Spirit
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Son of his Father: The Heir and Prince
John 3:5

5 Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.

How do you get Reborn in Spirit? Yeshua/Jesus Instructs that you Must be Born of Water and the Spirit. Have you been Baptised in Water? Do you agree that Yeshua/Jesus is teaching about John the Baptist's Water Baptism in John 3?
Wow, that’s amazing???

The Jews thought that simply being bathed in water made them spiritually clean… But Jesus told them that the true baptism is with the Spirit of God.

Water Baptism is not a necessity to be ‘Born Again’. Churches might try to teach that because they like the event - it’s a public action they can perform to make themselves seem more ‘Godly’.

Water Baptism was only ever meant to be ‘a Symbolic Pledge’. It is baptism with the spirit of God that makes one to be occupied by the spirit of God and the spirit of Christ Jesus.
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Well-Known Member
You might think you are right but yet Jesus Christ warned us that there is a massive penalty for those who do try to corrupt the scriptures.

And you think no one has?

You are right that God preserves his word… but it is up to the reader to find the preserved word of God betwixt the corruption.
You appear to be misunderstanding what I stated. Elohim/God is Omni. When I stated Elohim/God Corrupted some Translations this means Holy Scriptures/Bible Versions.

Elohim/God wrote the King James, Young's Literal Translation and New International Versions of the Holy Scriptures/Bible Inerrant.

For instance, Jesus never said he came FROM HEAVEN. He said he came FROM GOD; that GOD SENT HIM.

The corruption is that the TRINITARIAN TRANSLATORS changed the MEANING of ‘SENT FROM GOD’ to ‘SENT FROM HEAVEN’ so they could reinforce the false claim that Jesus was pre-existent.
No, there is Not any corruption there. Yeshua/Jesus came From Heaven and came From Elohim/God.

Also, the verse in 1 Corinthians where Jesus is supposedly the one who ‘Created all things…’, how could Jesus have created all things (or anything, for that matter) when it is YHWH who is called ’Father’… and what does ‘Father’ mean:
  • ‘He that creates’
  • ‘He that brings into being’
  • ‘He that gives life’
- Jesus is not called ‘Father’.
- Jesus never claimed to have created anything…
- Jesus always said he could do nothing unless he saw the Father first doing it (was there a created world before this created world?)
What verse in 1 Corinthians are you talking about? It appears you are talking about Colossians 1:16. Yes, Elohim/God Created All Things through the Son.

No Corruption? What about the verse saying:
  • ‘God became flesh … and was seen by angels, was justified in the flesh, was raised up to Heaven…’
Do you really think that angels do not ‘See God’ in Heaven… that God needed to be a man for angels to see him….. That GOD could be justified IN THE FLESH????? And that GOD WAS RAISED UP TO HEAVEN?
No corruption???
That is Not corruption. Elohim/God is Flesh, Soul and Spirit. Elohim/God is Omni.

And what about the verse that claimed:
  • ‘There are three in Heaven… the The Father, the Son, and the Spirit. And the three are one?’ (Paraphrased)
That fallacy verse was TOTALLY DEBUNKED as a forced attempt BY TRINITARIANS trying to claim a trinity….

I ask you: If trinity is true… WHY SO MUCH CORRUPTION that tries to JUSTIFY IT??
Surely if it were true there would be no need for corruption as the truth of the claim would testify to that truth?

What does Jesus RECEIVE as the reward for his gallant deeds and sacrifice.
No corruption there. Elohim/God is One Being, Trinity and Pantheon of Gods. Elohim/God manifests in the Different ways to different people.

As regards the attempt at making mankind a three-part animal: ‘Spirit, Soul, and Body’.
Yes, another corruption… The Hebrews only thought of ‘Spirit and Body’ as ‘Nephesh’… ‘a Soul’. ‘God blew the breathe of Life into the lifeless body of the man. And the man became a living NEPHESH.’
But by the time of the Greeks, who wrote the New Testament, the Hebrew word changed to the MEANING of that understood by the Greeks (who were steeped in mythological fallacy, as we know!). They confused the Nephesh in their translation into their belief of an inner Spirit, which they ALSO wrote as ‘Soul’. Therefore THEIR beliefs was that man was ‘Spirit, Soul, and body’. Of course, these Greeks were influenced by TRINITARIAN ‘Christians’ who underwrote this belief as it meant it felt like ‘God as man’…!!

But if you believe the fallacy, please answer me this (I’ve asked several posters before but they seemed incapable of answering):
  • It is claimed that ‘God is three: ‘Father, Son, Holy Spirit’
  • It us claimed that ‘Man is image of God as three - as God is three’
Please outline which of:
  1. Body
  2. Soul
  3. Holy Spirit
  1. Father
  2. Son
  3. Holy Spirit
You are Interpreting the Holy Scriptures/Bible Literally and that's for the Temporal Church. For example, do you Believe that Elohim/God Literally Parted the Red Sea?


Well-Known Member
Wow, that’s amazing???

The Jews thought that simply being bathed in water made them spiritually clean… But Jesus told them that the true baptism is with the Spirit of God.

Water Baptism is not a necessity to be ‘Born Again’. Churches might try to teach that because they like the event - it’s a public action they can perform to make themselves seem more ‘Godly’.

Water Baptism was only ever meant to be ‘a Symbolic Pledge’. It is baptism with the spirit of God that makes one to be occupied by the spirit of God and the spirit of Christ Jesus.
Matthew 3:13

13 Then cometh Jesus from Galilee to Jordan unto John, to be baptized of him.

This proves that you are Not Saved and Don't Know what Salvation is. Why would Yeshua/Jesus do John the Baptist Baptism if it were not important? Yeshua/Jesus doesn't do anything that is unimportant. True Disciples of Yeshua/Jesus Follow his example.


Son of his Father: The Heir and Prince
Matthew 3:13

13 Then cometh Jesus from Galilee to Jordan unto John, to be baptized of him.

This proves that you are Not Saved and Don't Know what Salvation is. Why would Yeshua/Jesus do John the Baptist Baptism if it were not important? Yeshua/Jesus doesn't do anything that is unimportant. True Disciples of Yeshua/Jesus Follow his example.
Being dipped in water makes you ‘Reborn’????

There are millions who get ‘dipped in water’ or just have some water trickled on their head who are then claimed to be ‘Reborn’… even babe in arms who have no knowledge of what us going on… How are they consciously ‘making a symbolic pledge’?

Water baptism of Jesus was SYMBOLIC… GOD BAPTISED Jesus immediately afterward with the TRUE SPIRIT - the true baptism.
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Son of his Father: The Heir and Prince
You appear to be misunderstanding what I stated. Elohim/God is Omni. When I stated Elohim/God Corrupted some Translations this means Holy Scriptures/Bible Versions.

Elohim/God wrote the King James, Young's Literal Translation and New International Versions of the Holy Scriptures/Bible Inerrant.

No, there is Not any corruption there. Yeshua/Jesus came From Heaven and came From Elohim/God.

What verse in 1 Corinthians are you talking about? It appears you are talking about Colossians 1:16. Yes, Elohim/God Created All Things through the Son.

That is Not corruption. Elohim/God is Flesh, Soul and Spirit. Elohim/God is Omni.

No corruption there. Elohim/God is One Being, Trinity and Pantheon of Gods. Elohim/God manifests in the Different ways to different people.

But if you believe the fallacy, please answer me this (I’ve asked several posters before but they seemed incapable of answering):
  • It is claimed that ‘God is three: ‘Father, Son, Holy Spirit’
  • It us claimed that ‘Man is image of God as three - as God is three’
Please outline which of:
  1. Body
  2. Soul
  3. Holy Spirit
  1. Father
  2. Son
  3. Holy Spirit
You are Interpreting the Holy Scriptures/Bible Literally and that's for the Temporal Church. For example, do you Believe that Elohim/God Literally Parted the Red Sea?

So you can’t answer the question either…. I thought so!!


Son of his Father: The Heir and Prince
You appear to be misunderstanding what I stated. Elohim/God is Omni. When I stated Elohim/God Corrupted some Translations this means Holy Scriptures/Bible Versions.

Elohim/God wrote the King James, Young's Literal Translation and New International Versions of the Holy Scriptures/Bible Inerrant.

No, there is Not any corruption there. Yeshua/Jesus came From Heaven and came From Elohim/God.

What verse in 1 Corinthians are you talking about? It appears you are talking about Colossians 1:16. Yes, Elohim/God Created All Things through the Son.

That is Not corruption. Elohim/God is Flesh, Soul and Spirit. Elohim/God is Omni.

No corruption there. Elohim/God is One Being, Trinity and Pantheon of Gods. Elohim/God manifests in the Different ways to different people.

You are Interpreting the Holy Scriptures/Bible Literally and that's for the Temporal Church. For example, do you Believe that Elohim/God Literally Parted the Red Sea?
Parting the Red Sea has nothing to do with this discussion. The topic at present was how are you saying that man is three parts because God is three parts but yet cannot justify HOW those three parts are attributed:
  • Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
  • Soul, Spirit, and Body
Please, I want to be understanding like what happens to the Soul when:
  • the body decays to dust and
  • the spirit goes up to rest in ‘spiritual sleep’ with God.
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