I am not confusing anything. Gays have more mental problems, more disease, HIV, assaults of their own, and more promiscuousness.
You have stated a lot of drivel in this thread but here is one thing I would like to clarify. There is higher rates of STD in the male homosexual community. I have heard that there is higher rates of assault (I assume you mean sexual) but I haven't found the solid data to support this. I would like to have a link for my personal information as well.
Also the promiscuity is also mostly myth. There really isn't anything to support it aside from some biased and misinformed polls taken.
On the STD issue it is very serous. However the reasons behind it are not what conservatives would like for you to think. The reason behind it is because safe sex in the male homosexual community was never taught. Sex in this community was often done in secret as it was not okay to have a regular open relationship with men in our society. Lastly the problems of HIV and other STD's was not only ignored but INTENTIONALLY not reported. Thus the problem grew out of hand quickly. Thankfully we see that the rates are dropping year by year as new education is available. Monogamous relationships are now possible to be had as they can be done in the open.
On the mental health issue there is some evidence that states that LGBTQ are slightly more likely to have a mental disorder. The mental disorders that are more common are not schizophrenia or paranoia. The two most common are anxiety disorders and depression. They have been directly linked to environmental effects. The amount of bullying found, home abuse and lack of acceptance from not only community but from loved ones such as family makes it surprising that the rates are not higher than they already are.
None of these issues that have been mentioned, of the ones that are actually true, are inherent to homosexuality but rather the environment that conservative christian efforts have forced them in. Lastly I find it also funny that lesbians however are not only exempt from all of these things but are SIGNIFICANTLY better in most categories as heterosexual couples.