I think most places in the world still have issues with gender equality both in and outside of relationships. Relationships should be a partnership. Couples should work together in tandem with neither over the other in importance or standing. How each couple does that should be upon them and no one outside the relationship should have any say. It is the stereotyping of gender-roles that can often be an issue. However, if it works better for a couple to have her work and him be a SAHD then that is just as fine as both working or just him working. The problem also arises from gender stereotypes as to how a man should be. By having some men raised up to believe that they need not be emotional, that catering to women and children is "unmanly", that it is a woman's job to primarily take care of the children and that men aren't as fit to be parents as women are...this propagates the erroneous idea that men can walk away and their children still be fine because they have their mother. While in some cases that may be so, it let's men off the hook in child-rearing. If men don't believe they make a strong difference in their children's lives, if they don't step up and connect and be emotional and play and care for their mother and so on all it does is bring about another generation that believes the men don't need to be there. There are wonderful fathers, men who are caring and support their family in more than just financial ways, and unfortunately, they aren't looked upon as "as manly" as some other men which is just stupid. Women should also show more appreciation and gratitude for the men who do step up and fulfill their role. Should not negate their feelings. Should not write them out of their children's lives merely because their relationship fell apart (with exceptions for protection from abuse).
I don't think men are given a fair shake because of how so many are raised to be. A kind sensitive man may well have been bullied for being "soft" when younger, but is a man to be treasured by a woman when older. I wish more men could realize that and remain strong within themselves to be a real man. A man who is a partner on all levels with his spouse.