People create their Own versions of Jesus/Christ/Christianity
which they can then follow. (without insurmountable conflict)
(as their version fits their own agendas, needs, ideals, ideas, and wants)
Really they are just following their Own Ideals,
packaged in an "authoritative" power play/my'thology.
Or, they choose/have thrust upon them, some version or another (of Christianity)
that crushes them, their spirit, as they cannot live up to it's commands, commandments, and doctrines.
If we all were to TRULY FOLLOW in the ways/being/practice of a Christ,
we would all/each/ourSelves BE Christs.
Unfortunately mainstream christianity encourages sheeple,
where there should be gods.
DEPTH of I'mITation, is key-- when it comes to BECOMING Following,
as opposed to "tagging along behind" following.
I see the Jesus character as a Magus.
yes. A Source'heir'er. (An heir of source)
There is no story, that we don't interpret/re'create/realize
according to our own inclinations and dispositions.
If a Myth does not propel you to BECOME Your Own Higher Self,
it is worthless.
An effective My'thology should put YOU in the HERO seat.
For me, Christianity is about the BECOMING of Christhood in you.
Your OWN Christhood. Yes, You, "The Christ",
no more or less than Our Story's Hero --Yashua/Jesus.
In the end, YOU must be the Hero, the Christ.
The story is only a blueprint.
This, of course, is according to, and a reflection of my Own personal Outlook.