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Are you a god?

  • Thread starter angellous_evangellous
  • Start date


AlanGurvey said:
Nope, because there is only one, always has been, and always shall be! :)

In the end, there can be only one.


muwhahahahahahah :devil:


Well-Known Member
angellous_evangellous said:
In the end, there can be only one.


muwhahahahahahah :devil:

HIGHLANDER! *thinks of his favorite aqua teen hunger force episode*



here a god, there a god, everywhere a god god!
i'm a god and you are too, eee-i, eee-i - O!


Disciple of Light
In no way are we gods, but by your definition we can be to some extent.

1) You are 'realizing' your divinity through any religious means
2) You will become a god eventually because you were a god
3) You can create reality by thinking
4) You are naturally immortal

1)i believe i have a divine soul which is connected to a greater source of all souls
2)i may evetually go to heaven and unite with a supremem god
3)imaginary worlds/beings/etc. could exist in reality but we do not know it. maybe our thoughts are real and our reality is not.
4)the sould can possibly be imortal if it goes to heaven


artist in training
I am most definitely the supreme being in the universe, now bear with me here this is all based on my own logic. Since I am the only thing that I can prove has consciousness (most people think that other humans have consciousness because they have similar traits but I myself nor anyone that I know of has ever confirmed this assumption ) therefore I am the only thing in the universe that can give form and substance to things, since things are only real in a practical sense if they can be observed, and I am a very practical person. Hence I am a god but not a supernatural being


ch'ang said:
I am most definitely the supreme being in the universe, now bear with me here this is all based on my own logic. Since I am the only thing that I can prove has consciousness (most people think that other humans have consciousness because they have similar traits but I myself nor anyone that I know of has ever confirmed this assumption ) therefore I am the only thing in the universe that can give form and substance to things, since things are only real in a practical sense if they can be observed, and I am a very practical person. Hence I am a god but not a supernatural being

Are you serious?


Well-Known Member
depending on what you mean by god... to my dog i am god i bless my dog with a treat when she is good and punish her when she is bad... For god gave us dominion over the earth and everything in it. but compared to god no one is... if we where we would be able to perceive all things in the whole universe, unless the eye of our understating are open we as mortals will not be able to understand...

so my answer is no i am not god


artist in training
Are you serious?

Somewhat, for something to have substance it must be observed (trying to avoid a long winded explanation of quantum mechanics) and since I am the only thing that I can prove has consciousness in the universe then in effect when I observe something I am giving it substance.


High Priestess
Genesis 3:22, God said, "Behold, the man has become like one of Us, to know good and evil".

Psalm 82:6 I said, "You are gods, And all of you are children of the Most High.
7 But you shall die like men, And fall like one of the princes."

Exodus 7:1 So the LORD said to Moses: "See, I have made you as God to Pharaoh, and Aaron your brother shall be your prophet.

For the men, which Greek God are You? (I took this quiz, said I was Hermes, messenger to the Gods)

For the women, which Greek Goddess are You?


ch'ang said:
Somewhat, for something to have substance it must be observed (trying to avoid a long winded explanation of quantum mechanics) and since I am the only thing that I can prove has consciousness in the universe then in effect when I observe something I am giving it substance.

I don't think that quantum physics can make such drastic conclusions.;)

First of all, if the only thing that you can prove is that you alone have consciousness, then you can't be so sure that you yourself have consciousness and then somehow :confused: conclude that you alone give substance to the universe. The insanity of your conclusion is that you aren't sure that anything exists, but you are sure that you exist, but you don't have any proof that you exist to convince everyone else! - much less yourself.

Put that in your smipe and poke it...