Not sure the post was directed to you, but you may be the same person.
The suggestion was that thanksgiving is sacrifice. It isn't.
"Where did I give such an impression?
I think you're stuck in the depiction of animal sacrifice in the Tanakh, rather than leaving that context entirely for ours.
Think of it like this. You know the modern Christian ritual of saying grace before a meal? Well, consider the kind of animal sacrifice we're talking about as similar to that, except taking place during the animal's slaughter. The animal slaughtered is eaten that very same day in a grand feast.
I'd wager to guess that it was only after such sacrifices that Northern Folk got to eat meat, anyway. Abundance is not the name of the Northern Game."
Are you following the conversation, or just giving me a definition of sacrifice, towards your viewpoint? Clarifying the other viewpoint?
I'm confused.
I was pretty sure I commented on the others post? As to what was posted.