Good answer!
But I’m still not convinced you are an atheist
Tell you what...let's both agree I'm as spiritual as concrete dust. That works from both a panentheist AND atheist viewpoint.
Not philosophically -
physically! Nothing touches anything. To explain it simply: what you feel is your energy intertwining with the keyboard’s energy. You are not really touching. Ask any physicist you want to confirm and explain it to you in more detail
No clue what you mean. I'll try and check it out but it doesnt sound that interesting to me. Solipsism suggests not even my energy is entwining, so ultimately we end up back a subjectivity, perhaps.
Now consider this: the same thing happens with everything... including your own body. In and out. Makes you wonder, doesn’t it?
It makes me think, yes. But I've actually spent more time recently in my life considering less dogmatic religious views.
To date that hasn't made me theistic but I find the beliefs interesting.
Why only “out there”? Why not next to you too? Why not within you also? You are literally inhaling the universe... Ever thought about that?
Your point is well made. But yes, actually. At the risk of my atheist credentials, I can even give a specific example some might describe as spiritual. I lived for a year in a very, very, very remote location. No electricity. A few of us took a small boat out, sitting in single file. We motored out for quite a while, and then just killed the engines.
There seemed more stars in the sky than space between them, and they stretched quite literally from horizon to horizon. But even more remarkably, there were some sort of tiny glowing sea creatures all around. No idea what they were. But it was like being completely surrounded by the stars. Once the engines were silent, no-one spoke. Some sort of mutual unspoken agreement to enjoy the moment.
So...yes. I have thought about it.
I know it is impossible for anyone to consider all view points of the divine, old and new, so I’m usually referring to the most common/well known ones and the ones that have been around for several decades and have been believed by notable many.
So, I’ll agree with Johnnie’s points as “basics”:
Do we agree on these? Not that I have any issue if that's your list. But I wouldn't see something like 'energy' or 'matter' as God.
I suspect, for me, God needs sentience, ultimately.
It’s a theistic philosophy. Many consider Buddhism to be a theistic philosophy too, instead of a religion. Either way, they both fall under the category of “views on god”.
Yep. But given the lack of dogma, it's hard for me to hate on it, and quite possible for me to accept it as a philosophical position, is more my meaning. Deism, too, in a way...
And I work with a lot of multilingual people. Colour me
Sidenote, I have always loved reading about classical Greece (so to speak) including Greek myth. Especially when I was a kid I read huge amounts on those topics.