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Are you with UN "global" law prohibition the provocation "mock/insult/lie", about all religions ?

are you with UN "global" law prohibition the "mock/insult/lie" about all religio

  • Total voters


the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
No its not relevant.

Jewish law is not Israeli law. Therefore it has nothing to do with the discussion.

then why the jews provoked , when anyone said that the Hebrew Talmud containt non-translated racist verses ?

and you provoked also by Mel Gibson's "Passion of the Christ

British Jews condemn 'dangerous' Passion - Telegraph

you (the jews) considerate the film as provocation and lie to jewish history .
and also the deny the holocost is provocation and something shameful when Irani president said it !!!
Israel PM Netanyahu: Iran Nuclear Threat, Holocaust Denial Must Stop

i am here against the of some unreponsible persons mock and lieing with muslims beliefs or other religions .

when it's provocation against islam it's becomes "freedom of speech" ? ;)


the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
In my opinion, it is probably because Islam is so completely infused into their culture. Some of those countries are near-100% Muslim. That means that an attack on Islam looks to them like an attack on reality itself.

So I think the only answer is to somehow work toward religious freedom in Muslim countries, along with helping them to grow their economies. The problem isn't with Islam, in my view. Any Holy Scripture can be reinterpreted to fit modern sensibilities. The problem is with repressive cultures.
you are right about your opinion .about countries are near 100% muslims .
but in the second opinion you are wrong , religious freedom mean : secular , that's not work , why ? because 100% of muslim countries are religious , i guess there is no atheist in majority of muslim world .

let me explain ;
more freedom to other religion it's exist , but if you mean too more freedom to insult our own religion (prophet) !!!!
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the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
Stupidity never cease to amaze me.

This proposal will fail because it will be subject to abuse and misuse.

If it was ever approved, it will become even worse than witch-hunts or the Spanish Inquisition. Every hot heads will kill anyone who criticize religion, as if some Muslims don't already don't do enough violence and murders in the name of their prophet or their god for what they consider to be blasphemy.

If such law was in place that would have been perfect excuse for the girl to be killed for allegedly burning the Quran or the school teacher involved in naming teddy bear "Muhammad".

I would say "no" to such stupid global law, because of global misuse and abuse. It will encourage violence and murder (executions) in the names of religions.

Bigotry and hate and ignorance can work in both directions. What will stop religious fanatics if such a law come to pass?

BTW, I can't vote for I'm neither atheist nor religious. It would seem that agnostics always get left out.

what you mean by stubidiy ? my opinion ?
how about whom considerate (here by non-muslims) the mockery film is stupid ? they are stupid too ?
see how if someone get provoked , he get to misrespect with others opinion .

we are talking about provocation inter religions .

film mock is main cause of the protest voilence and the hate (which are still until now) , which encourage the extremism and terrorism in the end .

kill ="burning " " teddy bear"
you make a story and prejudge it ?, i am not justify to provocation but as i know USA law don't protect any religion provocation .
just i am curuis , how about other religions ,could anyone in the west could his dog "Krishna " , or "Jesus" ?

some crazy bad muslims when they provoked by non-muslims (eg the film), their freedom of speech becomes the voilence .

both ,the provocation and voilence is immoral action for me , voilence is ONLY the consquence/result of the provocation.


Woke gremlin
then why the jews provoked , when anyone said that the Hebrew Talmud containt non-translated racist verses ?

and you provoked also by Mel Gibson's "Passion of the Christ

British Jews condemn 'dangerous' Passion - Telegraph

you (the jews) considerate the film as provocation and lie to jewish history .
and also the deny the holocost is provocation and something shameful when Irani president said it !!!
Israel PM Netanyahu: Iran Nuclear Threat, Holocaust Denial Must Stop

i am here against the of some unreponsible persons mock and lieing with muslims beliefs or other religions .

when it's provocation against islam it's becomes "freedom of speech" ?
No, it's all freedom of speech, and nothing you just linked to indicated any kind of hypocrisy on the issue. The views of a group do not outweigh the rights and freedoms of all people - that's the whole point.


Just Jewish
then why the jews provoked , when anyone said that the Hebrew Talmud containt non-translated racist verses ?

and you provoked also by Mel Gibson's "Passion of the Christ

British Jews condemn 'dangerous' Passion - Telegraph

you (the jews) considerate the film as provocation and lie to jewish history .
and also the deny the holocost is provocation and something shameful when Irani president said it !!!
Israel PM Netanyahu: Iran Nuclear Threat, Holocaust Denial Must Stop

i am here against the of some unreponsible persons mock and lieing with muslims beliefs or other religions .

when it's provocation against islam it's becomes "freedom of speech" ? ;)

Ahmadinajad is an antisemite of the worst kind and the worst part is he is the president of a country. He not only denigrates the Jews he threatens Israel with destruction.

The movie the passion of christ was antisemic as is mel gibson.

The point is that one can protest but it needs to be done in a peaceful manner and one can stop a movie but it needs to be done by going through channels.

The reality is that there will always be those who will say things that are insulting to someone or a group somewhere. How you deal with it is the issue.

It is not acceptable to riot causing death and destruction.


the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
Ahmadinajad is an antisemite of the worst kind and the worst part is he is the president of a country. He not only denigrates the Jews he threatens Israel with destruction.

The movie the passion of christ was antisemic as is mel gibson.

The point is that one can protest but it needs to be done in a peaceful manner and one can stop a movie but it needs to be done by going through channels.

The reality is that there will always be those who will say things that are insulting to someone or a group somewhere. How you deal with it is the issue.

It is not acceptable to riot causing death and destruction.
the mel gibson film is christian history of Jesus (pbuh) not antisemtic .

any way , what you considerate " antisemic" is not acceptable and should stop and paid by moneny (issue of holocost in europe) , but anti-islalm is ok ?

Laws against Holocaust denial - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Just Jewish
what you mean by stubidiy ? my opinion ?
how about whom considerate (here by non-muslims) the mockery film is stupid ? they are stupid too ?
see how if someone get provoked , he get to misrespect with others opinion .

we are talking about provocation inter religions .

film mock is main cause of the protest voilence and the hate (which are still until now) , which encourage the extremism and terrorism in the end .

kill ="burning " " teddy bear"
you make a story and prejudge it ?, i am not justify to provocation but as i know USA law don't protect any religion provocation .
just i am curuis , how about other religions ,could anyone in the west could his dog "Krishna " , or "Jesus" ?

some crazy bad muslims when they provoked by non-muslims (eg the film), their freedom of speech becomes the voilence .

both ,the provocation and voilence is immoral action for me , voilence is ONLY the consquence/result of the provocation.

If someone named their dog Jesus they would not be arrested or threatened with death.


Just Jewish
the mel gibson film is christian history of Jesus (pbuh) not antisemtic .

any way , what you considerate " antisemic" is not acceptable and should stop and paid by moneny (issue of holocost in europe) , but anti-islalm is ok ?

Laws against Holocaust denial - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Mel Gibson is notorious in his hatred of Jews. I seriously doubt his movie is historical. Even in Islam there is a different understanding of the death of Jesus. Islam does not even accept he was crucified so Christianity and Islam have two different stories of Jesus.

What you need to understand is that in the West there is freedom of speech and there are channels to deal with slights.

I never said being anti semitic was not ok but being anti islam is ok.

What I believe is that there is freedom of speech and when you feel insulted or a group feels insulted you do not have a right to riot causing death and destruction.

No group has a right to do that.

But in the west where I live we have freedom of speech and we understand how that works.

The UN does not have a right to put forth laws that go against my countries constitution.
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the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
If someone named their dog Jesus they would not be arrested or threatened with death.

in which country ? israel , i guess they allowed ?
of course he will arrested (not death),if he in Islamic country ,because we the muslims considerate Jesus(pbuh), but in western country i guess not also .


Well-Known Member
what you mean by stubidiy ? my opinion ?
how about whom considerate (here by non-muslims) the mockery film is stupid ? they are stupid too ?
see how if someone get provoked , he get to misrespect with others opinion .

we are talking about provocation inter religions .

film mock is main cause of the protest voilence and the hate (which are still until now) , which encourage the extremism and terrorism in the end .

kill ="burning " " teddy bear"
you make a story and prejudge it ?, i am not justify to provocation but as i know USA law don't protect any religion provocation .
just i am curuis , how about other religions ,could anyone in the west could his dog "Krishna " , or "Jesus" ?

some crazy bad muslims when they provoked by non-muslims (eg the film), their freedom of speech becomes the voilence .

both ,the provocation and voilence is immoral action for me , voilence is ONLY the consquence/result of the provocation.

What makes you think that non-muslims have no right to criticize islam? They don't believe islam is true, after all.

If islam looks rediculous or noxious to someone, why should they not be able to say so?

If muslims don't like it, they are free to convince others that their ideas are accurate, nothing more.


the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
What makes you think that non-muslims have no right to criticize islam? They don't believe islam is true, after all.
i am not talking about criticize , i am talking about lieing .
is criticize = lie (fake info )

If islam looks rediculous or noxious to someone, why should they not be able to say so?
If muslims don't like it, they are free to convince others that their ideas are accurate, nothing more.
that's not justify to lie .
explain why its reduclous to muslims about the rediculous and don't use prejudge , if you find it's already/stay rediculous , JUST DON'T LIE.
by using fake stories(lie) to exprim the hate to islam .

(i am not talking to you , i just explain )


Well-Known Member
i am not talking about criticize , i am talking about lieing .
is criticize = lie (fake info )

that's not justify to lie .
explain why its reduclous to muslims about the rediculous and don't use prejudge , if you find it's already/stay rediculous , JUST DON'T LIE.
by using fake stories(lie) to exprim the hate to islam .

(i am not talking to you , i just explain )

I agree with you, but I don't agree that violence is justified or that speech should be regulated.

I do wonder who gets to be the arbiter of what is true and what is not.


Wonder Woman
we are talking about lying . is intentionnal lie about other religions , considerate freedom of speech ?

Doesn't that depend on what you consider a "lie"? If I consider a man who takes a child bride to be a pedophile and I find out that Muhammed had a child bride, and therefore I say that he was a pedophile, am I lying? Am I really? If one reads the Quran and gets the impression from it that it is misogynistic and abusive and cruel, is it lying for one say so?

Doesn't it all really just depend on what you consider to be lies? If I have an opinion about your religion and I voice it and you disagree with it or don't like it, am I automatically lying about it and offending you and should I be prosecuted for such? Really? Just for offending your precious little sensibilities? Can we not all just be grown ups and just deal with things?


Well-Known Member
you are right about your opinion .about countries are near 100% muslims .but in the second opinion you are wrong , religious freedom mean : secular , that's not work , why ? because 100% of muslim countries are religious , i guess there is no atheist in majority of muslim world .

But there are lots of atheists in Muslim countries who are hiding in the closet with all of the homosexuals. There would be a lot more atheists if they were free to think and speak freely.

So long as Muslim countries enforce their religion with the sword, those Muslim countries will not thrive. Humanity can't grow so long as people are forced to shut their mouths and their minds to strange new truth.

Maybe that's OK with most Muslims -- to live in places like that -- but I would rather live where people are free to say and think most anything. It's how we grow. It's why we are so rich. And it's a wonderful place to be a philosopher. I could not live in a Muslim country, I think. The government would make me stop talking and thinking.

more freedom to other religion it's exist , but if you mean too more freedom to insult our own religion (prophet) !!!!

I'm sorry, but I just can't understand your meaning. You're welcome to say it in a different way for me.


Just Jewish
in which country ? israel , i guess they allowed ?
of course he will arrested (not death),if he in Islamic country ,because we the muslims considerate Jesus(pbuh), but in western country i guess not also .

Israel? Seriously............

I expect that just about any democratic western country one could name their dog Jesus.

Your bias is so obvious...

I so thankful I live where I live........


Well-Known Member
in which country ? israel , i guess they allowed ?
of course he will arrested (not death),if he in Islamic country ,because we the muslims considerate Jesus(pbuh), but in western country i guess not also .

I wish you could understand how frightening that is to us.

If we could be arrested for naming our dogs 'Jesus', many of us would go out into the streets and protest. If the government did not change that law, the protests would probably become violent and people might be hurt and killed.

Our freedom of speech is as sacred to us as your prophet is to you.

As someone else said, this is a fundamental clash of cultures. We will never give up our freedom of speech.


Well-Known Member
A bit off topic, but why is it insulting to Jesus if someone names their dog after him? Could it not be considered a complement?


Admiral Obvious
A bit off topic, but why is it insulting to Jesus if someone names their dog after him? Could it not be considered a complement?
that is just it though, they do not know that it is insulting to Jesus.
It is insulting to them, so they transfer that insult to their mental image of Jesus.


Well-Known Member
So I got a stupid question.
What would your country do if someone named Jesus were to try to enter your country?