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Are you with UN "global" law prohibition the provocation "mock/insult/lie", about all religions ?

are you with UN "global" law prohibition the "mock/insult/lie" about all religio

  • Total voters


Wonder Woman
edited is allowed , anything , i add something , not delete ;)

some hadiths said ,he married Aisha at age 12 , my grandmother married at age 13 , my mother born me at age 15 .

i had picture my mother , she war mere at age 15 .
that's why i experience it , and i see no pedophile . and it's not lie story that Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) married Aisha at young age in that time , but it's not mean forcely it's pedophile .

any way she was happy in that marriage , she was the main source of many Hadiths , for my opinion God put her to deliver the message of the Prophet to the next generation .
I can read all that and easily say that you can justify his sick perversion any way you want, he was still a pedophile. A grown man laying with a little 12 old girl is a sicko. Now, according to you, and your wishes for a supposed law, should what I just said be considered a lie and provocation and should a suffer punishment?


The Lost One
godobeyer said:
but if someone post fake info about my or your beliefs ,that's mean he is lying . i am talking about some know the truth ,but he intentionaly lying , because "hate".

sorry for poll options , i just ignore that there is a kind of beliefs are not (non-religions ,and religions)

I don't know about Australia (which is my home) or elsewhere outside the US, Americans can legally sue someone for libel or slander. I believe that law would ONLY TO LIVING PERSON.

In Australia, there is protection against racial vilification. Again, this only applied to living person or people, and only with regards to race.

Religion is not living person. And dead religious figures, like Muhammad, Jesus or Moses, cannot be protected by any law, nor should it be protected. It is stupid to think that they can be protected. And as to god or deities, they don't need protection too, and blasphemy law is also stupid, because we don't even know if they are real or not.

The example of the Christian girl ALLEGEDLY burning the Qur'an is a perfect example of how some Muslims would want to have a girl that age killed because of blasphemy. (Yes, I know, she was found to be innocence; it was damn cleric who committed the deeds.) It is very extreme to value a book more than the girl's life. IT IS JUST A BL@@DY BOOK! Such book can be easily printed and easily replaced.

Muslims themselves (I am not saying all or even most Muslims) are not above making lies about other people. They are just likely to use propaganda or stereotyping against people in the "West" or to any non-Muslim, or even among themselves, just like any other Western or non-Muslim people.


the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
I can read all that and easily say that you can justify his sick perversion any way you want, he was still a pedophile. A grown man laying with a little 12 old girl is a sicko. Now, according to you, and your wishes for a supposed law, should what I just said be considered a lie and provocation and should a suffer punishment?
that's why i told you there is different angle of point of view .
mariage of Aisha you considerate it pedophile , i considerate it a normal and caused mariage in that age/era .(and i explained it , how i saw it ).

you are off topic .
my thread is not talking criticing my beliefs , my thread is talking about lieing and provocation about my belief and other beliefs .


Well-Known Member
that's why i told you there is different angle of point of view .
mariage of Aisha you considerate it pedophile , i considerate it a normal and caused mariage in that age/era .(and i explained it , how i saw it ).

you are off topic .
my thread is not talking criticing my beliefs , my thread is talking about lieing and provocation about my belief and other beliefs .

How can one lie about a system of belief that one doesn't agree is true in the first place?


the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
How can one lie about a system of belief that one doesn't agree is true in the first place?
good question ,
that's what i call it different faith/beliefs

and it's different "to lie" about other belief .

considerate something as disbelieve info , it's different than lie about it .

for exemple:
i face a lie info about Islam , some one said , that Muslims pray to MOON , Allah is moon !!!, it's it's lie about Islam .

we need to distingue about lie about something and disbelieve in something .


Wonder Woman
good question ,
that's what i call it different faith/beliefs

and it's different "to lie" about other belief .

considerate something as disbelieve info , it's different than lie about it .

for exemple:
i face a lie info about Islam , some one said , that Muslims pray to MOON , Allah is moon !!!, it's it's lie about Islam .

we need to distingue about lie about something and disbelieve in something .

That's just misinformation. Big whoop. That's what you are concerned about? I've heard far worse about my religion. Hell man, I actually had a college instructor once stop me after class to ask me if it was true that I partipated in blood sacrifices of animals and orgies as part of my religious practices! I laughed. I didn't get mad. Some things are just too absurd to get mad over and the only response is to shake your head and laugh at the stupidity. People will always be stupid and say stupid things, and you know what? They are free to go on with their stupid selves. We are are free to laugh at them, correct them, and put out the correct information and just hope that most people are smart enough to be able to tell the correct from the stupid. A law really isn't necessary.


Well-Known Member
Godobeyer, I'm not sure whether you missed my question earlier, so I'll post it again:

This happens only in Saudi or Iran when you do it publicly maybe Pakistan but i am not sure of it lets not forget there are over 56 ''Muslim'' countries.

Debater Slayer

Staff member
Premium Member
sorry i miss it .
nothing will happened .

This happens only in Saudi or Iran when you do it publicly maybe Pakistan but i am not sure of it lets not forget there are over 56 ''Muslim'' countries.

Having read these responses, I'll just say that they are vastly inaccurate to the real world and leave it at that.

I mean no offense by that, by the way. I suspect that only a small minority really knows what things are like when it comes to this issue, mainly because this topic in particular seems relatively simple "on paper" compared to how it actually is.


Well-Known Member
Having read these responses, I'll just say that they are vastly inaccurate to the real world and leave it at that.

I mean no offense by that, by the way. I suspect that only a small minority really knows what things are like when it comes to this issue, mainly because this topic in particular seems relatively simple "on paper" compared to how it actually is.

I would be curious to hear you discuss the real situation regarding freedom of religion in Muslim countries. I assume that in many of those countries, anyone who proclaims his atheism may be endangering his life from mob action and could even be breaking a law.

For any lurking Muslims living in 95% Muslim countries, how would you feel about living in a society where anyone can be any religion, without trouble with the law and even without trouble from your neighbors?

Would you love or hate such a world?

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
i heard in the news that some countries will goes to UN to establish new LAW , about ban provocation against all religions .

notice :
as i considerate "mock/insult/lie" as attack
against other beliefs ,it's not forcely mean it's prohibition the debate or discuss other religions .

please vote and describe your opinion " why you vote with or against "

for me :
i voted , with law of prohibition , because i found that some people use the freedom of speech, for me the freedom of speech was used by some people to encourage the hate and racism ....etc

I think I'll pass on having backward foreigners dictating what rights and freedoms I will and won't have in my country.


the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
AmbiguousGuy .
To claim that I am lying is the same as to claim that I am ugly. It is only someone's personal opinion that I am ugly. And it is only someone's personal opinion that I am lying.

This is so in virtually all cases. In the physical world, we can sometimes have an objective-looking lie. Maybe I stole the cookies and ate them, but I insist that I did not steal the cookies. That is a lie which you could perhaps claim is a 'real lie', but only if you saw me steal the cookies. Even then, you might have hallucinated it.

But very few lies are like that. Let's talk about historical truth. If I say that Jesus never existed, is that a lie? No. Of course not. Maybe Jesus never existed. How can anyone know? Anyway, it's just my personal opinion. Do you want the governmnet to arrest me if my personal opinion about Jesus is different from the majority opinion?

Let's say that someone claims Muhammed had sex with a young girl. Is that a lie? Well, how can we know? We were not there watching Muhammed his entire life, so we can't know if it's a lie. Anyway, it still would not be a lie if that person believed it to be true. In that case, it would just be a mistake.
thanks for your explain about lie , vitual and physical , i agree with you .

you dropped in the same misudersand , you need to distingue between dislieves in other beliefs and lie about them .

in fact , disbelieve in Jesus is not lie , it's "disbelieve" in other faith .

or Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) mariage with Aisha at "young" age is not lie , it's lie or disbelieve , for my opinion , it's called "not accepted faith"
, as i see here more people don't believe in Muhammad (pbuh) as prophet, but they believe that he married Aisha at young age !!!.

or the inverse , they don't believe in Prophet Muhammd (pbuh) because he married (Aisha ) at 12 age , and married 11 women .(that's beliefs).

for this i post my experience life , my grandmother married at 13 age , and she was mature . (full woman ) .

Solomon (pbuh) who Bible said , that he married 500 women (that's also beliefs) .

and they maybe considerate critic issue,it's as "not acceptable faith" , NOT lie.


the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
So? Last time I checked Islam wasnt the "state-"religion of the world. Its the religion of the muslim world.

So it pretty much doesnt matter what you people believe.
blah blah .
sorry ,i can not down to this level of speech .


Well-Known Member

blah blah .
sorry ,i can not down to this level of speech .

Yeah lets ignore that you cant set rules for the whole world just because something is forbidden in Islam.
This is obviously very wrong.

But then again you dont want western law in Islamic countries.

Double standards are the best standards.


the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
Yeah lets ignore that you cant set rules for the whole world just because something is forbidden in Islam.
This is obviously very wrong.

But then again you dont want western law in Islamic countries.

Double standards are the best standards.
now you back to respectful level .:clap

i defend for my religion , by giving respectful opinion .
take it or leave it .

then why jews set rule to deny of holocaust , " anti-semitic" ?


Just Jewish
now you back to respectful level .:clap

i defend for my religion , by giving respectful opinion .
take it or leave it .

then why jews set rule to deny of holocaust , " anti-semitic" ?

To deny the holocaust which means denying the death of 12 million people both Jew and Gentile is hatred of the vilest form in my opinion.

Do you realize that 12 million were killed men, women, and children, and both Jew and Gentile.

I find it offensive to deny that the genocide occurred at all.

When it becomes anti semitic for me is when the denial of the Shoah occurs as denying it happened to the Jewish people.

But we must always remember it was not only Jews who died in the holocaust.

I believe had Hitler won the war he would have continued his quest by committing genocide on other groups that did not meet his criteria for those worthy of life.