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Are you with UN "global" law prohibition the provocation "mock/insult/lie", about all religions ?

are you with UN "global" law prohibition the "mock/insult/lie" about all religio

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TruthSpeaker, your obsession with insisting you're allowed to "soft beat" one's wife is very telling, and scary. Since you've been a member here, the only threads you've participated in, or at least the vast majority, are about wife-beating.


Veteran Member
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TruthSpeaker, please address this since this seems to be the topic you're interested in...

Even though I'm clearly not a Muslim, Answering-Islam is, IMO, a hate site; the equivalent of going to Stormfront for immigration information. :p The materials are not trustworthy there are they do exaggerate many claims. Others, they pick the more iffy translation, and seem to side more with fundamentalist mindsets.

For example, "beat your wives" of Surah 4:34 also means "forsake", or "leave". This would go with the theme of it, in my opinion:

As to those women on whose part you see ill-conduct, admonish them (first), (next), refuse to share their beds, (and last) beat them (lightly, if it is useful), but if they return to obedience, seek not against them means (of annoyance).​

This word is "leave", which fits in nicely. In my opinion, it makes more sense:

If you see your wife is being rebellious, unloving, dressing immodestly, etc, then first tell them how you feel, then distance yourselves from them temporarily (by refusing to share beds, probably by giving them the cold shoulder), and if that doesn't work, then there's no point in continuing a relationship, so leave them -- but, if they change their ways, don't hold it against them.​

I made a thread on this one in particular some time ago in the Islam DIR for Muslim women to discuss; overwhelmingly our female Muslim members denied it was 'beat' and would not accept a beating. Of course, it's humans who distort the text to their own ends and gains. Within the same surah, the following is said:

O you who believe! You are forbidden to inherit women against their will; and you should not treat them with harshness, that you may take away part of the Mahr you have given them, unless they commit open illegal sexual intercourse; and live with them honourably. If you dislike them, it may be that you dislike a thing and Allah brings through it a great deal of good.​
NB Mahr: dowry paid by the groom to the bride

Wouldn't beating a woman be treating her with harshness, after all?

The thread is in the Islam DIR: http://www.religiousforums.com/forum/islam-dir/126192-opinions-sura-4-34-muslim-women.html

This makes the most logical sense to me as well; otherwise, the Qur'an is contradicting itself.


Hostis humani generis
Robotic translators are not always trustworthy. They are still programmed by people, too, and words can change meaning in many ways.

From the site you posted:

{ ٱlrjal Qmon on ٱlnsae including Fadl Allah on each other, and because they spend of Omulhm Vٱlsaleht Qnti kept secrets including Remember Allah and ٱlta afraid Nchoizen admonish them and ٱahjrōhn in ٱlamadadja and ٱdharboehn If you Otankm do Tbgua them means that Allah was a great high }

...yeah, no.


Admiral Obvious
Robotic translators are not always trustworthy. They are still programmed by people, too, and words can change meaning in many ways.

From the site you posted:

...yeah, no.
Not to mention that it is:
* Interpretation of the interpretation of the Koran / Ibn Kathir (d. 774 AH) and workbook Checker
Seems to me that truthseeker did not actually look at the webpage he linked to...
TruthSpeaker, your obsession with insisting you're allowed to "soft beat" one's wife is very telling, and scary. Since you've been a member here, the only threads you've participated in, or at least the vast majority, are about wife-beating.
sister, coz no member here for defend soft beat. english is big effort to post, that why not post for other topics. this im invite by a member for post in this topic.

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
that unallowed. in islam men is boss in house. suppose in companies are employies can fire his boss?

How lowly and primitive. Then they aren't real relationships. Real relationships are based on equality and mutual respect. Companies are about trading labor for capital. Is that how you really see a marriage?

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
UN saction is worth. soft beat is religious, UN support religious practice, so soft beat is legal per UN.

Injustices are injustices, and shouldn't be excused just because people have attached a superstitious element to it. Protecting the innocent is far more important than protecting irrational religious practices.
TruthSpeaker, please address this since this seems to be the topic you're interested in...

This makes the most logical sense to me as well; otherwise, the Qur'an is contradicting itself.
i n ow here for prove muslim women with soft beat. else ask draka reopen old thread.

but my chellege for you pending, are you will be with soft beat if proven?


Veteran Member
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Premium Member
sister, coz no member here for defend soft beat. english is big effort to post, that why not post for other topics. this im invite by a member for post in this topic.

No one wants to defend "soft beat", brother. Why would you expect anyone to defend such a ridiculous act?

i n ow here for prove muslim women with soft beat. else ask draka reopen old thread.

but my chellege for you pending, are you will be with soft beat if proven?

No, never.


Hostis humani generis
DebaterSlayer can help translate arab. i begged him help translate page, he reject my beg then insist for close the thread.
I've spoken to Arabic speaking individuals regarding this before. "Beat" is not, contrary to claims, a unanimous view held, even if it is a common misunderstanding of the word.

i n ow here for prove muslim women with soft beat. else ask draka reopen old thread.
I made a thread in the Islam DIR for Muslim women only, I didn't see any women supporting it.

It's a few men who support it.
Because they're not the ones being beaten. They use their religion to justify their own prejudices and violent behaviours.


Well-Known Member
are you going to terrorize?

No-one. I am merely pointing out that if you find that your religion promotes barbarity, you do have choices: go along with the barbarity, ignore that part of the religion, or abandon the religion altogether.

In any case, pointing out that your religion promotes barbarity does not excuse you or anyone carrying out that barbarity. You have responsibilities as a human being, religion or none.