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Are you with UN "global" law prohibition the provocation "mock/insult/lie", about all religions ?

are you with UN "global" law prohibition the "mock/insult/lie" about all religio

  • Total voters


the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
Yes Godobeyer, I know it is about lieing, mocking, and insulting all religions but that is not my question.

My question is,if this law is enacted, what would the punishment be if the law was broken?
if it's establish , we will know if the law broken punishment ,
if not we will continous provoke we each other :)


the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
]OK. That's another non answer

Another non-answer.
i am talking about the way of your reply , you ask the question and you answer it :facepalm:
i call it, prejudge

None of this answers the question asked. The mutual disrespect of Sunnis and Shias is common knowledge, and not just disrespect, but serious violence. You are whitewashing the real truth. How many muslims in Iraq have died because of Shia vs Sunni violence ? Many thousands. And the same in Afghanistan.
that intern problem ,ever religion had diversity and problems ,for Iraq , no one muslims accept what happened their , and condemne who support the civil war in iraq and Syria right now.

you need to my topic talking about world law religion , not intern problems , don't mix please .

No it isn't illegal. And yes, muslims do call non-muslims kaffirs. You know that Godobeyer. Everyone knows that. Be honest if you are going to reply at all.
no ,it's illegal to call any one you are kaffir , without any reason .
the scholars in the speech ,use this world to distingue between muslims and non-muslims .

honesly did any muslim called you kaffir before , personely ?

But should it be made illegal by the UN for muslims to insult non-muslims by calling them kaffirs ? Still no answer.
And anyway, you are whitewashing the issue. It is commonplace for muslims to call non-muslims kaffirs.
do you know what is mean "kaffir" in arabic ?

That is total avoidance of the question.

The question was not whether muslims believe that children go to hell if they die in childhood.

The question was about telling children that hell exists, and that when they die - as adults - they may burn in eternal torment. This is a terrifying idea for children, and you are blatantly avoiding the real issue.
did you use anti-islam sites ?

could you have evidence for this claim ?


the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
Insult is a bad thing. Mockery can be a bad thing, depending on how its done. The movie i mentioned before is an example of when its not a bad thing, imho. On the other hand, if someone mocks someone else out of racism or intolerance or just to offend them, thats bad. Humor is great but not an excuse to be a jerk.
then why you vote for provocation (insult/lie/mock) ?:D
do you mean insult personaly is not forcely as insult my religion ?


the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
And for the record, I dont mind mocking myself and others. Having humor is a good thing :D. But I also follow a simple rule when it comes to mockery. If they ask me to stop, I stop. If they are offended, I apologize. I never mean any harm when I joke with someone.
sorry i miss this ;
sound good that you stop ,when they ask you :)
if you don't stop , what they will do to you ?


Well-Known Member
Not sure what that has anything to do with the topic

Hm the topic is about the prohibition to mock or insult religions. Then you see those pictures and seriously ask what they have to do with the topic?


anyway Israel has less tolerance for other religions then the West in my opinion and certainly against Christians and Muslims.

Yeah like when Jordan blew up all the synagogues in the Westbank after 1948 and forbade jews to visit the Kotel to pray.

Double standards?

You poor soul cant deny the holocaust in certain european countries? Boo hoo. That must be a real problem.

is israel allow or ban homosex ?
if "yes" how about and judiasm ,the religion of the jews,it's allowed the homosex also?

Judaism doesnt matter at all because it isnt the state religion of any country on this planet.

So it doesnt matter what jewish law says.
And yeah Homosexual relationships are legal in Israel.

and how about the western media (movies and news ) which controlled by the jews

Blablabla the jews the jews the jews....


the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member

This is post #52 re-posted.

I hope you will answer it, because it goes to the heart of this issue IMO.

One thing I want to add -

Many, many people find that threatening children with hell is way worse than just offensive - it is child abuse.

Children assume that adults know the truth about life. When muslims and christians say that non-believers will go to hell, that is a horrible curse on the innocence of children.

If you, or anyone else, were to tell my grandchildren that they might go to hell, To say that was offensive would simply not adequately cover how extremely violent, cruel, irresponsible and reprehensible your words are.

You do not have the right to terrify children with your superstition.

I find that so offensive that I would possibly become violent with anyone who dared to say such a thing to my grandchildren. Do you understand ? Your religious opinions are a noxious toxic threat to children. You have no right to commit psychological violence on children. I can't say it more clearly than that.

Given that this is so offensive, and damaging to children, I will never accept your right to say it to them.

So - Should muslims be legally forbidden to be insulting of kaffirs ?

And - should religious people be banned from terrifying other peoples children ?

So far you have chosen not to answer me. I'm not surprised, because when you consider my questions, you must realise that muslims ( or anyone who tells children they may burn forever in hell) are demanding the right to not only insult everyone else, but to threaten and terrify their children.

What is your answer ?

You seem to be avoiding this.
again do you have evidence about torrify kids ? or just make accusation to Islam ?
even that true , no one muslim could accept this .


Ad astra!
We must not allow free speech to be hindered. For any hindrance can be used as an excuse to gain control over the regular person. History has taught us this VERY WELL. Anyone who would consider a limitation on free speech like this is no friend of the common person.


the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
Judaism doesnt matter at all because it isnt the state religion of any country on this planet.
for my info , the judaism did not allow to the homosex mariage .

So it doesnt matter what jewish law says.
And yeah Homosexual relationships are legal in Israel.
sound good that it's legal in Israel .

Blablabla the jews the jews the jews....
i don't hate the jews , but i hate just whom doing bads to muslims .
That's right some media in the west controlled by jews .


the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
To the OP.

Your poll is limited and stupid.

Also, blasphemy laws are an act of cowardice.
can not you creat new thread and choose your poll?
instead of insult me ?
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the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
just a question for whom vote against establish the law .
did your religion allow to you to provoke ?


the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
He insulted your poll, not you.
edit :
in the end ,that's my poll ,"my work" .
why he did not use polit remark ?
or why he did not ask me why i choose only these choose ?

i used to choose two kind of people poll , religious (all religions ) non religious (atheist).
i admit that i missed "i dont know " option .
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Well-Known Member
again do you have evidence about torrify kids ? or just make accusation to Islam ?
even that true , no one muslim could accept this .

It's hard to tell if this is a language problem or you just don't want to understand.

Islam teaches that there is punishment in hell.

Children are taught this.

That is what I am talking about.

If you still don't understand, then answer this question -

When a child is growing up and being taught religion, are they told that some will go to paradise and some will go to hell ?

And if the answer is yes, then my statement is true - the idea of hell is taught to children to terrify them into obedience.

Do you get it now ?

So I am saying that anyone who teaches children that there is a hell is committing child abuse. This is true for christians and muslims.

So when a muslim child is being taught religion, are they told that some beings will go to paradise and some will go to hell ?



this condition is impossible , let me explain , in religious countries , there is something undiscusstable , in muslims countries or vatican , it's not allowed to homosex .

i did not understand what mean , if you mean
"some muslims kill westerns , and they ask you to stop laugh for them ?"
just i want to tell that's not fair , to ignore the crimes that done by the west in some muslims countries , in the near past , and currently .

if this not what you meant , just skipp it plz.

What I mean is, any restrictions we have on hate speech in the West are universal. We overwhelmingly tend not to give religion special treatment. In our declarations of rights, laws, constitutions, etc. we usually protect any identifiable group from persecution, discrimination or abuse. Those groups might be based on age, ability, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity AND ALSO religion. If you are a Muslim, you are protected from hate speech in some Western countries. If you are gay, you enjoy the exact same protection from hate speech as a Muslim.

My point was that many Islamic countries (IOW, countries with religious governments) advocate and even practice the death penalty for homosexuals. That practice would be illegal in my country. Calling for the death penalty for homosexuals would fall afoul of the exact same laws you might hope to benefit from for the purpose of suppressing anti-Muslim hate speech.

So, if your countries were willing to negotiate on the hate speech against minorities (such as homosexuals) at home, you might hope for the Western side of the table to meet you halfway. Otherwise, you're dreaming. Blasphemy just isn't a "thing" in the West. It will never be a crime here. Hate speech is a crime in some countries, but those laws protect everyone, not just religious people.

Reverend Rick

Frubal Whore
Premium Member
So I am saying that anyone who teaches children that there is a hell is committing child abuse. This is true for christians and muslims.
What a steaming pile of donkey dung! :facepalm:

Parents have a right to teach their children any religion or beliefs of their choosing. It's called freedom of religion.

If I was an ignorant person, I could say to not teach your children about hell might just send them there.

The difference between you and I would be I would never tell you how to raise your children.

There is no law that says you can't teach your children about hell, your just spouting nonsense but your intentions are very telling. You want to p-tize your religious non-beliefs on my children.

You can't be satisfied with minding your own family, you feel the need to control others religious beliefs and impose your own opinion as fact calling religion child abuse.

That is the most unamerican statement I have heard in a very long time, urinating on freedom of religion.


Big Squishy Hugger
Premium Member
What a steaming pile of donkey dung! :facepalm:

Parents have a right to teach their children any religion or beliefs of their choosing. It's called freedom of religion.

If I was an ignorant person, I could say to not teach your children about hell might just send them there.

The difference between you and I would be I would never tell you how to raise your children.

There is no law that says you can't teach your children about hell, your just spouting nonsense but your intentions are very telling. You want to p-tize your religious non-beliefs on my children.

You can't be satisfied with minding your own family, you feel the need to control others religious beliefs and impose your own opinion as fact calling religion child abuse.

That is the most unamerican statement I have heard in a very long time, urinating on freedom of religion.

Well you know what I think Rick?

I think you should feed your children. And then I think you should make sure they have a roof over their heads.

Oh, oh, OH! And you know what else I think? What I think you should never do with your kids? I think if you murder your children, then you should be put on trial for murder.




I was always the snarky one at baby showers that wrote that kind of advice to new moms. The hostess would pass around a book for the veteran moms to write in advice for what to do with the new baby. I'd see conflicting advice everywhere that never was any help for a pregnant and nervous woman wondering if she could care for a child. So I'd write:

1) Feed the baby
2) Change the baby's diaper
3) Under no circumstances should you drop-kick the baby



Ad astra!
edit :
in the end ,that's my poll ,"my work" .
why he did not use polit remark ?
or why he did not ask me why i choose only these choose ?

i used to choose two kind of people poll , religious (all religions ) non religious (atheist).
i admit that i missed "i dont know " option .

I can see how you confuse the boundary between your rights and the rights of others.


Ad astra!
What a steaming pile of donkey dung! :facepalm:

Parents have a right to teach their children any religion or beliefs of their choosing. It's called freedom of religion.

If I was an ignorant person, I could say to not teach your children about hell might just send them there.

The difference between you and I would be I would never tell you how to raise your children.

There is no law that says you can't teach your children about hell, your just spouting nonsense but your intentions are very telling. You want to p-tize your religious non-beliefs on my children.

You can't be satisfied with minding your own family, you feel the need to control others religious beliefs and impose your own opinion as fact calling religion child abuse.

That is the most unamerican statement I have heard in a very long time, urinating on freedom of religion.

I call BS on that particular statement. Parents do not have the right to ruin their childrens future. It may not be a physical assault, but it can be just as harmful.


ThrUU the Looking Glass
I call BS on that particular statement. Parents do not have the right to ruin their childrens future. It may not be a physical assault, but it can be just as harmful.
Can you show evidence of a significant proportion of Abrahamics whose futures were ruined by hearing about Hell?

Or shall we just assume that everyone who owns a stove is a child abuser, too?