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Argument against "lacktheism"


Veteran Member
No atheist says that.
Perhaps you lash out because you feel victimized
by our dismissal of your unevidenced sky fairies?
" Unevidenced" = made up.
Somewhere in the theomind there
must be some unconscious awareness of this obvious
principle applying even to their religion.

They are, after all aware that all the other religions
are nothing but fantasy.

But how to explain why so many theos, like your friend,
not only accept what others made up, but make things
up themselves with such gay abandon ?

There's the amusing tacit confession that making
up such no sense as above just shows they have
no real complaint against atheists of course.

But how to explain such behaviour? Is something
leaking out of that god- shaped hole?


Veteran Member
You fundies get it totally wrong.
I don't have to defend what I don't believe.
You believe that the theist's beliefs are all false. And yet you cannot possibly prove that belief to be true, even as you constantly insist that all theists must prove to you that what they believe to be true, is true. This is the atheist's internal "kangaroo court", and they absolutely LOVE it to the point of being addicted to it. They can demand the impossible from every theist they encounter while never having to face the same demands, themselves.


"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
It always boils down to strong feelings.
To them, this is truth. And it should be
obvious to us ignorant reprobates who
lack their special spiritual insight.

Yes, im sure they get a real satisfaction from belief in belief.


"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
You believe that the theist's beliefs are all false. And yet you cannot possibly prove that belief to be true, even as you constantly insist that all theists must prove to you that what they believe to be true, is true. This is the atheist's internal "kangaroo court", and they absolutely LOVE it to the point of being addicted to it. They can demand the impossible from every theist they encounter while never having to face the same demands, themselves.

Methinks there is a considerable amount of reflection going on here

You guys make the claim "my god exists" i have yet to see any falsifiable evidence of this claim so i wait in anticipation.

Still waiting


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
You believe that the theist's beliefs are all false.
Strictly speaking, they're "not even wrong".
But yeah....theists do believe a lot of bogus superstitions.
And yet you cannot possibly prove that belief to be true...
I don't prove anything to be "true".
....even as you constantly insist that all theists must prove to you that what they believe to be true, is true.
I don't insist that.
It's rather cruel to demand that believers
use evidence & cogent reasoning. That's
not their thing.
They can demand the impossible from every theist they encounter while never having to face the same demands, themselves.
It seems that you really suffer from discussions
with atheists. I can understand the difficulty
of defending the rantings of ancient ignorant
goatherds' proclamations about biology,
cosmology, geology, evolution, etc.


"Truth" isn't a thing...
Premium Member
Of course they don't SAY it. Alcoholics never SAY they're alcoholics, either. Because they both need to believe in their own delusions.

Or perhaps you're lashing out because deep down you know what I'm saying is true. By always pushing that you don't believe you can avoid having to defend what you do believe. Because you know you can't defend it any more than the theist can.
It is one thing to speak to what you believe. It is quite another, and quite wrong, to suppose you know anything about what another person believes. Especially when they tell you otherwise. I'm quite surpised you can't see how foolish that is.


Veteran Member
Why not other gods, eg, Zeus, Cthulhu, Lakshmi.
You fundies see that only your god, ie, God, can
be god.
In a way, you're like us heathens.
There are many gods you don't believe in.
You're almost an atheist.
Just one more god to give up.
I don't "believe in" any gods. And all the gods you mentioned are the same God, as experienced and understood differently by different cultures. But you aren't here to understand theism. You're just here to condemn it ... by whatever silly arguments you can devise.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
I don't "believe in" any gods.
As their chief apologist, & anti-atheist here
on RF, that's a tough claim to support.
And all the gods you mentioned are the same God, as experienced and understood differently by different cultures. But you aren't here to understand theism. You're just here to condemn it ... by whatever silly arguments you can devise.
You can't prove the non-existence of the
Easter Bunny or Santa Claus. So by your
rationalization, you should believe in them
too. They're "God", eh.

I'm continually astounded that grown up
humans can believe such fictional pablum.


Veteran Member
It is one thing to speak to what you believe. It is quite another, and quite wrong, to suppose you know anything about what another person believes. Especially when they tell you otherwise. I'm quite surpised you can't see how foolish that is.
People lie to themselves, and to us, all the time. Atheists tell us what they believe CONSTANTLY, even as they lie and claim they don't believe anything so they won't have to defend it. It's standard practice.


Veteran Member
As their chief apologist, & anti-atheist here
on RF, that's a tough claim to support.

You can't prove the non-existence of the
Easter Bunny or Santa Claus. So by your
rationalization, you should believe in them
too. They're "God", eh.

I'm continually astounded that grown up
humans can believe such fictional pablum.
I have never claimed that anyone should believe in anything. In fact, I am constanty explaining why I think belief is a mistake. But you aren't here to listen, or to understand. You're only here to condemn the boogeyman you call "theism" by any means that comes into your head.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
I have never claimed that anyone should believe in anything.
Not in so many words.
But fervent criticism of any who
don't believe says otherwise.
In fact, I am constanty explaining why I think belief is a mistake.
And that non-belief is heinous.
But you aren't here to listen, or to understand.
Your only here to condemn the boogeyman you call "theism" by any means that comes into your head.
And you're here to attack the infidel.


Veteran Member
It always boils down to strong feelings.
To them, this is truth. And it should be
obvious to us ignorant reprobates who
lack their special spiritual insight.

And those feelings are no more than
self indulgence, people acting on how they happen
to feel like acting. Regardless of all other considerations.

Like a alcoholic, a gossip, a gambler.

Except those may be aware they have went off the rail, tho
they do it anyway.

Theos think it makes them wonderful.


Veteran Member
Not in so many words.
But fervent criticism of any who
don't believe says otherwise.
I object to the lie that atheists "don't believe". What they all believe is that every theist they have ever encountered was wrong in what they believed about God. And yet not a single one of these atheists could ever prove that this was so. Not one, ever. Even while they were all constantly insisting that every theist they meet must immediately prove to them that their belief in their gods is the truth.

I have no problem with atheism as a personal choice. Noone has to defend their personal choices. Nor do I have a problem with theism as a personal choice. (Though we will all have to accept the consequences of our choices.) I take issue with peope being dishonest about it and attacking others for it.


Veteran Member
It is one thing to speak to what you believe. It is quite another, and quite wrong, to suppose you know anything about what another person believes. Especially when they tell you otherwise. I'm quite surpised you can't see how foolish that is.
Once a person has started down the road
of self deception it may be very hard to turn back.