God wants to test people as to which of them will remain true to Their Messengers and the Message with which they were sent. And being Merciful, They time and again sent Messengers to bring people back to the straight path.
Perhaps the children of Israel did a better job of remembering their Messengers and Prophets and the Message with which they were sent?
first statement can be refuted, in the following points:
1) The quality of a test reflects the quality of the person who made it. What kind of waste of time to make such great efforts to create heaven and earth yet fail miserably in delivering sporadic messengers without good knowledge of geography. You can not test someone if you have not done a good job in telling them the right curriculum.
2) You can not assume that Jewish and Christians who dedicate all their lives to their religion and their God are not true to themselves or are dying of jealousy because they can not accept Mohammed the Arabic messengers of Allah as the Quran states. Look around, this forum is filled with people sincerely seeking the truth, and up to their knowledge they truly think they are following the right religion.
3) Christians have witness the Crucifixion of Jesus, has risen after death, disciples tested his wounds and then lift to heavens. This contradicts Quran. Are they lying ? What should they do with their Gospels, just burn them because a man in the desert claimed they are corrupt ?
4) Jewish are fed up telling Muslims that Mohammed name is not mentioned in their traditions. Yet Muslims insist that his name is mention as Mohammadem. They are fed up with your OWN interpretations of THEIR traditions.
5) Shia Muslims swear by Allah name they have the authentic version of Islam and that their narration are the accurate one and that the great companions of Mohammed like AbuBaker and Omar will go to Hell. Sunni Muslims thinks the opposite that Shia are liars that their sources are fabricated.
6) Now that we now that Shia and Sunni and even other sects of Muslims killed each other over 1500 years. It seems we can not get another prophet or messenger to know the truth because Allah decided Mohammed is the Last Messenger and Prophet of Allah.
Points 1-6, shows an important feature of the limitations of narration. You can not depend on others to tell you a controversial story because each one will claim he got the right version, humans knows that but Allah does not.
In addition, do not confuse the concept of divine justice with performance of sending messengers, they are different topics just in case.
second statement can be refuted in the following points:
1) According to the Islamic tradition,
Jesus is a prophet and a messenger of Allah
Zachariah the priest is a prophet of Allah
John the Baptist is a prophet of Allah
(Christians are probably surprised now because the previous ones are not prophets but that is what Quran thinks !)
Three Prophets, one of them is a Messenger with a Bible delivered by Allah (Again Quran thinks the Bible is the Book revealed upon Jesus) in
one nation in
same period of time
all in
Israel, in the same time the
grandfather of Mohammed in the nearby desert are worshipping
idols with the rest of the Quraish tribe. No messenger to teach them anything it seems Allah was too busy with Israel or needs a lesson in Geography.
2) If the children of Israel were better at remembering the word of God, then why Quran state they change the word of Allah, they kill prophets and curse them
9 times !! Why such