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Ask any questions about Islam!


Active Member
Ushta The Truth

You say:

" OK, you think I am playing the victim game? "

Yes, most definitely!

You also say, all of the following :

" Now bring for me in anytime in the history how other religions were tolerant with Muslims when they get the chance to role the country."

That is easy, how about right now?

" Read in history books how independent true historical non-Muslims men wrote about how tolerant were the Muslims with people from other religions."

I have and while there are some who say there was tolerance in some countries, in others ... Well let's ask the Copts in Egypt, the Zoroastrians in Iraq which were wiped out, the Armenians victims of a Turkish Islamic holocaust, the Izadis and Zoroastrians in Iran, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, (present day) Pakistan . Ask the Hindus and Buddhist in the Punjab and Pakistan.

Tell me of the Mercy of Timur the Lame, one of the greatest genocidal maniacs in the history of mankind.

This is not to say others were blameless The Christians have their own chambers of horror, Torquemada, several popes, the Crusaders, the Protestants who hunted down Anabaptists all over Europe , The Sassanian era Zoroastrians killed Mani and force converted Pakistani Bhuddists. However today you do not see Zoroastrians and Christians claiming that they were persecuted into killing or discriminating others.

Moreover today Muslims area killing Christians and pagans in Sudan, Christians in Nigeria , and Christians and Buddhists in the Phillipines and Indonesia. We just witnessed bombing of civilians in London and Spain and riots in France all Muslims. There are no Zoroastrians, Jews, Bahais and Christians rioting in Iran, yet, one of the members of the Revolutionary Grand council (The Moolahs) just claimed that Non -Muslims, were animals. If today one of the members of congress were to say that of Muslims, he would be impeached and prosecuted under the Hate Crimes legislation and there would be riots all over the world by Muslims

My point is that you cannot say , 'in the past we were mistreated so do not bring out Muslim mistreating others today', when:
1 you are no longer mistreated, while you still enforce the discriminatory system of Dhimminitude on others.
2, Dhimminitude was imposed when there were no Muslim minorities under Non-Muslim governments, being persecuted. It was imposed in countries controlled by Muslim armies, after forcefully being conquered

"I think you study that too in schools "Muslims in Spain"."

The Muslims were kicked out of Spain, that is true, in the 15th Century. Today there are hundreds of thousands of Muslims, many illegal immigrants, in Spain who have the protection of the Spanish law and the privileges of Spanish fee society, a protection and a privilege Zoroastrians in Iran and Copts in Egypt not only do not have, but will probably 'kill' for.

But since you are so into history I will point out to you that Muslims invaded Spain to conquer it for Islam. There was no provocation. There was no reason for the invasion other than to conquer for Allah. It took the Spaniards over 750 years to regain their country. At the end, they offered the Muslims the same thing the Muslims offered all those whom they conquered. Convert or leave. In fact in many instances the option that victorious Muslims gave was convert or die.

"You will not understand today how these rules were so fair at that time because you weren't there. "

" Precisely my point! Even if Dhimminitude was for protection, it has not worked and most minorities under it will do away with it and with those provision of Islamic Law that make the Muslim legally superior. Yet no Islamist has spoken to eliminate this institutionalized discrimination. How will you feel if a similar system branding you as second class were to be imposed on all Muslims in Non-muslim countries?

" Therefore, Do you have any evidence that in that time Muslims were treating them badly? Any stories about non-Muslims victims. "

I have treasure troves of stories both from , my Parsi friends in India and my Iranian Zoroastrian friends in Iran, are you sure you want me to post them?

" Most of non-Muslims at that time prefered to be under Muslims rule when they saw how Muslims treat them. "

That statement, is something I will not dignify . Its akin to a Southern slave owner saying that blacks preferred slavery. Moreover today I do not see millions of Christians and others wanting to migrate to Islamic countries. But I do see millions of Muslims wanting to migrate to Non-Muslim countries Let's address today

Ushta te


Veteran Member
Premium Member
One Question ...

Why do you neglect how Muslims were tolerant with non-Muslims in the past?

I don't say they are good people today and i know well most of Muslims governments nowadays are just crap. We are talking about the affect of Islam not Muslims themselves.

If they were good in the past so this is a clear proof that what is happening now is not because of Islam, No, but because Muslims returned to judge with their own desire, their culture and for plain political reasons.

Jayhawker Soule

-- untitled --
Premium Member
The Truth said:
Why do you neglect how Muslims were tolerant with non-Muslims in the past? I don't say they are good people today and i know well most of Muslims governments nowadays are just crap. We are talking about the affect of Islam not Muslims themselves.
You look at Islamic society in the past and proclaim: "It was tolerant back then, all thanks to Islam, not the Muslims themselves."

You look at Islamic society today and say: "It is just crap today, but that's the responsibility of the Muslims themselves, not Islam."

The argument is more self-serving than clever.


Born Again,Spirit Filled
jamaesi said:
... Is this sarcasm?

G-d isn't known as father, but Allah or G-d.
God is mentioned numerous times by Jesus,prophets and priests,not to mention laymen
Mar 14:36 And he said, Abba, Father, all things [are] possible unto thee; take away this cup from me: nevertheless not what I will, but what thou wilt.
Rom 8:15 For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father.
Gal 4:6 And because ye are sons, God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, crying, Abba, Father.

Do you believe the Christian God ,Jewish God and the Muslim God are the same God????


Well-Known Member
roli said:
God is mentioned numerous times by Jesus,prophets and priests,not to mention laymen
Mar 14:36 And he said, Abba, Father, all things [are] possible unto thee; take away this cup from me: nevertheless not what I will, but what thou wilt.
Rom 8:15 For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father.
Gal 4:6 And because ye are sons, God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, crying, Abba, Father.

Do you believe the Christian God ,Jewish God and the Muslim God are the same God????
The reticence to say "Father" fpr God in Islam is based on a verse that says "God is the father of no man." And they regard suspiciously the use of the term much as JW's refuse to call priests "Father", In Islam there are 99 names for God, but "Father" is not among them. I can see the difference between regarding Gos as the biological father of Jesus, and the use of the term "Heavenly Father" as a name for God because I am able to logicaly dufferentiate the two.



Active Member
Which brings my question as to the name of the Most High. Islam says Allah and I believe YAH is the name. Is the name Allah arabic? If so what is it translated from? Reason I say that it must have been translated is because, and please excuse my ignorence, the Koran came after the Torah and in Torah it is YAH. Or am I missing something?


Well-Known Member
wmam said:
Which brings my question as to the name of the Most High. Islam says Allah and I believe YAH is the name. Is the name Allah arabic? If so what is it translated from? Reason I say that it must have been translated is because, and please excuse my ignorence, the Koran came after the Torah and in Torah it is YAH. Or am I missing something?
If one grants Muhammad's Qur'an to be the Word of God as one grants the Torah revealed by Moses to be the Word of God, what does it matter, Wmam? The name Allah is Arabic for sure.



Active Member
Popeyesays said:
If one grants Muhammad's Qur'an to be the Word of God as one grants the Torah revealed by Moses to be the Word of God, what does it matter, Wmam? The name Allah is Arabic for sure.

Thanks for your reply. It mattered to me only as far as I know. I scrutinize the OT and the NT as well. I believe in searching out all things and keeping only that which is good. I'm sure you have heard the saying of chewing the meat and spitting out the bones. Again thanks and Shalom.


Well-Known Member
wmam said:
Thanks for your reply. It mattered to me only as far as I know. I scrutinize the OT and the NT as well. I believe in searching out all things and keeping only that which is good. I'm sure you have heard the saying of chewing the meat and spitting out the bones. Again thanks and Shalom.
Aleikum Shalom to you as well. The obligation of everyone to chew his own meat is one of the reasons I appreciate your posts, even though we occasionally differ.



Well-Known Member
Jayhawker Soule said:
You look at Islamic society in the past and proclaim: "It was tolerant back then, all thanks to Islam, not the Muslims themselves."

You look at Islamic society today and say: "It is just crap today, but that's the responsibility of the Muslims themselves, not Islam."

The argument is more self-serving than clever.
Its not all that self-serving since he is describing the same process.
As Islam expanded explosively and became more and more political in its concerns than religious it is understandable that the good emphasis of religion would become less and less the point to expansion.

As the Islamic culture became more and more political it lost more and more spiritual energy. It is the nature of religions to go through a cycle during their dispensations. From the energy of spiritual spring, to the maturing of crops and livestock in the summer, to the harvest of the fall, to hibernation of winter. This is a natural cycle, in my estimation. And it is the reason I am convinced that religion is constantly renewed through the appearance of a new Revelation in the fullness of time.

Another evidence of this cycle is that more and more obviously the clergy of a dispensation clamps down on progressive thought within the shelter of the organized religion - we certainly see that today in Islam and Christianity.



Active Member
Popeyesays said:
Aleikum Shalom to you as well. The obligation of everyone to chew his own meat is one of the reasons I appreciate your posts, even though we occasionally differ.

Oh, but it is o.k. to differ as long as one can handle being different. ;) I guess no one here can help with my question so I will politely back out and look elsewhere. Shabbat Shalom.

Judgement Day

Active Member
wmam said:
Which brings my question as to the name of the Most High. Islam says Allah and I believe YAH is the name. Is the name Allah arabic? If so what is it translated from? Reason I say that it must have been translated is because, and please excuse my ignorence, the Koran came after the Torah and in Torah it is YAH. Or am I missing something?
Yes, Allah is arabic, and it means God. Yah is hebrew I believe?


Active Member
Ushta the Truth

I did not neglect anything, I mentioned that some Non-Muslim historians pointed out that at some times and in some countries Muslims fairly treated others. Specifics? Some of the Moguls in India, some of the Saffavids, some of the latter rulers of Sevilla. But how about Christian and others being good to Muslims? King Sancho in the 12 th century tolerated several Muslim kingdoms in Spain as vassal states and gave Muslims and Jews in his kingdom (Castille) equal rights. He alsi refused to go to war with them even though Castille at the time could havereasily defeated them. In fact one od the reasons he was assasinated is that he was consider too sofyt on Muslims and had sd\evera;ozarabes ( Spanish converts to Islam) working in his court.

How about El Cid making treaties with Muslim kingdoms in Spain and even forming alliances with them and sanctioning interfaith marriages and equal rights in Bivar? How about the many Parsi Zoroastrians who sheltered and protected Muslims in India during the partition?

Besides, while Christians. Zoroastrians, etc; acknowledge and condem the mistakes made by other members of their faith in the past, all I hear from Muslim is the defense of Arab conquest , Dhimminitude, Poll taxes , legal inferiority and as you are doing now, they fail to acknowledge the mistakes and even pretend they did not occur and are , as a matter of fact still occurring.

I am not saying all Muslims are guilty either in the past or today , I am not even saying the majority are. But I fail to see any widespread condemnation of past and present abuses by any Muslims. On the other hand other religions openly do condemn their past errors and publicly condemn extremist who attempt to repeat them. In fact the Pope and the Head of the Church of England, both, have condemned both Catholic and Protestan abuses in Northern Ireland. I have never heard a Sh'ia condem abuses on Sunnis or vice a versa

Ushta Te


Active Member
Ushta Wmam

Allah is Arabic its Hebrew equivalent is not Ya but eloha the singular form of elohim and I believe its supposed to meam Most High God or God on high:jiggy:


Active Member
Popeyesays said:
Its not all that self-serving since he is describing the same process.
As Islam expanded explosively and became more and more political in its concerns than religious it is understandable that the good emphasis of religion would become less and less the point to expansion.
Ushta Popeyesays

Islams concerns are , and were political and spiritual always! In fact Islam applies to everything spiritual or not. Islam expanded by the sword, Mohammed and his immediate successors attacked their neighbors. The Islamic Law the Poll Tax and Dhimminitude all are political established for political, and spiritual, considerations.

Ushta te


Veteran Member
Premium Member
ashai said:
Ushta Popeyesays

Islams concerns are , and were political and spiritual always! In fact Islam applies to everything spiritual or not. Islam expanded by the sword, Mohammed and his immediate successors attacked their neighbors. The Islamic Law the Poll Tax and Dhimminitude all are political established for political, and spiritual, considerations.

Ushta te
Please read this link below, it's a thread called: Islam & sword. I hope that you will find your answers there. :)

Enjoy ...



Veteran Member
Premium Member
roli said:
God is mentioned numerous times by Jesus,prophets and priests,not to mention laymen
Mar 14:36 And he said, Abba, Father, all things [are] possible unto thee; take away this cup from me: nevertheless not what I will, but what thou wilt.
Rom 8:15 For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father.
Gal 4:6 And because ye are sons, God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, crying, Abba, Father.

Do you believe the Christian God ,Jewish God and the Muslim God are the same God????
Definitely he is the same God, there are no reason which makes us have a doubt about it because all three religions share a huge part of their laws and faith and they came to confirm each other but they may not believe in this and they may interpret it differently.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
wmam said:
Which brings my question as to the name of the Most High. Islam says Allah and I believe YAH is the name. Is the name Allah arabic? If so what is it translated from? Reason I say that it must have been translated is because, and please excuse my ignorence, the Koran came after the Torah and in Torah it is YAH. Or am I missing something?
Allah is the name of God Almighty even Christians in our area call him Allah like us. :)

For more information in details about the relationship between Allah/elohim/Yah please read this link.


It's 4 pages but i pointed out the most important one but of course you can read it from the beginning.

Peace .. :)


Veteran Member
Premium Member
ashai said:
Ushta the Truth

I did not neglect anything, I mentioned that some Non-Muslim historians pointed out that at some times and in some countries Muslims fairly treated others. Specifics? Some of the Moguls in India, some of the Saffavids, some of the latter rulers of Sevilla. But how about Christian and others being good to Muslims? King Sancho in the 12 th century tolerated several Muslim kingdoms in Spain as vassal states and gave Muslims and Jews in his kingdom (Castille) equal rights. He alsi refused to go to war with them even though Castille at the time could havereasily defeated them. In fact one od the reasons he was assasinated is that he was consider too sofyt on Muslims and had sd\evera;ozarabes ( Spanish converts to Islam) working in his court.

How about El Cid making treaties with Muslim kingdoms in Spain and even forming alliances with them and sanctioning interfaith marriages and equal rights in Bivar? How about the many Parsi Zoroastrians who sheltered and protected Muslims in India during the partition?

Besides, while Christians. Zoroastrians, etc; acknowledge and condem the mistakes made by other members of their faith in the past, all I hear from Muslim is the defense of Arab conquest , Dhimminitude, Poll taxes , legal inferiority and as you are doing now, they fail to acknowledge the mistakes and even pretend they did not occur and are , as a matter of fact still occurring.

I am not saying all Muslims are guilty either in the past or today , I am not even saying the majority are. But I fail to see any widespread condemnation of past and present abuses by any Muslims. On the other hand other religions openly do condemn their past errors and publicly condemn extremist who attempt to repeat them. In fact the Pope and the Head of the Church of England, both, have condemned both Catholic and Protestan abuses in Northern Ireland. I have never heard a Sh'ia condem abuses on Sunnis or vice a versa

Ushta Te
There are thousand of books in arabic about these things but who will translate them.:banghead3

I wish if i could do this job but i'm just trying my best to translate some materials which i couldn't find in english. Believe me there are alot of books and historian muslims talking about this issue and many other things.