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Ask any questions about Islam!


Active Member
Judgement Day said:
Yes, Allah is arabic, and it means God. Yah is hebrew I believe?
ashai said:
Ushta Wmam

Allah is Arabic its Hebrew equivalent is not Ya but eloha the singular form of elohim and I believe its supposed to meam Most High God or God on high
Thank you each for your replies. I am still searching where it shows which was the older in use. I believe it to be YAH and Allah being translated from that but I am still searching. Thanks and Shalom to all of you.

The Truth said:
Allah is the name of God Almighty even Christians in our area call him Allah like us.

For more information in details about the relationship between Allah/elohim/Yah please read this link.


It's 4 pages but i pointed out the most important one but of course you can read it from the beginning.

Peace ..
Thanks "TRUTH". I will check this out. Say even christians use Allah? Ummmmmmm......... Are they Arabic? Or do they look at Allah being somewhat different than God? Its such the quandary with me in trying to figure out how that so many that claim to servants of the one and only True "God" calls Him by so many different names when it is my understanding that there should only be one. Shalom.


Active Member
The Truth said:
For more information in details about the relationship between Allah/elohim/Yah please read this link.

Well I have read it and I have come to the conclusion that what it is saying is that the name of the Most High was indeed translated from the Hebrew into the Arabic. Just like how the word was translated into Greek and into English as well as all the other languages around the world. I just have a problem in translating names of people and places. Scriptures say many times about salvation and so forth that it be "by this name only" and that tells me that there is allot to do with a name. I am still searching for Truth. Thanks for the link. Shalom.


To Save A Lamb
Do you believe the Christian God ,Jewish God and the Muslim God are the same God????
Yeah, I do believe that. I'm also REALLY aware of how much the Bible was edited and by men.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
wmam said:
Say even christians use Allah? Ummmmmmm......... Are they Arabic?
Sorry i forgot to tell you that they are Arabs, Christians Arabs.

Shalomo Alykom ... :)


Veteran Member
Premium Member
wmam said:
So........ by which name are you saved?
Actually, i'm afraid that i couldn't grasp the whole point of salvation.

What do you mean when you say by which name are you saved?


Active Member
The Truth said:
Actually, i'm afraid that i couldn't grasp the whole point of salvation.

What do you mean when you say by which name are you saved?
If you do not believe in the point, then there is nothing to be meant by Salvation.

Shalom unto you as well.


Active Member
jamaesi said:
I am saved by my own name.
Oh. so you believe in all these names for the one and only but you choose yourself as your on Saviour? I must be wrong in my understanding of your meaning and if so I apologize. I am trying to understand though. To me, I believe that one need to rely on YAH but not all do.
wmam said:
Say even christians use Allah? QUOTE]

Yes, "Allah" is simply Arabic for "God," just as the Latin would use "Deus," not "God." Christians who speak Arabic say "Allah" in place of "God," like a French Bible would write, "Dieu."


Active Member
Ibrahim Al-Amin said:
wmam said:
Say even christians use Allah? QUOTE]

Yes, "Allah" is simply Arabic for "God," just as the Latin would use "Deus," not "God." Christians who speak Arabic say "Allah" in place of "God," like a French Bible would write, "Dieu."
Yes......... I know of the other languages. I was trying to get an answer as to whether Allah was translated from the Hebrew Elohim. Now that some say it was.......... That being His title and all...........what is His name to Islam? Like to me it is YAH.

Ibrahim Al-Amin said:
The concept of "salvation" does not exist in Islam as it does in Christianity.
Then can you give me the condensed version? Do you not have to believe on your Allah? If so can you post those parts of the Koran that shows such please?

I don't want to go and try to figure this out on my own because I have very, very little knowledge, if any at all, on Islam and the beliefs of. Yes I could just as simply go and do my own research using wikipedia and google but hey............ isn't this better that I come with questions to those that should know? If not please forgive my ignorance and I will kindly go elsewhere.


Active Member
Very well, Einstein.

Why don't the Sunni and Shi'ite Muslims stop killing each other and destroying each other's holy shrines?

To me, an Atheist, it is shameful and disgraceful.

And, I also have a bone to pick about those wonderful, old statues of the Buddha in Afghanistan which were shamefully destroyed by the Taliban Muslims.

Those statues were part of the cultural heritage of the entire world and it was an abominable act.


Well-Known Member
DakotaGypsy said:
Very well, Einstein.

Why don't the Sunni and Shi'ite Muslims stop killing each other and destroying each other's holy shrines?

To me, an Atheist, it is shameful and disgraceful.

And, I also have a bone to pick about those wonderful, old statues of the Buddha in Afghanistan which were shamefully destroyed by the Taliban Muslims.

Those statues were part of the cultural heritage of the entire world and it was an abominable act.
Do you know what is at the root of the Sunni, Shi'ih disputes? It is shameful and disgraceful to many muslims as well.

Well, Abraham shattered the images in the shrine of His ancestors you know.. Even though the calf was crafted of gold, Moses shattered it. The Taliban were considered barbarians by the rest of Islam while they did what they did. Christians burned people to death for heresy. And Hitler who at least an agnostic fomented the death of millions who did not fit his view of the pinnacle of human development. Mao did the same thing, and he was an atheist. Pol Pot did the same thing though he was an atheist. The Serb leadership participated in the same philosophy even if they were basically eastern orthodox Christian.



Veteran Member
In the prayer times during the day what is said at the various prayers? Is it true that when you bow for prayers you are facing Mecca?

Judgement Day

Active Member
robtex said:
In the prayer times during the day what is said at the various prayers? Is it true that when you bow for prayers you are facing Mecca?
Can you make your first question more precise?
Yes, you pray facing towards Mecca, to the Ka'bah.


Active Member
wmam said:
Thank you each for your replies. I am still searching where it shows which was the older in use. I believe it to be YAH and Allah being translated from that but I am still searching. Thanks and Shalom to all of you.
Ushta wman

That is an interesting question. It depends on which of the different authors of the Bible is the oldest:confused: . If the priestly author P is the oldest as the sequence of the Bible implies then Eloha and Elohim are much older than Yahweh. However if the Yavistic authors are first then Yahweh is also first.

In the present Bible Elohim and Eloha are before Yahweh.
Ushta Te:bow:


Active Member
wmam said:
So........ by which name are you saved?
Ushta wman

Saved from what? If Iam to be saved from my errors, I am saved by myself , thanks to the provisions of the Most Wise.

:tsk:A name does not help

Doing what is right for the sake of righteousness alone, is what helps. I still feel no need for salvation outside saving for my mistakes and wrongdoings.

Ushta Te:bow:


Active Member
ashai said:
Ushta wman

That is an interesting question. It depends on which of the different authors of the Bible is the oldest:confused: . If the priestly author P is the oldest as the sequence of the Bible implies then Eloha and Elohim are much older than Yahweh. However if the Yavistic authors are first then Yahweh is also first.

In the present Bible Elohim and Eloha are before Yahweh.
Ushta Te:bow:
I guess I wasn't clear in what I meant...........

Elohim being the title of YAH........... Elohim meaning the same, or rather, Allah meaning the same as Elohim. Allah being translated from the Hebrew? I don't think that Islam is older than Judaism so I have to believe that Allah would have been translated from the Hebrew.

Look......... I know that some will take this as b me bashing Islam but it isn't my intent, nor is it mine to bash anyone. I have a point to this and it is that everyone seems to be translating the names of the Most High as well as His Son to their own language. I feel this is a great error for man to do. My Scriptures say that there is only one to call to. One name to praise. If we are all praying and praising to the wrong one then what of them? Wouldn't they come of non-effect? If I was the Most High and I saw my children calling out to a pagan name instead of the true and sacred name I would be mad, hurt or both. I am only trying to come to a consensus for the greater good of my own state of mind.



Active Member
ashai said:
Ushta wman

Saved from what? If Iam to be saved from my errors, I am saved by myself , thanks to the provisions of the Most Wise.

:tsk:A name does not help

Doing what is right for the sake of righteousness alone, is what helps. I still feel no need for salvation outside saving for my mistakes and wrongdoings.

Ushta Te:bow:
LOL.......... I guess what you are saying that we all have the power to save ourselves if we do as we are suppose to do there for there would be no reason to be saved from our wrongdoings. Right? LOL .. I don't know........ I do know this though. As I see it, I believe in what the word of YAH states ion Scripture and I need to be and do as much good as to His word as I can before that book is opened that the Spirit has kept record of for all my slips and falls. I need that NAME to be the correct NAME to call on for forgiveness and salvation. Hey ...........But thats just me.