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Ask Me Anything About Atheism


Well-Known Member
And you said that matter just randomly comes into exhistenc, hmmmm, from where?:confused: ;) Did you actually SEE the earth being created out of nowhere, or did you acutally see the END of an atom which is infinity? WHY couldn't anyone answer those questions specifically? That's why I think, that many people believe in higher percentages than non believers. SOme athiests claim we believe in God out of fear, well it could be part of it but without a higher POWER there is no Logic in anything if you ask me.
tlcmel said:
And you said that matter just randomly comes into exhistenc, hmmmm, from where?
Your question is meaningless. The particles do not exist before they come into existence, so they can't be anywhere before they come into existence, and thus they can't come "from" anywhere. They simply appear.

tlcmel said:
SOme athiests claim we believe in God out of fear, well it could be part of it but without a higher POWER there is no Logic in anything if you ask me.
If the universe really were created by an intelligence, I would imagine there would only be Earth, since it's the only one with life (what's the point of having all those other millions of stars and planets which failed to support life?), that everything would orbit Earth, that comets would not periodically wipe out 99% of the species on Earth, that genetic defects wouldn't exist, that animals would not be forced to eat each other alive in order to survive, that whales and dolphins would have gills, etc.

For all the "intelligent" things I see in the universe, I see ways (or at least the possibility) that it could be the product of unintelligent forces, and I see at least as many "unintelligent" things in the universe as "intelligent" things.


Well-Known Member
Hmmmm, ya lost me there a lil bit but all I'm trying to say is MAN is not intelligent enough to explain many things, just like a dog to us.:D Whether you believe it's intelligent or not, that's up to you, but until I recieve a rational explaination on how existence was originated or even if it EVER did start from somewhere, nobody could tell you because THEY NEVER SEEN it which tells us right there that there is a higher intelligence. I believe in the documents of most of the bible over any scientist any day trying to tell me that we came from fossils under the ground,lol. I'd like to SEE that evolve, or just ONE example in REAL life not TV, that we actually evolved from fish, I want to SEE this happening, AND the start of it.:biglaugh:


Well-Known Member
Boat said:
your brain is cloned 3 times, memories and all
- This is not a realistic situation. However, just assume it was the case.
It`s not possible but if that was the case they`d all be me.

Why would the original be you if everything about the others is the same? Is there something attached to your brain that makes you "you" per say. A soul perhaps?
Nope, no soul.

If you think about it, all humans and, arguably, all animals are the same. We all go about our days looking through our eyes. Why are you who you are and not someone else? Is everyone and everything just some tragic accident?
It`s not some tragic accident.
We`re not the same because we are born with different features and raised in different environments with different influences.

Weird question.


Well-Known Member
tlcmel said:
If your looking for sceintific evidence, which many people do, then how could you rationalize evolution in regards to matter being created from a big bang out of nothing? ...By this big bang out of nowhere. Well, I'd like to see proof of that.
I`d like to see "proof" of it too.
I don`t believe in Big Bang cosmology, not the popular model of it anyway.
I believe matter and energy has always existed and will always exist.

Not a problem for me.


tlcmel said:
And you said that matter just randomly comes into exhistenc, hmmmm, from where?:confused: ;) Did you actually SEE the earth being created out of nowhere, or did you acutally see the END of an atom which is infinity? WHY couldn't anyone answer those questions specifically? That's why I think, that many people believe in higher percentages than non believers. SOme athiests claim we believe in God out of fear, well it could be part of it but without a higher POWER there is no Logic in anything if you ask me.
But your assertation that there is no Logic in the existence of something out of nothing unless there is a higher power can go one step further and then the question becomes "Then where did the person with the higher POWER come from?" Did God just pop into existence? How is this any more logical than what we know can occur scientifically?


Linwood - Thanks for the thread. Unfortunately I can't think of any questions for you.


tlcmel said:
Hmmmm, ya lost me there a lil bit but all I'm trying to say is MAN is not intelligent enough to explain many things, just like a dog to us.:D Whether you believe it's intelligent or not, that's up to you, but until I recieve a rational explaination on how existence was originated or even if it EVER did start from somewhere, nobody could tell you because THEY NEVER SEEN it which tells us right there that there is a higher intelligence. I believe in the documents of most of the bible over any scientist any day trying to tell me that we came from fossils under the ground,lol. I'd like to SEE that evolve, or just ONE example in REAL life not TV, that we actually evolved from fish, I want to SEE this happening, AND the start of it.:biglaugh:
You are aware that the theory of evolution does not attempt to answer "where life comes from" right? Evolution is a fact, and has been proven and observed numerous times by numerous scientists. Evolution has never claimed to be about the origins of life.

As for your "they never seen it" comment, are you suggesting that because science can't "prove" something that that is evidence of God? That is as ridiculous as saying because they can prove something that there is no God. "Well Newton said there was gravity, and lo and behold he was right! Must be no God!"

Come on.:areyoucra


linwood said:
I believe matter and energy has always existed and will always exist.

Not a problem for me.
Is there proof that matter and energy are eternal?


Well-Known Member
lovedmb said:
You are aware that the theory of evolution does not attempt to answer "where life comes from" right? Evolution is a fact, and has been proven and observed numerous times by numerous scientists. Evolution has never claimed to be about the origins of life.

As for your "they never seen it" comment, are you suggesting that because science can't "prove" something that that is evidence of God? That is as ridiculous as saying because they can prove something that there is no God. "Well Newton said there was gravity, and lo and behold he was right! Must be no God!"

Come on.:areyoucra
Show me just ONE example and i'll believe it's a FACT. Like us humans just appeared out of nowhere or from an evolvement processs, come on! THere is some higher energy force behinnd it. Evolution isn't a FACT it's based on WORDS but show me an example of us evoving from a fossil and I'll believe ya. It's just not logical. A magician couldn't even make something appear out of just a thought. Something HAS to be of higher intelligence, our intelligent bodies(cells, immune system blood) just did not APPEAR out of the clear blue sky. MAN is not intelligent enough to even know what force brought on the evolution, there are no words to describe it. SOrry, but illogical.;)


Active Member
tlcmel said:
SOme athiests claim we believe in God out of fear, well it could be part of it
I am one of those people. See the topic regarding Demon Possession and Epilepsy. I have seen your Devil at work.


Well-Known Member
lovedmb said:
But your assertation that there is no Logic in the existence of something out of nothing unless there is a higher power can go one step further and then the question becomes "Then where did the person with the higher POWER come from?" Did God just pop into existence? How is this any more logical than what we know can occur scientifically?
Very good question! I beleive that the higher person is the ULTIMATE conclusion of beauty and perfectism and yes, he(whatever God) has ALWAYS been there, never started never will end.:) THat's my beliefs of course.;) And like another poster said about ghost phenomenon and angels, I really honestly believe they do exist from another dimension and if your closed minded about GOd and not open to it(especially athiests) then of course you won't believe. I also don't think the bible was man made only, although the interpretations of it were probably mixed up over the years. I also believe that life would be stupid and meaningless if there wasn't a REASON behind it and in the material world there is ALWAYS a reason for everything but since we aren't intelligent enough to know all the questions that we contemplate or can't answer OURSELVES, then somebody does because that's just how my thoughts are conditioned to think. I also believe that God gave us this intelligent earth, life(and a bible, well not gave it to us but you know) to us and that's all we need to look at(the earth and our bodies, which are truley AMAZING) and experience to believe. THere is no other rational reason. If you have one please let me know! Like I said, i'm open to whatever.
angellous_evangellous said:
Is there proof that matter and energy are eternal?
That depends on what you mean by "eternal". Matter and energy have always existed, but time itself does not stretch backward forever...time is not quite how we intuitively think of it based on our usual experience. Instead of thinking of time as a line stretching in two directions infinitely, it might be more helpful to think of time as analogous to the direction "south"...there is a point (the South Pole) where one simply cannot go any further "south". Equivalently, there is a point where one cannot go further "back in time".

linwood's comments are perhaps confusing because he seems to suggest that big bang theory claims that matter and energy didn't exist at some point in time. It claims no such thing.


Veteran Member
Mr Spinkles said:
That depends on what you mean by "eternal". Matter and energy have always existed, but time itself does not stretch backward forever...time is not quite how we intuitively think of it based on our usual experience. Instead of thinking of time as a line stretching in two directions infinitely, it might be more helpful to think of time as analogous to the direction "south"...there is a point (the South Pole) where one simply cannot go any further "south". Equivalently, there is a point where one cannot go further "back in time".

linwood's comments are perhaps confusing because he seems to suggest that big bang theory claims that matter and energy didn't exist at some point in time. It claims no such thing.
Mr. Spinkles, would you consider commenting in this section? You have probably posted in similar threads but I am finding this particular one fascinating at the moment and would love to read your imput....:)


New Member
tlcmel said:
Show me just ONE example and i'll believe it's a FACT. Like us humans just appeared out of nowhere or from an evolvement processs, come on! THere is some higher energy force behinnd it. Evolution isn't a FACT it's based on WORDS but show me an example of us evoving from a fossil and I'll believe ya. It's just not logical. A magician couldn't even make something appear out of just a thought. Something HAS to be of higher intelligence, our intelligent bodies(cells, immune system blood) just did not APPEAR out of the clear blue sky. MAN is not intelligent enough to even know what force brought on the evolution, there are no words to describe it. SOrry, but illogical.;)
Humans didn't appear out of nowhere. Primates adapted and adapted until they could no longer mate with one another, thus a new species was formed. That new species mated... a million years later and you've got a new species and a few extinct ones.
An example? Look at a chimpanzee throughout its life. They think and play and do everything just as you do. We are no better than them and certainly if there's some magical human God in the skies, there is a monkey one as well.


Well-Known Member
Boat said:
Humans didn't appear out of nowhere. Primates adapted and adapted until they could no longer mate with one another, thus a new species was formed. That new species mated... a million years later and you've got a new species and a few extinct ones.
An example? Look at a chimpanzee throughout its life. They think and play and do everything just as you do. We are no better than them and certainly if there's some magical human God in the skies, there is a monkey one as well.
Where did the monkeys come from? The cells, the intelligence behind all of that? I would like to see that slow progression or us coming from monkeys right in front of my eyes? Like I said though, could man create a monkey without resorting to cloning which is resorting to a life? And how do you know humans didn't appear out of nowhere? Just from what you READ right? Or does what you READ make logical sense to you? It doesn't make sense to me, sorry. THis debate could probably go on and on, what makes sense to one doesn't make sense to another that's why some like blue and some like red.


Well-Known Member
Mr Spinkles said:
That depends on what you mean by "eternal". Matter and energy have always existed, but time itself does not stretch backward forever...time is not quite how we intuitively think of it based on our usual experience. Instead of thinking of time as a line stretching in two directions infinitely, it might be more helpful to think of time as analogous to the direction "south"...there is a point (the South Pole) where one simply cannot go any further "south". Equivalently, there is a point where one cannot go further "back in time".

linwood's comments are perhaps confusing because he seems to suggest that big bang theory claims that matter and energy didn't exist at some point in time. It claims no such thing.
Eternal means always existing so yah you defined what I mean as eternal or infinite. So since there is no answer to US as humans regarding the meaning of eternal, then I believe someone or something knows. I belive we just can't comprehend it cause we aren't intelligent enough.


New Member
tlcmel said:
I would like to see that slow progression or us coming from monkeys right in front of my eyes?

tlcmel said:
And how do you know humans didn't appear out of nowhere? Just from what you READ right? Or does what you READ make logical sense to you?
I actually came up with a similar idea before I learned of evolution. Once I read about evolution, it made perfect sense (though I like my version better).


Well-Known Member
Hhehehe, good one!:D What I meant about in front of my eyes was actually seeing this evolvement process but I know your just kiddin!lol:D
I read about evolution too but see it DIDN'T make sense to me cause in my mind, I was picturing God as a precursor to all of this. I read it a long time ago and i just thought most of it was Bull.