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At what age can a child go to hell?


Grumpy Old Man
I thought it was after they ate their first apple or something, except Ireland because it doesn't have snakes.



Well-Known Member
jmv, but you said: personally always wondered as well, at what IQ level do people go to hell? Surely retarded people can't be headed there.
you cant wonder about someone going to hell if you dont believe in hell, now can you?

Midnight Pete

Well-Known Member

I think that once a person is mature enough to truly understand the difference between good & evil and knowingly chooses good over evil, their soul is in danger of eternal damnation. I think it's more a spiritual question than an age question. A child's innocence is supposed to shield him from such things, however. This is where the story of Adam & Eve comes, how Eden fell, how innocence is lost. I believe that each person experiences their own private Fall of Eden once they reach a certain age.


Uber Tool
jmv, but you said: personally always wondered as well, at what IQ level do people go to hell? Surely retarded people can't be headed there.
you cant wonder about someone going to hell if you dont believe in hell, now can you?

I'll just repeat myself since you didn't understand it the first time. I am positig a question that assumes the hypothetical that god and hell exist. The question is a bit sarcastic and basically points out the absurdity of god sending specific people to hell that are just a tad bit older, or intelligent, than somebody else.

How about you answer the question?
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Well-Known Member
So, it seems that the religious agree that there is a time early in life when a child who dies will go directly to heaven for God's eternal reward and be spared the eternal torment of hell, though the specific age is in question. I think the elephant in the room here is: if this is true, wouldn't killing an innocent child be the best thing you could possibly do for him/her?

Midnight Pete

Well-Known Member
So, it seems that the religious agree that there is a time early in life when a child who dies will go directly to heaven for God's eternal reward and be spared the eternal torment of hell, though the specific age is in question. I think the elephant in the room here is: if this is true, wouldn't killing an innocent child be the best thing you could possibly do for him/her?

No, that would be killing an innocent child, which is the second-worst possible thing you could do for him/her as well as for your own immortal soul.

Midnight Pete

Well-Known Member
jmv, but you said: personally always wondered as well, at what IQ level do people go to hell? Surely retarded people can't be headed there.
you cant wonder about someone going to hell if you dont believe in hell, now can you?

What IQ level is required to have knowledge of good & evil?

I really don't know.


Well-Known Member
No, that would be killing an innocent child, which is worst possible thing you could do for him/her as well as for your own immortal soul.

But why? If you let the child live, then you are risking it's immortal soul, and statistics show that the child is more likely to suffer eternal torment than to make it to heaven. By killing him/her while they are innocent, you guarantee them eternal bliss with God. You essentially send them to heaven, right?


Well-Known Member
jmv, i believe in god, hell and the bible. although the specific age is not mentioned in the bible, i believe that people with iq's of a little child will be treated by god the same.

remember what jesus said "forgive them, for they know not what they do".

Midnight Pete

Well-Known Member
But why? If you let the child live, then you are risking it's immortal soul, and statistics show that the child is more likely to suffer eternal torment than to make it to heaven. By killing him/her while they are innocent, you guarantee them eternal bliss with God. You essentially send them to heaven, right?

Why not just let that child live and skip the lengthy prison-sentence?

Yes, life is a risk. But it's also an opportunity. And the child's parents would appreciate it if you left him/her unharmed. Seriously.


Ninja Master
say there is one religion that god wants humans to follow. if a child is misguided away from that religion, the responsibility falls upon the parents/whoever is raising the child. once the child reaches a certain level of maturity (if he/she ever does lol), and no matter at what age they reach it, god will know whether the person is able to make the "right" choices or not. god will also understand if the person was never exposed to the one religion He wants people to follow

This is LDS doctrine exactly.


Veteran Member
say there is one religion that god wants humans to follow. if a child is misguided away from that religion, the responsibility falls upon the parents/whoever is raising the child. once the child reaches a certain level of maturity (if he/she ever does lol), and no matter at what age they reach it, god will know whether the person is able to make the "right" choices or not. god will also understand if the person was never exposed to the one religion He wants people to follow

This is LDS doctrine exactly.

so if a jeffery dahmer was never exposed to the right religion he is forgiven?


Well-Known Member
Midnight Pete said:
Why not just let that child live and skip the lengthy prison-sentence?
I see. So you agree it would be the best thing for the child, but are afraid to do so because of the legal penalties on you. Fair enough, I suppose, but if that child ends up in eternal torment and you could have saved him...well that's got to ba a heavy load upon your conscience.
Yes, life is a risk. But it's also an opportunity. And the child's parents would appreciate it if you left him/her unharmed. Seriously.
Oh, I don't plan on harming any children because I don't believe in this nonsense. You, on the other hand, have a bit of a problem on your hands. Either God sends innocent children to hell when they die, or he sends them to heaven. If hell, then God is more like a demon than a holy father. If heaven, then the best thing you could EVER do for an innocent child would be to kill them while they're still innocent so that they do not risk the flames of hell. You seem to fall in the latter camp.


Veteran Member
I see. So you agree it would be the best thing for the child, but are afraid to do so because of the legal penalties on you. Fair enough, I suppose, but if that child ends up in eternal torment and you could have saved him...well that's got to ba a heavy load upon your conscience.

Oh, I don't plan on harming any children because I don't believe in this nonsense. You, on the other hand, have a bit of a problem on your hands. Either God sends innocent children to hell when they die, or he sends them to heaven. If hell, then God is more like a demon than a holy father. If heaven, then the best thing you could EVER do for an innocent child would be to kill them while they're still innocent so that they do not risk the flames of hell. You seem to fall in the latter camp.

what a dilemma...
one of many :p


Ninja Master
so if a jeffery dahmer was never exposed to the right religion he is forgiven?

That's not LDS docrine, exactly. :D People are judged according to the laws they knew. If Jeff knew better, then he'll be absolutely accountable for what he did. Since murder is against the law of the land, he was subject to a law.

The part in the quote about parents being accountable, that's if THEY knew better, but taught their kids worse, or failed to teach their kids what they knew.

In the end, we don't judge this stuff, but we have some pretty good guidlines.


Veteran Member
The part in the quote about parents being accountable, that's if THEY knew better, but taught their kids worse, or failed to teach their kids what they knew.

but if these parents didn't know better (by following the wrong religion) and taught their children what they knew, what then?


Ninja Master
but if these parents didn't know better (by following the wrong religion) and taught their children what they knew, what then?

Fortunately no legit religions teach people to behave like Jeff Dahmer.

If the parents are doing their best, and the children subsequently do their best with what they've been given, I don't see why they would be punished for that.


Veteran Member
Fortunately no legit religions teach people to behave like Jeff Dahmer.

well, no one needs a religion to tell them that killing is wrong

If the parents are doing their best, and the children subsequently do their best with what they've been given, I don't see why they would be punished for that.

isn't that what is happening all around?
people trying to do their best... :)