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At what age can a child go to hell?


Veteran Member
I don't understand why you would say that. According to you, killing them in a state of innocence would guarantee their wellbeing for eternity. Failing to do so puts them at high risk for eternal torment. Why do you keep saying that it would be such a horrible thing to do? Am I somehow misunderstanding your position on what happens to innocents who die?

wait a sec...
we were born destined for failure so i guess the child will go straight to hell because the child never had a chance to decide that their life was destined for failure and had to get saved from that failure that was destined for us all :eek:

Midnight Pete

Well-Known Member
Oh don't get me wrong. I know why killing is wrong. It is because when you kill someone, you end their existence and cause great pain to their loved ones who will never see them again. What I don't understand is why YOU think killing an innocent is wrong since YOU believe that doing so will guarantee them eternal reward and not doing so puts them at terrible risk of eternal damnation. Or maybe you think a little more like I do than you'd like to admit...

I've underlined what I think is really perverse reasoning. Killing an innocent child to guarantee them an eternal reward presumes that you, the would-be killer, are a knower of hearts and an understander of destinies. For this to be possible, you the would-be killer would have to be not merely prescient but omiscient. So you would in effect presume to know the mind of God as only He Himself knows it.
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Kilgore Trout

Misanthropic Humanist
I've heard a few times from adherents of both Islam and Christianity that children do not go to hell as they are too young to understand their message, and so if they die they go to Heaven.

So, at what age is one 'too old' to go to Heaven by default? At what age are children of the wrong religions going to hell as we speak? Does the adherence to another ("wrong") faith shorten the time a child has before they can go to Heaven?

The first time you touch your wee-wee or hoo-hoo because it feels good, you lose your automatic qualification for eternal paradise.

Midnight Pete

Well-Known Member
Whew, good . . . I'm glad you cleared that up. I still got a chance then, that's what you're saying, right?

Yes, all you have to do is ask.

"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened. Matthew 7:7-8


Veteran Member
No, but I would say, "I know that in life you will make mistakes, but I have taught you the way and you have the ability to choose for yourself. I''ll always be here if you need me, and I've provided the way for you to come home even if you find yourself in a lot of trouble. I love you."

while your alive that is...

i would never give a time limit to my child...
"my door is opened until 6pm, if you change your mind after that, sorry...
you had your chance"


Uber Tool
jmv, i believe in god, hell and the bible. although the specific age is not mentioned in the bible, i believe that people with iq's of a little child will be treated by god the same.

remember what jesus said "forgive them, for they know not what they do".

So then you believe there is some IQ line that if you are just above and an unbeliever, you are punished forever, and if you are just below and an unbeliever, you are rewarded forever. How is that not the most unjust, and unfair black and white judgment and justice imaginable?


Well-Known Member
Midnight Pete said:
I've underlined what I think is really perverse reasoning. Killing an innocent child to guarantee them an eternal reward presumes that you, the would-be killer, are a knower of hearts and an understander of destinies. For this to be possible, you the would-be killer would have to be not merely prescient but omiscient. So you would in effect presume to know the mind of God as only He Himself knows it.

Bro, I'm just going by your stated position. Which part of that horrible underlined sentence do you think is incorrect? Are you now saying that you are not sure if innocents go to heaven when they die?


Well-Known Member
So then you believe there is some IQ line that if you are just above and an unbeliever, you are punished forever, and if you are just below and an unbeliever, you are rewarded forever. How is that not the most unjust, and unfair black and white judgment and justice imaginable?

im sorry jmv but i have no idea what you are implying or asking.


Uber Tool
He's crying because you made it sound like there's an IQ line below which all will be treated the same.

I am not crying, and thanks for the useless ad hominem. Would you care to explain why you think I didn't make a good point? Because you didn't.


Ninja Master
I am not crying, and thanks for the useless ad hominem. Would you care to explain why you think I didn't make a good point? Because you didn't.

Haha. I didn't link the validity of your point to one of your characteristics. So I don't know what ad hominem you're talking about.

Also, I didn't say your point wasn't good. I was helping your little buddy understand what you're trying to say.

Touchy, touchy, just because I said "crying" you're all up in arms. Take it easy, little guy.