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At what age can a child go to hell?


Ninja Master
well, no one needs a religion to tell them that killing is wrong

isn't that what is happening all around?
people trying to do their best... :)

I would say in most cases, yes. The premise of Christianity is that our best is not good enough, because we fall short and thus need someone to pick up the slack. If someone has no idea who that someone is, and have had no opportunity to learn, that's not their fault.


Veteran Member
I would say in most cases, yes. The premise of Christianity is that our best is not good enough, because we fall short and thus need someone to pick up the slack. If someone has no idea who that someone is, and have had no opportunity to learn, that's not their fault.

our best is not good enough?
wow.... that is a truly sad outlook, imo


Well-Known Member
There are, unfortuantely, people who have killed their children for this reason. Like in real life. Probably mentally ill people.

Do you believe innocent children are guaranteed a spot in heaven? If so, why do you consider these people to be mentally ill?


Ninja Master
Do you believe innocent children are guaranteed a spot in heaven? If so, why do you consider these people to be mentally ill?

It's typical in cases of schitzo for people to become overly religiously zealous and lose perspective. Any LDS person who understood the doctrine, would not think it's a good idea to kill their kids. And a person who did not understand the doctrine would have to have stronger faith in that misconception than most people in the world have about anything. It would be such a huge gambit to sacrifice your mortal and eternal lives so your kids could go to heaven, that it would take absolute certainty to overcome the basic moral obstacles and fear of committing murder against the kids you love.

People who have absolute certainty about correct principles would only obtain it by having a sound mind and good understanding of the doctrine.

One of the most central tenets of Mormon theology is of the family unit being together for eternity. Another is that we are here on earth not just to obtain these physical bodies, but also to gain experience, learn to know good from evil and to establish families of our own. Killing your kids would deny your family of that eternal togetherness, and it would deny your kids the chance to have the mortal experience, which is valuable for their spiritual and familial development.

Midnight Pete

Well-Known Member
It's typical in cases of schitzo for people to become overly religiously zealous and lose perspective. Any LDS person who understood the doctrine, would not think it's a good idea to kill their kids. And a person who did not understand the doctrine would have to have stronger faith in that misconception than most people in the world have about anything. It would be such a huge gambit to sacrifice your mortal and eternal lives so your kids could go to heaven, that it would take absolute certainty to overcome the basic moral obstacles and fear of committing murder against the kids you love.

People who have absolute certainty about correct principles would only obtain it by having a sound mind and good understanding of the doctrine.

One of the most central tenets of Mormon theology is of the family unit being together for eternity. Another is that we are here on earth not just to obtain these physical bodies, but also to gain experience, learn to know good from evil and to establish families of our own. Killing your kids would deny your family of that eternal togetherness, and it would deny your kids the chance to have the mortal experience, which is valuable for their spiritual and familial development.

Great post, but I would add that killing your kids would be a horrible sin against God.


Well-Known Member
It's typical in cases of schitzo for people to become overly religiously zealous and lose perspective. Any LDS person who understood the doctrine, would not think it's a good idea to kill their kids. And a person who did not understand the doctrine would have to have stronger faith in that misconception than most people in the world have about anything. It would be such a huge gambit to sacrifice your mortal and eternal lives so your kids could go to heaven, that it would take absolute certainty to overcome the basic moral obstacles and fear of committing murder against the kids you love.

Got it. So deep down you are not certain that innocent children who die are sent to heaven.
People who have absolute certainty about correct principles would only obtain it by having a sound mind and good understanding of the doctrine.

One of the most central tenets of Mormon theology is of the family unit being together for eternity. Another is that we are here on earth not just to obtain these physical bodies, but also to gain experience, learn to know good from evil and to establish families of our own. Killing your kids would deny your family of that eternal togetherness, and it would deny your kids the chance to have the mortal experience, which is valuable for their spiritual and familial development.

On the contrary. Killing your kids while they are innocent would guarantee them eternity, at least if what you were saying before is true.


Well-Known Member
Midnight Pete said:
Great post, but I would add that killing your kids would be a horrible sin against God.

I don't understand why you would say that. According to you, killing them in a state of innocence would guarantee their wellbeing for eternity. Failing to do so puts them at high risk for eternal torment. Why do you keep saying that it would be such a horrible thing to do? Am I somehow misunderstanding your position on what happens to innocents who die?


Ninja Master
Got it. So deep down you are not certain that innocent children who die are sent to heaven.

I think anyone who is honest with themselves would admit that they aren't absolutely certain unless they've seen God or something.

On the contrary. Killing your kids while they are innocent would guarantee them eternity, at least if what you were saying before is true.

I didn't say they wouldn't go to heaven. Read again.

Midnight Pete

Well-Known Member
I don't understand why you would say that. According to you, killing them in a state of innocence would guarantee their wellbeing for eternity. Failing to do so puts them at high risk for eternal torment. Why do you keep saying that it would be such a horrible thing to do? Am I somehow misunderstanding your position on what happens to innocents who die?

Maybe I can't explain to you why killing is wrong. I've tried and failed. :facepalm:


Well-Known Member
Children can only go to Hell :)

There, Satan will recruit children to raise an army and begin the 4th Punic war against the zombie-robotic Phoenicians lead by robo-Hannibal on our glorious geocentric flat Earth were evolution definitely did not occur.


Well-Known Member
Midnight Pete said:
Maybe I can't explain to you why killing is wrong. I've tried and failed. :facepalm:

Oh don't get me wrong. I know why killing is wrong. It is because when you kill someone, you end their existence and cause great pain to their loved ones who will never see them again. What I don't understand is why YOU think killing an innocent is wrong since YOU believe that doing so will guarantee them eternal reward and not doing so puts them at terrible risk of eternal damnation. Or maybe you think a little more like I do than you'd like to admit...


Veteran Member
Sin. I've done my best in life but I've still done some pretty rotten stuff I wasn't proud of.

would you ever tell your child
"no matter how hard you try, you will never be good enough for me unless you succumb to my will and you let me live through you"
because that is essentially what "god" is telling his "children"


Ninja Master
would you ever tell your child
"no matter how hard you try, you will never be good enough for me unless you succumb to my will and you let me live through you"
because that is essentially what "god" is telling his "children"

No, but I would say, "I know that in life you will make mistakes, but I have taught you the way and you have the ability to choose for yourself. I''ll always be here if you need me, and I've provided the way for you to come home even if you find yourself in a lot of trouble. I love you."