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atheism and fear of death


"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member

atheism and fear of death

paarsurrey said:
Let the dead bury the dead”*, right?

*It is a saying of (Jesus)Yeshua- the truthful Israelite Messiah ( who was neither a Zealot, nor he belonged to the Zionism people nor to the Judaism people), as per the Pauline-NT Bible, please, right?
Luke 9:60

Never mind, it was a friendly discussion and is welcome. Difference of opinion and or conflict, done sincerely, is good while practicing the Religious Method, as it has inbuilt modes operandi for resolving them; I envision the Scientific Method must also have it though the history of Science is littered with the conflicts, some of them and or many of them, if not innumerable, may still have to be resolved as yet if no done already, please, right?
" The history of science is littered with fierce and bitter conflicts. Historians of science have generally shown a strong interest in such personal vendettas. "


I don't believe Jesus was any of those things attributed to him in the bible except his execution.
Note, Rome had several methods of exocution for different crimes, crucifixion was reserved specifically for terrorists and traitors to Rome.

Thats how science works, it is self correcting, unlike religion that changes little over the centuries.


Veteran Member
I don't believe Jesus was any of those things attributed to him in the bible except his execution.
Note, Rome had several methods of exocution for different crimes, crucifixion was reserved specifically for terrorists and traitors to Rome.

Thats how science works, it is self correcting, unlike religion that changes little over the centuries.
" except his execution "

Yeshua was not executed till death or crucified till death, he died a natural death long after, I understand, at the age of about 120 years, please, right?



Well-Known Member
Because i believe in God and in the afterlife i have less fear of death

Those of you who don't believe in God or an afterlife, how do you deal with the fear of death?
Belief isn't a choice. If you look at a car on the road you believe there is a car on the road. The issue is there isn't evidence to believe in any god.
When I did believe I didn't find an afterlife belief helpful because I knew I had not really investigated outside of my confirmation bias and assumptions. I felt like looking for what is more likely true to be better in that way because I wasn't wasting time thinking there is some eternal life afterwards. I feel like that is a bigger issue because you take this life as secondary. Death is a constant motivator. Hence the Latin saying.


Belief isn't a choice. If you look at a car on the road you believe there is a car on the road. The issue is there isn't evidence to believe in any god.
When I did believe I didn't find an afterlife belief helpful because I knew I had not really investigated outside of my confirmation bias and assumptions. I felt like looking for what is more likely true to be better in that way because I wasn't wasting time thinking there is some eternal life afterwards. I feel like that is a bigger issue because you take this life as secondary. Death is a constant motivator. Hence the Latin saying.
It is very true that far too many put their heart in the unknown afterlife instead of in this life that is a majestic gift.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
" except his execution "

Yeshua was not executed till death or crucified till death, he died a natural death long after, I understand, at the age of about 120 years, please, right?

That hypothesis doesn't really fit with the facts, though I know it's commonly held among Muslims.


Veteran Member

atheism and fear of death

" except his execution " post #102
paarsurrey said:
Yeshua was not executed till death or crucified till death, he died a natural death long after, I understand, at the age of about 120 years, please, right?
That hypothesis doesn't really fit with the facts, though I know it's commonly held among Muslims.
And what are those "facts" , please , right?


Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
It is very true that far too many put their heart in the unknown afterlife instead of in this life that is a majestic gift.
Life can also be a majestic terror and horror where the afterlife is portrayed as something idyllic and pleasant that far outweighs the experiences of the present life here on Earth by a number of people who might view it as hellish and a curse.


Life can also be a majestic terror and horror where the afterlife is portrayed as something idyllic and pleasant that far outweighs the experiences of the present life here on Earth by a number of people who might view it as hellish and a curse.
Absolutely, but in dwelling on something wonderful made for man sometime in the future, takes away from man building something wonderful here and now.


Veteran Member
Absolutely, but in dwelling on something wonderful made for man sometime in the future, takes away from man building something wonderful here and now.
No, it doesn't happen necessarily if the concept is correct , why must it be, please, right??!

‘And as for those who believe and do good works, He will pay them their full rewards. And Allah loves not the wrongdoers.’

وَاَمَّا الَّذِیۡنَ اٰمَنُوۡا وَعَمِلُوا الصّٰلِحٰتِ فَیُوَفِّیۡہِمۡ اُجُوۡرَہُمۡ ؕ وَاللّٰہُ لَا یُحِبُّ الظّٰلِمِیۡن


Veteran Member

atheism and fear of death​

" except his execution " post #102
paarsurrey said:
Yeshua was not executed till death or crucified till death, he died a natural death long after, I understand, at the age of about 120 years, please, right?
That hypothesis doesn't really fit with the facts, though I know it's commonly held among Muslims.
Our @ChristineM , @9-10ths_Penguin
And what are those "facts" , please , right?
(Jesus)Yeshua was delivered from the Cross/Pole alive, the act of Crucifixion (till death) was not accomplished, he was only for 3/4 hours on the Cross/pole; isn't it one of the "facts" one alludes to in the above post #106 , please, right?



Veteran Member

atheism and fear of death

Some Atheists say "We have no fear of death, we all die, it's a fact of life", right?
To have no fear of death has never been taken by Science as an issue to deliberate on it as per the Scientific Method, right, please?
So ; Isn't it a lollypop given into their mouth by some cult of Philosophy, right, please?
On a side discussion in this thread one of our Atheist friend has said:

"I don't believe Jesus was any of those things attributed to him in the bible except his execution.
Note, Rome had several methods of execution for different crimes, crucifixion was reserved specifically for terrorists and traitors to Rome."

(Jesus)Yeshua was a peaceful and spiritual Israelite person, he never desired any worldly status.
It was the Zionism/Judaism people who were aspirants of worldly power, and Yeshua was far from being one of them.
Why would Rome, therefore, have to punish or execute Yeshua, please ?
Zionism/Judaism people instead of accepting Yeshua they conspired to kill him and for that they preferred to instigate Roman officials to execute him.
Consequently Yeshua was put on the Cross/Pole
but was not executed till death or crucified till death; he died a natural death long after, I understand, at the age of about 120 years, please, right?
Ours @9-10ths_Penguin pointed out "That hypothesis doesn't really fit with the facts", yet when asked to enumerate those " facts" he couldn't bring them out to light , right, please?



Mock Turtle

Oh my, did I say that!
Premium Member

atheism and fear of death

Some Atheists say "We have no fear of death, we all die, it's a fact of life", right?
To have no fear of death has never been taken by Science as an issue to deliberate on it as per the Scientific Method, right, please?
So ; Isn't it a lollypop given into their mouth by some cult of Philosophy, right, please?
I'm sure I won't be speaking for all atheists, given that we will likely have different attitudes to death, but most I suspect will not want to die - preferring the benefits available from being alive - although probably most (if they have anything approaching a 100% belief as to atheism - not me) will not have any fear of what will happen at death. Since they mostly will believe that it is simply the end of life - so nothing to fear as to any other considerations. I have so little interest as to what happens after death such that I will be donating my body to medicine. Like most others, atheists will likely not want a painful and/or messy end, and would probably prefer a nice peaceful and/or quick end.


"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
To have no fear of death has never been taken by Science as an issue to deliberate on it as per the Scientific Method, right, please?

We are talking people, specifically atheists. Not science.
By your thinking Jesus and god have never been taken by Science as an issue to deliberate on it as per the Scientific Method, right, please?

(Jesus)Yeshua was a peaceful and spiritual Israelite person, he never desired any worldly status.

So it says in an anonymous bible compiled hundreds of years after his death, the original of which no longer exists.

Why would Rome, therefore, have to punish or execute Yeshua, please ?

Rome had different execution methods for different crimes, crucifixion was reserved for terrorists and traitors.
Denying the emperor's deity was considered treacherous .
If JC was a terrorist or traitor do you not think execution deserving?

I understand, at the age of about 120 years, please, right?

Wrong, the bible says he lived for 40 days on earth following his incomplete crucifixion. Where di you get 120 years from?
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Veteran Member
atheism and fear of death

Some Atheists say "We have no fear of death, we all die, it's a fact of life", right?
One's no fear of death is not reasonable, it is just out of superstition(/unreasonableness) that one doesn't care about it.
If one's dear one an infant- a son or a daughter , plunges into the fire one won't stop or warn the infant, what if the infant dies, it is just alright, please??
To have no fear of death has never been taken by Science as an issue to deliberate on it as per the Scientific Method, while it has never been supported by the truthful Religion and or the Religious Method, right, please?
So ; Isn't it a lollypop given into their mouth by some cult of Philosophy, obviously it is not backed by Science, right, please?:

Surely, those who have believed, and the Jews, and the Sabians, and the Christians — whoso believes in Allah and the Last Day and does good deeds, on them shall come no fear, nor shall they grieve.

Arabic original text from Muhammad's time is below:-
اِنَّ الَّذِیۡنَ اٰمَنُوۡا وَالَّذِیۡنَ ہَادُوۡا وَالصّٰبِـُٔوۡنَ وَالنَّصٰرٰی مَنۡ اٰمَنَ بِاللّٰہِ وَالۡیَوۡمِ الۡاٰخِرِ وَعَمِلَ صَالِحًا فَلَا خَوۡفٌ عَلَیۡہِمۡ وَلَا ہُمۡ یَحۡزَنُوۡنَ ﴿۷۰


Well-Known Member
Because i believe in God and in the afterlife i have less fear of death

Those of you who don't believe in God or an afterlife, how do you deal with the fear of death?

I'm happy to be alive and I feel reluctance to death, old age health problems and dying. I guess I'll have to take the bad with the good.