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Atheist Desire to Disprove God


Admiral Obvious
If there is an afterlife...
it is unlikely that you will be...top of the line.... life form.

They are there....ahead of us.
They know the territory...the language...the scheme of things.
The advantage is Theirs.

You entered this world naked ...you leave the same way.

You will be at the mercy of anyone...or anything...standing over you.

Got Friends?...really?

And the angels, that take you to your chosen prophet...will then stand back.

Your 'mentor' will ask....while looking you in the eye....'What's this?'

The angels will excuse themselves and reply...
'He used Your Name as if it belonged to him. We thought he was one of Yours.'

And you shall have your day of reckoning with your Lord.

Good luck with that.
You really should write short stories and novelettes.
Your imagination is going to waste otherwise.


Old-School Member
Because you believe nothing.

A lack of belief is not the same thing as a belief in nothing. Someone being an atheist does not mean that they lack belief across the board. Atheism is a single position on a single issue. There's nothing inherent to it that requires someone to not believe in anything at all. A person can be an atheist and still "believe" in an afterlife, spirits, the Great Green Arkleseizure, whatever.

Atheism simply has to do with a person's stance on god, nothing else.


Left Hand Path
I believe people are basically good. I believe my own conscience is the only authority to which I owe allegiance and fidelity. I believe in the separation of church and state. I believe in social justice, civil rights, diplomacy and democracy. I believe sauvignon blanc is tastier than chardonnay. I believe the writer or writers of the Tao te Ching were exceptionally wise and their wisdom is timeless. I believe a vast number of things. It just so happens that not a single one of my important beliefs has anything whatever to do with the existence or non-existence of anybody else's gods.

Belief isn't structured around God's, I'm glad you are capable of noticing that.

If you ask what I believe I will talk your ear off for hours and the topic of theism will not come up. If you ask whether I believe in god I will say "which god?" or "whose god?" This is because the word "god" has no inherent meaning for me as a non-believer. When you use it without defining it, I simply shrug. Without an explanation of what is meant by "god" I can not generate a response at all. The entire subject is utterly irrelevant to my beliefs and opinions on every topic - except the existence or non-existence of god, which is a silly question I couldn't give a toss about one way or the other.

You are an exception, you do not label yourself in Opposition to something beyond you, though clearly you have a sense of it about you.

Comments like this make me wonder if you were perhaps an agnostic, or a disillusioned, angry theist rather than "an atheist for years."

Comments like that make me wonder why people are so presumptuous.

Satanism is my preference. Emotion plays no role in my own creation, simply experience.

Atheism was a position I defeneded for three years, and this comment I made came from literal experiences of people who label themselves under their religion, "atheist", and then add on descriptive words to sugar up their subsequent nothingness and hypocritical self deceit.

I am capable of defending both sides, theism and atheism. It's just that the greater picture evolves from all of man's gatherings, not some simple minded expression of disdain for an ill-structured belief system.

There is something to gain from all things, of course I am not the only person to realize this, I just tend to see a lot of narrowmindedness in atheists and christians a like, who debate and argue off a foundation from intolerance.

And in this circumstance, one would be a fool to consider themselves as not delusional, we all live and die, by means we create and destroy countless of our own human fabricated concepts.

Sure, living practically applies well when one works to accomplish a dream, but that is the definition of delusion, metaphorically speaking of course.

Your first two paragraphs hit the nail right on the head, you are unlike most non-theists (assuming that you are of course :D) and it is people like you that will help others see the greater picture.

Acknowledging one's own hypocrisy can only lead them to seeing inconsistancies in others.


Well-Known Member
Well... since God is the Creator of both the objective and the subjective then I AM can be either objectively subjective or subjectively objective. Just as the antonym of synonym is antonym so the synonym of antonym is wait... umm...

Wait... what? Could you clarify this please? What do you mean by "Subjectively Objective" and "Objectively Subjective?" It's like saying: That crayon is orangey-blue or rather bluishy-orange.


Left Hand Path
A lack of belief is not the same thing as a belief in nothing. Someone being an atheist does not mean that they lack belief across the board. Atheism is a single position on a single issue. There's nothing inherent to atheism that requires someone to not believe in anything at all. A person can be an atheist and still "believe" in ghost, spirits, the Great Green Arkleseizure, whatever.

Atheism simply has to do with a person's stance on god, nothing else.

Ahem, let me repeat what I said, maybe it will come across more clearly the second time.

Atheism is the belief that God's do not exist, and is a huge ontological stance in the view that, atheists are here right now, debating whether or not God exists. Not only that, they are here right now debating what is the best way to live, what is the most logical philosophy, ect. ect.

Of course, atheism strictly deals with a person's stance on God, I never said that it didn't!

It seems most atheists have a hard time understanding that not believing in anything is a personal and specified belief of their own, because you know what, atheists are just as ignorant as anyone else.

Sure, atheists can believe in ghosts and other stuff like that, but that was irrelevant to my point that atheism itself is a self deceitful belief.

You say you belief in nothing, but that is what you belief, and that was my point.

Sure, atheists may belief in other things besides their atheism, but that is besides the point.


Old-School Member
You say you belief in nothing, but that is what you belief, and that was my point.

I never said that. When your ready to stop putting your words in other people's mouths, let me know.

Sure, atheists may belief in other things besides their atheism, but that is besides the point.

You refute yourself right here. If atheists can believe in other things, then how can it be said that they believe in nothing?


Well-Known Member
Ahem, let me repeat what I said, maybe it will come across more clearly the second time.

Atheism is the belief that God's do not exist, and is a huge ontological stance in the view that, atheists are here right now, debating whether or not God exists. Not only that, they are here right now debating what is the best way to live, what is the most logical philosophy, ect. ect.

Of course, atheism strictly deals with a person's stance on God, I never said that it didn't!

It seems most atheists have a hard time understanding that not believing in anything is a personal and specified belief of their own, because you know what, atheists are just as ignorant as anyone else.

Sure, atheists can believe in ghosts and other stuff like that, but that was irrelevant to my point that atheism itself is a self deceitful belief.

You say you belief in nothing, but that is what you belief, and that was my point.

Sure, atheists may belief in other things besides their atheism, but that is besides the point.

Atheism is not the belief that no god exists but rather the lack of belief in any god. There is a difference.


Left Hand Path
Atheism is not the belief that no god exists but rather the lack of belief in any god. There is a difference.

Of course, but in your lack of belief, YOU BELIEF THAT GODS DO NOT EXIST.

Is it truly that hard to understand?

I never said that. When your ready to stop putting your words in other people's mouths, let me know.

Of course, I never said that you said that. I was just saying "you", as in applying to most atheists.

Of course I realize that not all atheists of the same, but that doesn't mean they don't try and use the same argument.

Now direct my point.

You refute yourself right here. If atheists can believe in other things, then how can it be said that they believe in nothing?


Let's reword nothing into no higher being.

I know plenty of atheists that consider themselves, "buddhists, humanists, universalists, etc. etc."
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Old-School Member
Of course, I never said that you said that. I was just saying "you", as in applying to most atheists.

It's still wrong to say that "most atheists" believe in nothing.


Let's reword nothing into no higher being.

I know plenty of atheists that consider themselves, "buddhists, humanists, universalists, etc. etc."

It's still wrong to say that most atheists "believe" that no higher being exists. Setting aside for the moment that "higher being" and "god" aren't necessarily the same thing, there's still a difference between lacking a belief in a positive assertion (god exists) and believing a negative assertion (no god exists).

Simply because you reject the positive assertion does NOT mean you accept the negative assertion by default.

"I do not believe a god exists" is different than saying, "I believe no god exists". Until you can grasp that, this conversation is stalled.
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Well-Known Member
Of course, but in your lack of belief, YOU BELIEF THAT GODS DO NOT EXIST.

Is it truly that hard to understand? [/quote]
Yes, because it's wrong.

I don't believe gods do exist.

I don't believe gods do not exist.

Guess what?

I'm an atheist.


Furthermore, Orias, it depends on the god claim, the definition given about what the god is for an atheist, or anyone for that matter, to determine whether they believe in it or not.


I ask Penguin, Shoinan, and any other atheist to particpate in such below.

1) I posit a god made of wood with for legs connected to a flat surface horizontal and parallel to the ground. Do you believe in such a diety?

2) I posit a god that is equivalent to the cosmos. It's all matter and energy in the universe. Do you believe in such a diety?

3) I posit an infinite and immaterial god that is all powerful and all loving. Do you believe in such a diety?

Eliot Wild

Irreverent Agnostic Jerk
I find it really funny and oddly illuminating too that most of the dispute about what it means to be an "Atheist" and what "Atheism" means, is NOT between atheists, but between theists.

I have read this thread, not completely, but I've read a lot of the individual posts. And while most of the atheists have what I believe to be a clear, common understanding of what atheism ultimately means, many of the theists want to argue with them and claim it actually means something entirely different.

Why are the theists trying to force a faulty definition of atheism on atheists? Why is that mostly it is theists who want to claim atheists are asserting there are definitely NO gods? Does it make theists feel better about their own flawed, unprovable positions to assert that atheists themselves hold unprovable positions as well? Is this some kind of second-grade argument -- "I know you are, but what am I?"


What's your point?
Atheists need proof, it has nothing to do with them trying to disprove whether or not God is real or not. Its just the type of person they are. Something like Cuba Gooding Jr. saying to Tom Cruise in Jerry MaGuire " Show me the Money"
Thiests go on faith and Athiests don't.
I see the proof that God exisits by the wonders of the universe but that is just the way I perceive things.
Athiests have their own reasons for they way the percieve the universe.

Now, I can see their point of view, which I did not see before but I have a better understanding of why they see things the way they do.

You have to look at all the religious crap that goes on in the world. Religion is man made whether or not thiests like to beleive it or not.

And religion is the cause of most of the turmoil in the world, from wars to terrorism, to bigotry and so on.

I have my faith and somewhat my personal religion beliefs as well, but I will not try and force them on others.

Look at the Westboro baptist church for example and tell me how an athiest is even going to consider changing their belief.

I am a bit of an anomaly when it comes to my beliefs. Yes I believe in God but I also beleive that the earth is billions of years old, not 5000. I believe there is life on other planets, I believe somewhat in evoloution as it is only logical that a species has to adapt to their surroundings and to me evoloution was designed that way. I also believe that dinosaurs roamed the earth before man. But those beliefs in no way take away my fundamental belief in a higher power and that power being GOD.


Old-School Member
Why are the theists trying to force a faulty definition of atheism on atheists? Why is that mostly it is theists who want to claim atheists are asserting there are definitely NO gods? Does it make theists feel better about their own flawed, unprovable positions to assert that atheists themselves hold unprovable positions as well? Is this some kind of second-grade argument -- "I know you are, but what am I?"



If there is an afterlife...
it is unlikely that you will be...top of the line.... life form.

They are there....ahead of us.
They know the territory...the language...the scheme of things.
The advantage is Theirs.

You entered this world naked ...you leave the same way.

You will be at the mercy of anyone...or anything...standing over you.

Got Friends?...really?

And the angels, that take you to your chosen prophet...will then stand back.

Your 'mentor' will ask....while looking you in the eye....'What's this?'

The angels will excuse themselves and reply...
'He used Your Name as if it belonged to him. We thought he was one of Yours.'

And you shall have your day of reckoning with your Lord.

Good luck with that.

IF there is an afterlife, you're going to be reincarnated as a cockroach living on a garbage heap in a slum in Mumbai due to all the bad karma you've racked up attempting (and failing) to add to the sum total of suffering in the world by threatening people who don't share your rather silly world view. So there. :p


Well-Known Member