I think it should go without saying that groups of atheist and their subsequent ideologies that came to power in various times and places prove you are not thinking that through.
No, it doesn't.
People are still people no matter what sign they hang over their doors.
One liners are meant to build up or tear down from the opinion and motivation of the ones putting them forth.
Nope. For that I use my dreaded onions breath.
Seriously, I simply don't agree. One liners are often useful because they are succint and to the point. They may or may not be particularly motivational, either in the positive or negative sense.
Then again, I don't understand why it would be a problem if mine were anyway.
"If you chose not to decide you still have made a choice" Rush 2112 I believe. Well the lyrics on the album actually read "If you chose not to decide you haven't made a choice" which I thought a bit curious. So I switched to Kansas and read Ecclesiates whilst listening to "Dust in the Wind".
So you still believe that Atheism is a choice? It often, perhaps usually, isn't. The actual choice would be whether or not to pretend belief in God.
But still here we are in a religious education. You have yours? Share it in its entirety and if you already have done that give me a link please. I really would like to read more.
It would take a lot of effort to effectively share the
entirety of my religious education, to say nothing of how boring it would be. There are bits and pieces around here. Maybe you want to ask specific questions? I'm not quite sure what you want to know exactly.
"Necessary context?"
OK, we went from God is punishment to God is love to there is not God so he's neither... would you have me believe that you don't believe in any of the three?
Under specific circunstances I may adopt either of the three, perhaps more than one at a time.
You're a staff member of a Religious Education forum. It seems to me... I say it seems to me that you have a subtle soft spoken agenda to put forth your beliefs just as much as I do openly.
Come on, that is not fair. I'm hardly subtle.
Of course, I aim to spread the ideas that I feel are worth spreading. It would be very much a failure of mine not to. Don't we all, and shouldn't we all?
Is this fair and balanced?
In the Fox sense? Hopefully not.
On a more serious note, I'm not sure why I would have to be fair or balanced.
Where is the arguement in no arguement? To say I'm not going to respond to the feelings and thoughts I'm having as you speak is well... out of context and hardly constructive. What is your motivation?
I'm not following you, but anyway my motivation is to speak my mind and hopefully to clarify some misconceptions.