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Atheist Desire to Disprove God


Its a fact there is a direct link to ones education and how much they believe in a deity.

I have seen this in myself. The less I knew the more I believed. My education took off! so did my belief.

For me its not a question at all, its very clear and all the evidence laid out perfectly by history alone, the ancient hebrews created their god figure.

this is not might have created a god, its flat hell yes they did and its obvious.

my problem with religion is how tight it closes minds to reality and truth, thats why I try and shine light on the real events that show the ancient hebrew god is a myth.

all my opinion based on history and reality
I briefly went through a stage of trying to disprove God when I was younger which ended when I realised that because God it is an unfalsifiable it couldn't be disproved and therefore I was wasting my time. Behind this was a deep concern that religion had a huge influence over many aspects of our lives despite the derth of evidence to support its claims. I am still concerned about the influence which religion holds but I don't waste my time trying to disprove something which can't be proven or disproven to the satisfaction of science.


I briefly went through a stage of trying to disprove God when I was younger which ended when I realised that because God it is an unfalsifiable it couldn't be disproved and therefore I was wasting my time.

this is along the lines of...,,, "you cant prove a myth doesnt exist" which is right, BUT you can prove how and when the myth was created and by who, you can also show a direct path of how the myth was created by previous religions to that geographic are of the origin of said myth.

you combine that with homo sapiens natural phychology and how they have created deitys since their very beginning of existance. It all becomes perfectly clear.

Civil Shephard

Active Member
Its a fact there is a direct link to ones education and how much they believe in a deity.

I have seen this in myself. The less I knew the more I believed. My education took off! so did my belief.

For me its not a question at all, its very clear and all the evidence laid out perfectly by history alone, the ancient hebrews created their god figure.

this is not might have created a god, its flat hell yes they did and its obvious.

my problem with religion is how tight it closes minds to reality and truth, thats why I try and shine light on the real events that show the ancient hebrew god is a myth.

all my opinion based on history and reality

Moses... the Egyptian Hebrew boy who took off on a mission! I'm pretty sure he looked alot like Charlton Heston... Anyway, I feel your meaning but for me the parallels in his life and the life of Jesus and perhaps even in the lives as such greats as Ghandi, Roosevelt, ML King and well... You ever try to save people Outhouse? I mean have you ever butt your head against a wall and wonder why they just aren't getting it? But if they felt more like you they'd think more like you right? They wouldn't keep doing the dumb stuff... you see them years later and they're still doing the dumb stuff even though you tried and tried to tell them.

Well... one day you're going to have to apologize to them cause you're gonna see yourself in them and realize that all the while they cared for you even more than you thought your cared for them cause all the while you were caring for yourself. Even my Jesus... the more I try to protect my faith in him from others the less faith I have to share. You're an atheist and in your opinion there is no God and let me tell you that in my opinion my Jesus would tell you, "that's OK, and if you ever need help just ask."

I've offended alot of people acting like some hard core Christian who always had to be right in the past. But all I did was trip o'er the hem of my ong white robes. Now all I do is wait and watch and try not to beat anybody up.

Hey Outhouse, you like Pink Floyd?
this is along the lines of...,,, "you cant prove a myth doesnt exist" which is right, BUT you can prove how and when the myth was created and by who, you can also show a direct path of how the myth was created by previous religions to that geographic are of the origin of said myth.

you combine that with homo sapiens natural phychology and how they have created deitys since their very beginning of existance. It all becomes perfectly clear.

Anything which we can imagine has an innate minimum probability of existance because we cannot ever be absolutely sure that it doesn't exist. I appreciate that we can account for these imaginings through an understanding of human psychology and the historical context in which they arose but they still cannot be disproven as they are unfalsifiable claims. In my opinion a better approach is to explain to people why God doesn't deserve the influence it does due to its implausability rather than waste time and energy trying to disprove something which is unfalsifiable.
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Old-School Member
Anything which we can imagine has an innate minimum probability of existance because we cannot ever be absolutely sure that it doesn't exist. I appreciate that we can account for these imaginings through an understanding of human psychology and the historical context in which they arose but they still cannot be disproven as they are unfalsifiable claims.



Aura of atheification
Premium Member

I think it should go without saying that groups of atheist and their subsequent ideologies that came to power in various times and places prove you are not thinking that through.

No, it doesn't. ;)

People are still people no matter what sign they hang over their doors.


One liners are meant to build up or tear down from the opinion and motivation of the ones putting them forth.

Nope. For that I use my dreaded onions breath.

Seriously, I simply don't agree. One liners are often useful because they are succint and to the point. They may or may not be particularly motivational, either in the positive or negative sense.

Then again, I don't understand why it would be a problem if mine were anyway.


"If you chose not to decide you still have made a choice" Rush 2112 I believe. Well the lyrics on the album actually read "If you chose not to decide you haven't made a choice" which I thought a bit curious. So I switched to Kansas and read Ecclesiates whilst listening to "Dust in the Wind".

So you still believe that Atheism is a choice? It often, perhaps usually, isn't. The actual choice would be whether or not to pretend belief in God.

But still here we are in a religious education. You have yours? Share it in its entirety and if you already have done that give me a link please. I really would like to read more.

It would take a lot of effort to effectively share the entirety of my religious education, to say nothing of how boring it would be. There are bits and pieces around here. Maybe you want to ask specific questions? I'm not quite sure what you want to know exactly.

"Necessary context?"

OK, we went from God is punishment to God is love to there is not God so he's neither... would you have me believe that you don't believe in any of the three?

Under specific circunstances I may adopt either of the three, perhaps more than one at a time.

You're a staff member of a Religious Education forum. It seems to me... I say it seems to me that you have a subtle soft spoken agenda to put forth your beliefs just as much as I do openly.

Come on, that is not fair. I'm hardly subtle. ;)

Of course, I aim to spread the ideas that I feel are worth spreading. It would be very much a failure of mine not to. Don't we all, and shouldn't we all?

Is this fair and balanced?

In the Fox sense? Hopefully not. :D

On a more serious note, I'm not sure why I would have to be fair or balanced.

Where is the arguement in no arguement? To say I'm not going to respond to the feelings and thoughts I'm having as you speak is well... out of context and hardly constructive. What is your motivation?

I'm not following you, but anyway my motivation is to speak my mind and hopefully to clarify some misconceptions.

Civil Shephard

Active Member
So God is subjective like love?

Hey, answer my question.

Well... since God is the Creator of both the objective and the subjective then I AM can be either objectively subjective or subjectively objective. Just as the antonym of synonym is antonym so the synonym of antonym is wait... umm...
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Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
If you truly believe in nothing, you should say you believe in nothing, instead of labeling yourself.

The label itself insinuates a belief, since in essence, it is the belief of non-belief.

how can I believe in something if I'm a non-believer....:sarcastic

I think a few pages a go I actually stated I am a non-believer. For me it's not a "belief" to not believe. was born this way.


You ever try to save people Outhouse?

I have saved a live's and would do it again if need be. [this is real life saving] not that preaching garbage your talking about.

Hey Outhouse, you like Pink Floyd?

love them

I mean have you ever butt your head against a wall and wonder why they just aren't getting it?

no, I know exactly why. %99 of the time its a lack of education due to closed minds

But if they felt more like you they'd think more like you right?

no, not at all, its not a matter of opinion.

Well... one day you're going to have to apologize to them cause you're gonna see yourself in them and realize that all the while they cared for you even more than you thought your cared for them cause all the while you were caring for yourself

I dont preach to anybody or tell anyone what or how they should do it. That would never apply to me.

I have seen you with these traits though.

I keep my religious thoughts right here in the debate section where it belongs.

Now all I do is wait and watch and try not to beat anybody up.

thats the difference between you and me, you fight for how you want a myth to be interpreted.

I just want reality to be seen for what it is.


Anything which we can imagine has an innate minimum probability of existance because we cannot ever be absolutely sure that it doesn't exist.

imagination is a thought. Nothing more.

but they still cannot be disproven as they are unfalsifiable claims

thast only your opinion and should have been stated as such.

In my opinion a better approach is to explain to people why God doesn't deserve the influence it does due to its implausability rather than waste time and energy trying to disprove something which is unfalsifiable.

That is a good approach, I like it :)

I just feel the facts should be presented from all sides


Well-Known Member
Not really.

I don't believe in god(s) because none of the god claims I've heard have met their burden of proof. I understand the claims being made, I just don't buy them.

I understand what leprechauns are too, but I don't believe in them for the same reason that I don't believe in god(s) ;)
It isn't about what others claim it is about what you claim.

Nice, except for the fact that most atheists don't define it that way.

In fact, ask any atheist who says that they don't believe in god, "So you're saying that you believe no god exists." and the response you're most likely to get is, "That's not what I said."

Sure, some atheists take the position that a god absolutely does not (and cannot) exist but these "strong atheists" are rare (at least in my experience). Most of the atheists I've encountered are "weak atheists". They don't take the stance that a god absolutely does not exist, but simply that there is insufficient evidence to warrant a belief in one. The latter happens to be my stance as well.

If you wish to use the narrowest definition, that's your choice. However, you'll basically be using the exception as the rule.
I wouldn't consider them atheist then. They are more agnostic.

I'm well aware of the etymology of 'Atheist', thanks :)
Atheist = a Godless person. If you are not a godless person then you are not an atheist. Weak atheism is BS. Strong atheism is what an actual atheist is. If you don't think you are a strong atheist then how is your word any more creditable than your own lack of belief.

Agnosticism is a position of knowledge. Atheism is a position of belief.
No it isn't. It is a claim, that claims the existence and deities and what not are unknowable or impossible to fully understand. Someone that struggles with their beliefs could be considered an Agnostic. Which leaves open the possibility of whether or not there is a god. Like it was stated in the post that I linked earlier.
And I would like to know where you get your understanding of what atheism and agnostic is.

Agnostic (Greek: ἀ- a-, without + γνῶσις gnōsis, knowledge)

"I don't know for certain whether or not a god exists (Agnostic), however I see no reason to believe in one (Atheist)."
That sounds more like it, and is still a weaker than weak atheist. Why you would want to call yourself an atheist and not just non-religious really degrades what atheism actually is. This site might help you. Atheism and Non-Religious Philosophies: Definitions


And you would claim to know the Carpenter?....
and still not believe?

That''ll stand well before the angels!!!!!!

Lol - that's it, when your logic fails to persuade us and you have nothing to offer as evidence, try threatening us with the disapproval of judgmental winged humanoids!

Sounds like I'm a better person than your imaginary friends to me, at least as far as Jesus is concerned. I love my neighbour.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
And you would claim to know the Carpenter?....
and still not believe?

That''ll stand well before the angels!!!!!!
All that negative karma will come back to bite you in your next life. ;)

Does this sound compelling to you? If not, why should vague threats of angels sound compelling to us?


Because it is simply the belief in nothing?

Someone asks an atheist what they believe, they reply, "I believe in nothing", or simply "nothing".

I believe people are basically good. I believe my own conscience is the only authority to which I owe allegiance and fidelity. I believe in the separation of church and state. I believe in social justice, civil rights, diplomacy and democracy. I believe sauvignon blanc is tastier than chardonnay. I believe the writer or writers of the Tao te Ching were exceptionally wise and their wisdom is timeless. I believe a vast number of things. It just so happens that not a single one of my important beliefs has anything whatever to do with the existence or non-existence of anybody else's gods.

If you ask what I believe I will talk your ear off for hours and the topic of theism will not come up. If you ask whether I believe in god I will say "which god?" or "whose god?" This is because the word "god" has no inherent meaning for me as a non-believer. When you use it without defining it, I simply shrug. Without an explanation of what is meant by "god" I can not generate a response at all. The entire subject is utterly irrelevant to my beliefs and opinions on every topic - except the existence or non-existence of god, which is a silly question I couldn't give a toss about one way or the other.

Comments like this make me wonder if you were perhaps an agnostic, or a disillusioned, angry theist rather than "an atheist for years."


Rogue Theologian
Lol - that's it, when your logic fails to persuade us and you have nothing to offer as evidence, try threatening us with the disapproval of judgmental winged humanoids!

Sounds like I'm a better person than your imaginary friends to me, at least as far as Jesus is concerned. I love my neighbour.

If there is an afterlife...
it is unlikely that you will be...top of the line.... life form.

They are there....ahead of us.
They know the territory...the language...the scheme of things.
The advantage is Theirs.

You entered this world naked ...you leave the same way.

You will be at the mercy of anyone...or anything...standing over you.

Got Friends?...really?

And the angels, that take you to your chosen prophet...will then stand back.

Your 'mentor' will ask....while looking you in the eye....'What's this?'

The angels will excuse themselves and reply...
'He used Your Name as if it belonged to him. We thought he was one of Yours.'

And you shall have your day of reckoning with your Lord.

Good luck with that.