Granted... that God is abused in name and definition. But how do I define is not as good as how do We define. Now I know that as an atheist you do not try to define what you do not believe in... however for my part it is plainly seen in the teachings of Christ that God is love and against any and all forms of self righteous thought and deed.
Then so be it. Just be aware that it doesn't really work all that well for everyone. Some people work great with belief in God. Some people are incompatible with it. And some people misuse it shamefully, often without even realizing that they do so.
Atheist are just as prone to be self righteous as are Theist.
Maybe so. I'm of no set mind on the matter.
I do know, however, that Atheists are far less likely to let their self righteousness grow to dangerous proportions. We have no delusions about having a God backing us up to "prove us right in the end", after all.
So in order to overcome this we need to get off the one liner quick wit and onto a understanding of what the other means. Unless of course you just don't want to. Seeing as that you're in a religious forum I assume you do want to understand why folks believe.
I do. But that does not mean that I will always and necessarily fail to see a point in one liners. They serve a purpose, and often enough they are in fact the most constructive and accurate form of expression.
I'll bet you know the bible than most who say they believe. But without the practice of prayer and a deeper desire to get to know if the Creator of the Universe had anything to do with this god in a box we call the Bible... how would you know.
I suppose everyone must reach his or her own conclusion on the matter, if they want to have any. I have mine.
I say I know because of Jesus teachings applied in my life and with my life in the lives of others. But I know phoneys abound and as Mark Twain says there's two kinds of folks, suckers and phoneys... which one are you?
I am the kind who knows that classifications in two categories are usually over-simplifications.
In other words LuisDantas... don't you think my post deserved better than picking out one line as if I hadn't qualified what I meant?
Not really. I saw a piece of text that I wanted to remark on, that is all.
I don't think I misrepresented your post, I only chose not to comment on other parts of it. They had no bearing on what I had to say, and were not necessary context IMO.
Punishment of love is to live without love. God is love and it would be a form of self punishment not to try to understand the fullest definition of our Creator Love.
I guess it would, for those who agree with your premises. Not everyone does.
Just as it would for me to try harder to understand LuisDantas... and oneliners are not going to accomplish that.
I'm sorry that you feel so, but I also don't see how I could have made myself clearer.