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Atheist Desire to Disprove God

Eliot Wild

Irreverent Agnostic Jerk
Orias, I may disagree with you on this particular point about atheism ... But, I heartily admire your ability to multi-task. You're like Neo in The Matrix, surrounded by atheist agents, battling 'em all tooth and nail. "Mr. Anderson ..., check out my cool Matrix sunglasses."

Civil Shephard

Active Member
Atheism means simple lack of belief in a god.
Now the label atheist means all manner of different things.

Seems to me you are confusing the two.

I'm sorry but didn't I say I was confused? I AM is to me the original thought without need of energy time or space birth in the humble beginnings of nothing. So an atheist who says they believe in nothing choses entropy over empathy. But I suppose what you say defines atheism is the most popular definition in this thread. However that still doesn't help with my confusion... but it's my mind and in the end I AM and there is none other.

Now would somebody please call me a cab?


Left Hand Path
A belief about atheism is not a belief that's part of atheism. It's the difference between looking in from outside and looking out from inside.

Of course, and I agree with you, but that's not what I'm saying.

What I am saying is that people label themselves atheists, with a sense that they believe in their atheistic viewpoint.

It's a position that declares, lack in belief of God(s), disbelief in God(s), or predenial of God(s).

My position is simply this, an atheist may have other worldy views such as, who is a humanist, or like modern Satanists, but the point of being is that atheism is a label taken unto one who believes that no God(s) exist, which in itself, is a belief.

That doesn't answer the question.

Come on - play along. I'll make my point soon.

I believe you ate whatever you feel like eating for breakfast.

Orias, I may disagree with you on this particular point about atheism ... But, I heartily admire your ability to multi-task. You're like Neo in The Matrix, surrounded by atheist agents, battling 'em all tooth and nail. "Mr. Anderson ..., check out my cool Matrix sunglasses."

What necessarily do you disagree with?


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
(...) So an atheist who says they believe in nothing choses entropy over empathy.

If you say so. Since such so-called "Atheists" don't actually exist, we will never know for certain.

True Atheists believe in many things, since they are after all real people living in the real world. It just turns out that God isn't one of those things they believe in.

Kilgore Trout

Misanthropic Humanist
Hey Orias,
Are you able to understand the logical difference between the following two statements? If so, please describe what that difference is:

I believe god doesn't exist.
I don't believe god exists.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
Of course, and I agree with you, but that's not what I'm saying.

What I am saying is that people label themselves atheists, with a sense that they believe in their atheistic viewpoint.

It's a position that declares, lack in belief of God(s), disbelief in God(s), or predenial of God(s).
Right - so if a person simply lacks belief in gods, then he can validly call himself an atheist... even if he doesn't actively reject belief in gods.

My position is simply this, an atheist may have other worldy views such as, who is a humanist, or like modern Satanists, but the point of being is that atheism is a label taken unto one who believes that no God(s) exist, which in itself, is a belief.
No, that's not what the label means. Again: an atheist is a person who lacks belief in any gods. This covers a wide range of people, and includes both people who actively believe that no gods exist AS WELL AS people who simply don't have any god-beliefs.

I believe you ate whatever you feel like eating for breakfast.
And do you believe that what I felt like eating was eggs?

Deep down in your heart, do you hold the belief "9-10ths_Penguin had eggs for breakfast this morning"?

It's a simple question, so it should be easy to answer. You either hold this belief or you don't; which is it?

And here's a handy tip to make things easier: if you don't believe anything about what I had for breakfast, then the answer is "no": if you don't hold any beliefs on the subject, then you don't hold the belief that I had eggs.

Civil Shephard

Active Member
If you say so. Since such so-called "Atheists" don't actually exist, we will never know for certain.

True Atheists believe in many things, since they are after all real people living in the real world. It just turns out that God isn't one of those things they believe in.

Yeah... I was being purposely absurd in retrospect. I'm a poet not a prophet. Hopefully God won't revoke my poetic liscense.


Well-Known Member
Orias, I may disagree with you on this particular point about atheism ... But, I heartily admire your ability to multi-task. You're like Neo in The Matrix, surrounded by atheist agents, battling 'em all tooth and nail. "Mr. Anderson ..., check out my cool Matrix sunglasses."
You know that only entices the inferno when you douse it with fuel.


Well-Known Member
What I am saying is that people label themselves atheists, with a sense that they believe in their atheistic viewpoint.
I read post made by someone that said you were once an atheist. Were you a weak atheist or a strong atheist?



You simply provided false information on apatheism, which is atheism in a different form.

I simply said that I am an apatheist. On what planet does that constitute false information?

I just had a different atheist tell me that atheism isn't a world view, but here you are agreeing with me that it is a world view, that disbelief in Gods is a belief because you believe.

Wow, that is a masterpiece of terrible reading comprehension.

Nihilism literally means nothing.

And atheists do not believe in "nothing." It is only other people's invisible, omnipotent friends they don't believe in.

I am being completely rational, it is you who is arguing against points I never made.

You're banging the tiresome theistic "disbelief is a belief too" drum. That's your point, that's what I'm debating, and it is not at all rational. I believe it is a particular brand of irrationality psychanalysts call "projection".


Silent Inquisitor
atheism n 1 a: disbelief in the existence of God or any other deity b: the doctrine that there is neither god nor any other deity--compare
disbelief n: the act of disbelieving : mental refusal to accept (as a statement or proposition) as true
disbelieve vb vt : to hold not to be true or real : reject or withold belief in vi : to withold or reject belief
reject: To refuse to accept, submit to, believe, or make use of. To refuse to consider or grant; deny.

Basic atheism is not a belief. It is the lack of belief. There is a difference between believing there is no god and not believing there is a god--both are atheistic, though popular usage has ignored the latter.
-Dan Barker
If you look up "atheism" in the dictionary, you will probably find it defined as the belief that there is no God. Certainly many people understand atheism in this way. Yet many atheists do not, and this is not what the term means if one considers it from the point of view of its Greek roots. In Greek "a" means "without" or "not" and "theos" means "god." From this standpoint an atheist would simply be someone without a belief in God, not necessarily someone who believes that God does not exist. According to its Greek roots, then, atheism is a negative view, characterized by the absence of belief in God.
-Michael Martin

Can you please stop saying Atheism is a belief.
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If you look up "atheism" in the dictionary, you will probably find it defined as the belief that there is no God. Certainly many people understand atheism in this way. Yet many atheists do not, and this is not what the term means if one considers it from the point of view of its Greek roots. In Greek "a" means "without" or "not" and "theos" means "god." From this standpoint an atheist would simply be someone without a belief in God, not necessarily someone who believes that God does not exist. According to its Greek roots, then, atheism is a negative view, characterized by the absence of belief in God.
-Michael Martin

A s I understand it that is because belief in God/Gods is inherent in most people in all history and in all parts of world. Someone said, man is homo religiosus, and I agree with that.


A s I understand it that is because belief in God/Gods is inherent in most people in all history and in all parts of world. Someone said, man is homo religiosus, and I agree with that.

It would be more accurate to say belief in supernatural causation is nearly universal. The Gods of your average viking have little to do with the Gods of your average Shinto Buddhist, or the complex superstitions of your average Victorian seaman.

Civil Shephard

Active Member
It would be more accurate to say belief in supernatural causation is nearly universal. The Gods of your average viking have little to do with the Gods of your average Shinto Buddhist, or the complex superstitions of your average Victorian seaman.

Myth and superstition have little to do with believing in I AM. In fact myth and superstition were created or have been manipulated in large part to draw attention away from our original being. The evolution of mercy in the faith of the God of Abraham had to come slowly to the point where humans could accept that I AM our original being and the creator of all that is was and shall be actually wants all his creation to live free and happy. Problem is... I AM is in charge and everybody created in the image of I AM has the desire to control and be in charge.

Just as many of you doubt the reality of there being an original being who thought the very first and only original thought I AM so the truth of your internal being eludes your consciouse mind. You have not reached the first platue of universal awareness and asked our common creator "Who Am I?"

But it's OK! Your colorful meanderings exsist for the entertainment of humbler created beings like myself. You Atheist say the darndest things... and nothing but love for you have I. Now lets go whoop ET's butt!


Civil Shephard, I took a Zen approach to the question of who I am and reached a different conclusion. * shrug *. Different strokes for different folks.


Well-Known Member
Now, you view atheism as a lack of belief which in itself is a belief. Had I known that it would take 13 threads and 122 posts to get this point across I wouldn't of even bothered.

And a lack of bread IS bread.

Good news to all the starving people of the world.

With all this lack of money I'm filthy rich.