But they were only one of them. I felt the same power and love in each. And each religious belief was different. What I concluded was that it didn't matter what I believed as long as I believed it. So was what I was feeling real? How could it be when each religion contradicted each other? Now, for some reason, I don't trust any religion. But I understand why believers in any one of them is so passionate about their religion and believes it is true. And, I'd imagine you or people you know have experienced this sort of thing with religions.
We all fight the same battles in our own frames of references CG.
You are not alone, finding Faith does not mean the battle is over as Truth is eternally bigger than all our minds combined. All that is possible for us in this matrix is born out of the Human Spirit and our combined ability to use the Spirit of Faith to embrace the Holy Spirit as one people on one planet.
While we remain divided truth likewise is thus divided.
Regards Tony