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Atheist looking for religious debate. Any religion. Let's see if I can be convinced.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Like I said:
If God sent Messengers as evidence it is evidence but if God did not send Messengers as evidence then it is not evidence...
Do you disagree with that and if so why?

I am not trying to support my beliefs, I am just trying to be logical. Let's say that God exists. Where would humans get the evidence if not from God? And if the evidence came from God what would it be? In other words, how do you think that God could prove that He exists and also communicate information to humans, because what is the point of knowing that God exists if we know nothing about God or God's will for us?
Yes, if you statement is true it is true. So what? You cannot even support the claim that a God does exist much less that he sent out any messengers. And your own claims are self contradictory. Thought it is a physical event. The evidence supports that very strongly. There is no evidence of "spiritual thought" or whatever you want to call it. If you want to claim that God communicates with messengers, but cannot communicate with anyone else then he appears to be a very very weak God.

Think of it, we have two choices but your claims. Either there is a very very weak God that can only communicate with a few people, and they don't get everything right, or people simply believe that they are messengers of God and convince others of that. To me that latter appears to be far more likely.

And you cannot be "logical" when you are constantly using logical fallacies. That is extremely contradictory.


Well-Known Member
Emotions can be very misleading so I rely upon facts. As I always tell people, I never had any mushy-gushy feelings towards God or Baha'u'llah; I just know that the Baha'i Faith is the truth from God for this age because of the facts surrounding the life and mission of Baha'u'llah and because the theology is logical.

Can you tell me what specific facts there are that can only be explained by the existence of God?


Veteran Member
Yes, if you statement is true it is true. So what? You cannot even support the claim that a God does exist much less that he sent out any messengers.
My belief is that we cannot know that God exists without the Messengers since they are the only proof that God exists. Do you see the problem with knowing that God exists first, before we are willing to accept that God sent Messengers?
And your own claims are self contradictory. Thought it is a physical event. The evidence supports that very strongly. There is no evidence of "spiritual thought" or whatever you want to call it. If you want to claim that God communicates with messengers, but cannot communicate with anyone else then he appears to be a very very weak God.
As long as we are living in a physical body thought is a physical event that emanates from the brain and mind.

I never said that God could not communicate with anyone else except Messengers, I said that only Messengers can understand communication from God because they have a physical nature and a spiritual nature. Ordinary humans only have a physical nature so they cannot understand communication from God. It is not that God is too weak to communicate with ordinary humans, it is that ordinary humans were not created with the spiritual nature that Messengers have, so they cannot comprehend God. The Messengers act as mediators between God and man because they have a human nature and a spiritual nature. In effect they are kind of like God-men.
Think of it, we have two choices but your claims. Either there is a very very weak God that can only communicate with a few people, and they don't get everything right, or people simply believe that they are messengers of God and convince others of that. To me that latter appears to be far more likely.
No, those are not the two choices because God is not weak, so God could communicate with everyone, although there would be no point since only a Messenger can understand God.

Look at all the Christians who believe that God is communicating to them through the Holy Spirit, but unless the Holy Spirit has schizophrenia they cannot really be hearing from God became Christians do not agree with each other. If it was really God communicating to them the messages they were getting would be the same, not contradictory, but we all know this is not the case.

You said the second choice is that people simply believe that they are Messengers of God and convince others of that. If that was true you would have to ask why the Messengers would so all of what they did, suffer and sacrifice, for no personal benefit. You would also have to ask yourself how they could have accomplished their missions and written scriptures that contain all that information about God and God's will for humans, if they had no communication from God. How could they make all that up and why would they make all that up?
And you cannot be "logical" when you are constantly using logical fallacies. That is extremely contradictory.
Again, I cannot know what logical fallacies you are referring to unless you tell me. I think we have adequately covered the circular reasoning fallacy.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
My belief is that we cannot know that God exists without the Messengers since they are the only proof that God exists. Do you see the problem with knowing that God exists first, before we are willing to accept that God sent Messengers?
Nope, there is no problem there. Before one worries about the time of the Great White Hanky one has to prove that the Great Green Arkleseizure is real.

One needs to set one's priorities properly.

As long as we are living in a physical body thought is a physical event that emanates from the brain and mind.

I never said that God could not communicate with anyone else except Messengers, I said that only Messengers can understand communication from God because they have a physical nature and a spiritual nature. Ordinary humans only have a physical nature so they cannot understand communication from God. It is not that God is too weak to communicate with ordinary humans, it is that ordinary humans were not created with the spiritual nature that Messengers have, so they cannot comprehend God. The Messengers act as mediators between God and man because they have a human nature and a spiritual nature. In effect they are kind of like God-men.

Yes, you did pretty much claim that God only communicates through messengers. And you did say that he could not be detected physically. That is still a contradiction.

No, those are not the two choices because God is not weak, so God could communicate with everyone, although there would be no point since only a Messenger can understand God.

Look at all the Christians who believe that God is communicating to them through the Holy Spirit, but unless the Holy Spirit has schizophrenia they cannot really be hearing from God became Christians do not agree with each other. If it was really God communicating to them the messages they were getting would be the same, not contradictory, but we all know this is not the case.

You said the second choice is that people simply believe that they are Messengers of God and convince others of that. If that was true you would have to ask why the Messengers would so all of what they did, suffer and sacrifice, for no personal benefit. You would also have to ask yourself how they could have accomplished their missions and written scriptures that contain all that information about God and God's will for humans, if they had no communication from God. How could they make all that up and why would they make all that up?

So now God is not weak. He is just incompetent. Got it.

As to why people suffering for their belief why do you think that is a problem? I can site all sorts of people that suffered for false beliefs. People, in case you did not notice it, are wildly irrational at times.

Again, I cannot know what logical fallacies you are referring to unless you tell me. I think we have adequately covered the circular reasoning fallacy.

You can do a little research. Go back ten or twenty pages and by the time you get back here you will have seen countless examples of people pointing out your logical fallacies. When a person continually ignores questions they can no longer demand that others support what has been supported countless other times already. All you had in response was denial.


Veteran Member
Once again, you are presenting the claims as fact, so you have taken the burden of proof onto your own shoulders.
I have not presented anything as a fact. I only present it as a belief.
Circular reasoning. You can't take "God exists" as a premise when it is also your conclusion.
I have no premises or conclusions because I am not making a logical argument.
Let's be clear about one thing here: The "silly thing" you accuse me of saying is literally the exact same thing you are saying to defend your position.
No, it is not the same. I see we are making no progress.
It is still unrealistic and illogical to expect magical beliefs to be testable and verifiable the same way scientific or religious things are since magic is DIFFERENT from science and religion.
Been there, done that... I see we are making no progress.
Please provide this testable evidence which actually backs up their claims.
Been there, done that... I see we are making no progress.
When you present your belief as the truth about how the universe works, you are making it a claim. Your constant hiding behind the "I wasn't making a claim" defense is tired and fooling no one.
I was not presenting my belief as the truth about how the universe works.
Which actual scientists have rejected. Pasteur was working without the huge amount of medical information we have today. And are you really using a website about homeopathy to back up your claims? What's next? Iridology? Psychic surgery?
I see no point discussing this knowing your bias.
And his messengers experience him directly.
No they do not. They only hear God speak through the Holy Spirit in a way that we cannot understand.
If you are going to say that it's not worth having a discussion with someone who has already made up their mind, why should any of us bother having a discussion with you, when you've made it abundantly clear that you have already made up your mind?
That's a good point. I don't KNOW what any atheists have any discussions with me unless they are interested in my beliefs or in believing in God but it does not seem as if any who post to me are interested in either. Some atheists only post to be for fun, because that think it is fun to make fun of me or they think they are refuting me and that is just ego.

As a believer I am not going to become an atheist because an atheist convinced me I am wrong so I don't know why any atheists would think that.
By the way, I'm perfectly happy to change my mind. I'm just not going to do it based on arguments built of a lack of evidence and logical fallacies. Since that's all you've got, I can understand why you think I've already made up my mind.
You have pointed out no fallacies that I have committed. I am not using circular reasoning to try to prove anything so that's out of the running. What else is there?

As far as evidence goes, you already know what I have and I cannot produce something I don't have so why keep asking for it?
So you would lack a belief in God because you are made at him?

So you would be mad at a being you had no belief in?

What kind of logic is that? It's like me being mad at Grand Moff Tarkin for blowing up Alderaan.

How can any rational person have legitimate anger towards a character they believe is ficticious?
I guess you did not understand what I was saying. I was saying that just because I am mad at God that does not affect my belief in God. I believe God exists for certain but I am mad at God. My husband thinks that my being mad is a reason for me to become an atheist but I told him I cannot do that because I believe God exists.
The point you seem incapable of grasping is that if you can't share it with anyone, then as far as anyone else knows, you don't have any evidence at all, you just SAY you do.

Any idiot can SAY they have evidence for anything they want if they never actually have to show it to anyone else.
I can see why you might think that but all I can do is tell you what evidence convinced me and tell you where you can look at it. I cannot show you what went on in my mind, I can only try to explain it.
Except that's not what you did.

What you did was more akin to me recognizing that since Star Trek has many accurate claims (Wolf 359 is a real star, the first manned moon landing mission was launched on a Wednesday, Utopia Planetia is a real place on Mars, etc), then it must also be correct about Klingons being real.
No, that is not what I did. I recognized the evidence that shows the Baha'i Faith is true and then became a Baha'i.
No you couldn't. Because I don't decide what counts as evidence or not based on whether it agrees with what I've decided to be true. Nor do I base my position on logical fallacies.
I did not decide what counts as evidence or not based on whether it agreed with what I had decided to be true. Nor did I base my position on logical fallacies.
My thinking is that I will accept whatever is based on testable evidence. If there is no testable evidence for a thing, I see no reason to accept that thing. That does NOT mean I conclude that thing is false, please note.
Fine then, since there is no testable evidence you won't be accepting my beliefs so there is no point discussing it any further. You can just remain in limbo-land and not know if God exists or not.


Veteran Member
Can you tell me what specific facts there are that can only be explained by the existence of God?
I can't think of any but how is that related to what you are responding to?

Even if there are no specific facts that can only be explained by the existence of God that would not mean that God does not exist. I hope you understand why saying that would be illogical. I recognized it immediately.


Veteran Member
Nope, there is no problem there. Before one worries about the time of the Great White Hanky one has to prove that the Great Green Arkleseizure is real.

One needs to set one's priorities properly.
Good luck on your search for God. he is up there somewhere, hiding from atheists, but you might be able to track Him down if you have a GPS tracker that has a spirit sensor. :D
Yes, you did pretty much claim that God only communicates through messengers. And you did say that he could not be detected physically. That is still a contradiction.
Why is that a contradiction? The Messenger can be detected physically but God can't be detected physically because God is not physical.
So now God is not weak. He is just incompetent. Got it.
Whys do you think what I said would make God incompetent?
As to why people suffering for their belief why do you think that is a problem? I can site all sorts of people that suffered for false beliefs. People, in case you did not notice it, are wildly irrational at times.
That's true but those people did not meet the minimum criteria for a Messenger.
You can do a little research. Go back ten or twenty pages and by the time you get back here you will have seen countless examples of people pointing out your logical fallacies. When a person continually ignores questions they can no longer demand that others support what has been supported countless other times already. All you had in response was denial.
I don't have time to go back and look. If I denied them that is because I didn't commit them.

You don't have to go back go back ten or twenty pages to see countless examples of me pointing out all the logical fallacies that atheists commit. They are in almost every post. Given there was no refutation they remain in evidence.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Good luck on your search for God. he is up there somewhere, hiding from atheists, but you might be able to track Him down if you have a GPS tracker that has a spirit sensor. :D

Why is that a contradiction? The Messenger can be detected physically but God can't be detected physically because God is not physical.

Whys do you think what I said would make God incompetent?

That's true but those people did not meet the minimum criteria for a Messenger.

I don't have time to go back and look. If I denied them that is because I didn't commit them.

You don't have to go back go back ten or twenty pages to see countless examples of me pointing out all the logical fallacies that atheists commit. They are in almost every post. Given there was no refutation they remain in evidence.
Wow epic fail. Too many to deal with.

Let's go over your failures one at a time.

Which one do you want answered first?

CG Didymus

Veteran Member
His Manifestation can adduce no greater proof of the truth of His Mission than the proof of His own Person.”
Is this a claim or a belief?

All of the Manifestations of God were evidence that God exists. That is not a claim, it is a belief.
So the manifestation is "proof" that God exists, and Baha'u'llah makes that claim? And you say you believe that claim... and do you believe his "proof" makes it a "fact"? But you would never claim that it is fact or claim that the Baha'i Faith is the newest and truest religion from God?

I am not trying to achieve anything.
On this... Even though you say you are not trying to achieve anything, do you think you are achieving something with all these posts and threads?

Are you asserting that as true? Can you prove it is true? If not, it is a bald assertion, not a fact.
What if it's just a "belief"? Then Samtonga43 is off the hook and doesn't have to prove anything, right?

CG Didymus

Veteran Member
And that is circular reasoning. In other words, there may be a God but your argument does not support that claim. Therefore it is not evidence.

In the sciences one cannot even claim to have evidence without a way to test one's beliefs. That is why science keeps advancing and religion . . . not so much.
Just a kind of general look at the beliefs of some of the other religions that the Baha'i Faith claims are true. Hinduism, Krishna is an incarnation of the God Vishnu. Buddhism? What God? Buddha meditated his way into enlightenment, and others can attain it. Zoroastrianism, Christianity, and Judaism and even Islam have a evil spirit being. So all the supposed "manifestations" weren't proof of the same things? Like you were saying, and I totally agree with you, Baha'is, especially TB, focuses on the weakest beliefs of their religion. They can't "prove" God/ They can't "prove" Baha'u'llah is a manifestation of that unprovable God, so what can they "prove"? That their religion is plodding along, claiming to have the remedy for the ills of the world? That they have a high rate of people that become inactive... and many drop out altogether? Is it bringing people together? Can it unite the hearts of the people of the world? Not if Baha'is can help it. They seem no different to me, than all the other religions that claim they have the truth... yet, they themselves, for the most part, can't live up to it.

That would be at least some kind of evidence that the religion works. If its own people lived up to its teachings. Unfortunately, like most all religions with a lot of rules, from what I've seen, most of its members don't follow them. Things like being loving, respectful , humble and all that good stuff. And that is something that could be looked at to see if it's true... Is the Baha'i Faith working? Is it changing people for the better? Is it bringing people together? Is it solving the problems of the world and is it leading the world towards peace? I don't see it. Right here on the forum, they are as divisive as any other religion that thinks, believes, claims it is true.

CG Didymus

Veteran Member
Science and religion are not the same and as such the evidence can never be the same.
So let's not take your religion. Instead, an easy one, Christianity, especially the YEC types of literalists/fundamentalist ones. The claim, the earth is 6000 some years old. The "proof" the Bible says so. We have all the people from Adam all the way to Jesus. We know how old lots of them were, like 900 and something years old for some of them. We add those years up and we know when the Earth was completely flooded. They can show how there is a layer that could only have happened because of the flood. They can show how some layers are not in the right order to support the claim of evolution. They can show how one species doesn't evolve into a different species. That's them using science to prove the Bible is true.

How would you, well not you, but how could someone use science to show that their interpretation of the Bible is wrong? And again, don't Baha'is want science to be used as a way to keep religious superstitions from being believed as reality? God and God's supposed "manifestations", until proven, can't be called true and factual. So sure people believe in them, but are they being superstitious in their beliefs? Because those things can't be proven to be true and factual? And, isn't it right that some people would expect that of a religion... to prove its claims? Like with the resurrection of Jesus, Lazarus and others... Why don't you believe those things? I would hope it's more than, "because the Baha'i Faith says so." I would hope it is because it goes against scientific knowledge. And therefore, Baha'is make those stories metaphorical. Well, God can't be proven. He's unknowable and all that. What if God is metaphorical?

CG Didymus

Veteran Member
My belief is that we cannot know that God exists without the Messengers since they are the only proof that God exists. Do you see the problem with knowing that God exists first, before we are willing to accept that God sent Messengers?
Back in the olden days, each culture and people had different myths. Gods were part of those myths. Making up legends of great heroes that were part human part God were part of some of those myths. The Gods did appear and interact with people in some of those myths. People were told of ways to commune with their Gods or get a vision.

I've mentioned it before, I've communed with God and had visions. Only problem was... I was believing different things about who and what God was each time. I told you how my brother "felt" the hand of God pushing on his back and keeping him from falling off a mountain. Your Baha'i reality has its beliefs, but other religions have theirs. A Christian might "know" that Jesus is alive and lives in his heart. They can feel the power of the Holy Spirit guiding them. They pray and know that God the Father hears them. But you and I don't believe that stuff is true and real. So what is it that they are feeling and think they know?

Same with a Buddhist that is meditating and drawing closer to enlightenment. What is that Buddhist expecting? It's probably very much in line with what Buddhist teachings say. Which might not have anything to do with a God or any manifestation of a God.

It all depends on what a person believes to be true. And since each religion is different, and believes different things about what is true, I think it is very necessary to have people that question those beliefs and ask for some sort of tangible truth. And because any old belief, like even Scientology, can make a person better and "feel" the "truth" of their beliefs, doesn't make it true. So why is that? It's like religions become self-fulfilling prophecies about themselves.

It's like if I claimed... "Because messengers of God exists, therefore God exists. Because there can't be messengers of God without God. And we know that messengers of God exist because of the proof of their person, their mission and their writings... Not to mention all the vague prophecies they fulfilled." But then I said that this messenger's name Matayana, the tenth Avatar of Krishna." What kinds of questions and proof would you ask for?


Veteran Member
Wow epic fail. Too many to deal with.

Let's go over your failures one at a time.

Which one do you want answered first?
Let's put some real evidence of my failures on the table in which ever order you choose.
I want to know exactly what I did and how I did it just like in a court of law, no vague inuendos.

CG Didymus

Veteran Member
It is still unrealistic and illogical to expect religious beliefs to be testable and verifiable the same way scientific things are since religion is DIFFERENT from science.
With some things you can.
When born again Christians tell you that Jesus rose physically from the dead and that Satan is real, what do you tell them?
Well, with the resurrection, you could use science and say that people that have been dead for three days can't come back to life. And with Satan, have you ever felt a dark, evil energy surrounding you? I wonder if that's testable?

I tell them I am a Baha'i and Baha'is do not hold those beliefs. If they want to know why I explain it to them.
Well yeah, that's what I'm getting at. How do you explain it? Do you use scientific facts.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Let's put some real evidence of my failures on the table in which ever order you choose.
I want to know exactly what I did and how I did it just like in a court of law, no vague inuendos.
It would not do any good. The denial is too deep to overcome. At this point people only need to point out your use of logical fallacies and remind you of the many times that you have done so in the past.


Veteran Member
Is this a claim or a belief?
"His Manifestation can adduce no greater proof of the truth of His Mission than the proof of His own Person.”

That is a scripture, it is not a claim or a belief. Baha'u'llah made claims but this was not one of them.
So the manifestation is "proof" that God exists, and Baha'u'llah makes that claim? And you say you believe that claim... and do you believe his "proof" makes it a "fact"? But you would never claim that it is fact or claim that the Baha'i Faith is the newest and truest religion from God?
That the Manifestation of God is "proof" that God exists is not a claim, it is part of scripture. A claim is an assertion of the truth of something, typically one that is disputed or in doubt. I believe that scripture but I do not claim it is a fact because I could never prove it is true. Religious beliefs are by definition not factual.

I do not claim that the Baha'i Faith is the newest and truest religion from God and I do not state it as a fact. It is a religious belief, not a fact. It could be true or false. By the way, a fact could also be true or false even if it is widely accepted as true.
On this... Even though you say you are not trying to achieve anything, do you think you are achieving something with all these posts and threads?
How could I ever know the answer to that? I do not live in anyone else's head.
What if it's just a "belief"? Then Samtonga43 is off the hook and doesn't have to prove anything, right?
If she is asserting it as true (making a claim) on a debate forum she has to back up her assertion or admit it is only a belief.