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Atheists and Satanism


Left Hand Path
It's a common religion-related manifestation of the teenage rebellion phase. Seems to attract a lot of angry, young males who are outcasts and tend to be creative. Roughly equivalent to the Wicca phase for many teenage girls.

I agree that is an often occurrence, and I have known people who are like that.

Though usually any input I have to offer on "Satanism" goes right over their heads.

But "Satanic" is something quite vague, and because it is described as: opposite, adversary, and accuser, it can apply to almost anything as per described by Christianity. The practice of extinguishing the "lower carnal" self.

Satanism is something a little more personal to me though, because it allows me to pick and chose what I like and don't like..."good" and "evil".

I actually found this forum because I was looking up "Satanic Proverbs" on google. My philosophy has evolved over the years and I have the forums to partially thank for the experience I have received concerning my "Satanic Method".

People usually tend not to consider themselves "Satanic" unless they are an "angry teenager"...at least at one point.

Am I an "angry teenager"?



Well-Known Member
It is a concept, all concepts need looking into to understand it.
Correct. Just that at this moment in time I am not that interested in them. I could try and force myself, but that would be rather pointless since I could spend that time looking into everything that I actually want to look into but never got around to (I am terrible at that).


Or did you mean atheism? Well, in that case it makes more sense to me. But atheism is just the disbelief or the absence of a belief in deities, nothing more or less. If I on the other hand was interested in a philosophy like, say, Objectivism, then you are completely correct.
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Satan is just another deity like Yahweh so it is a contradiction of terms for atheists to be associated with Satanism.

Satan may be expressed in the form of an idea, given its literal meaning. Atheists can be Satanic in the sense that they are individualistic. It would just take an atheist that believes his beliefs are indeed 'satanic' by nature, and chooses adopt its symbols.


Left Hand Path
Satan is just another deity like Yahweh so it is a contradiction of terms for atheists to be associated with Satanism.

BTW your avatar! ouch that must hurt.

Maybe in some cases, but I tend to use Satan more as metaphor/symbol. I am very keen on my symbols ;)

And no, it itched more than it hurt :D

Correct. Just that at this moment in time I am not that interested in them. I could try and force myself, but that would be rather pointless since I could spend that time looking into everything that I actually want to look into but never got around to (I am terrible at that).


Or did you mean atheism? Well, in that case it makes more sense to me. But atheism is just the disbelief or the absence of a belief in deities, nothing more or less. If I on the other hand was interested in a philosophy like, say, Objectivism, then you are completely correct.

Yea I understand what you mean.

I was just never content with atheism, though I must admit it is one of my stronger defenses. Atheism is in itself (to me at least) a position of presumption, where only the "objective" philsophies are involved.

But thats just like asking what came first...the chicken or the egg? The atheist or the Christian? The human soul or the human mind?

I kind of see objectivism as a poor limit as to what is subjectively apprehended.

A sword is only useful in the hands of a person swinging it, if they have any idea of what they are doing in the first place. Otherwise a person who knows what they are doing could perform better against a blade being weilded against them, the objective sword is subject to its manipulator and their intent. The man without a sword is just trying to defend himself in the way he knows best :D


Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
Basically what I want to observe is what recognized atheists here have to think about Satanism.

And please, if your going to be a jerk please be a soft one ;)

Don't know much about it....but don't really see them any different than any other religion/cult

What do you hope to accomplish here?


Left Hand Path
What do you hope to accomplish here?

Well something I have already recognized is that the atheists here, like any other religion have their own DIR.

So they are obviously bound to create almost a "herdlike" mindset (not saying that any of the Christians and or Satanists are different!), which can at times be good and bad in terms of how it limits sight and train of thought.

Most people say they don't know much about it, but then they care to expound that they don't see it as any different than other religion/cult or they don't see it as any different than believing in Jesus or "Yawheh".

I don't see how these things can coincide, if most people don't know anything about it then surely anything they say about it is false or with ill judgement.

There are some more things that have slipped my mind but I am pretty satisified with the outcome, its almost as I expected.

Xeper on!


Left Hand Path
Not Atheism.....;)

Atheism is not excluded, because it is a concept that exists because of other concepts, and is something that philsophers and atheists alike have expounded on and continue to do so to this day.

But please, agree to disagree. I wouldn't want tarnish any good rep I may have gained here.

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
Well something I have already recognized is that the atheists here, like any other religion have their own DIR.

Irrelevant. We have various directories here that have nothing to do with religion. Having a DIR here at RF means little.

So they are obviously bound to create almost a "herdlike" mindset (not saying that any of the Christians and or Satanists are different!), which can at times be good and bad in terms of how it limits sight and train of thought.

"Herdlike" in the sense that...that is how the board is structured. There's a "herdlike" mindset of those who enter the Entertainment DIR to discuss movies etc.

Most people say they don't know much about it, but then they care to expound that they don't see it as any different than other religion/cult or they don't see it as any different than believing in Jesus or "Yawheh".

You asked though. A fellow RF member said (" I took my G.E.D. test in two days, and the night before each part of the test I cast a compassion ritual on myself, AND IT WORKED!"). With that I stand by my statements as an Atheist.

I don't see how these things can coincide, if most people don't know anything about it then surely anything they say about it is false or with ill judgement.

I know very little about how gravity works and yet I accept the fact of gravity.

There are some more things that have slipped my mind but I am pretty satisified with the outcome, its almost as I expected.


Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
Atheism is not excluded, because it is a concept that exists because of other concepts, and is something that philsophers and atheists alike have expounded on and continue to do so to this day.

If it is a concept, as you assert, then it is one of the easiest concepts to understand. We lack belief.

But please, agree to disagree.


I wouldn't want tarnish any good rep I may have gained here.

Too late....:D


Left Hand Path
Irrelevant. We have various directories here that have nothing to do with religion. Having a DIR here at RF means little.

Its not irrelevant.

Atheism is a philosophy whether you can accept it or not, and really people rub off on each other here. That is the point of coming here isn't it?

"Herdlike" in the sense that...that is how the board is structured. There's a "herdlike" mindset of those who enter the Entertainment DIR to discuss movies etc.

"Herdlike" like I've heard the same argument provided by some of the "atheists" members here. So yea, your example works.

I don't mean to offend, as this also pertains to everyone with their separate DIR, but its just a mindset that I am talking about.

Some of the atheists here just cannot get their head around that atheism is a philosophy as much as it is a practice.

You obviously debate so there must be some type of hidden motive you that I'm not seeing..

You asked though. A fellow RF member said (" I took my G.E.D. test in two days, and the night before each part of the test I cast a compassion ritual on myself, AND IT WORKED!"). With that I stand by my statements as an Atheist.

And what does this have to do with anything?

If this is "I'm an atheist because I don't care", then I guess we share a similar understanding. Its just that what you understand is something that will not allow you to understand what I am trying to get across.

Grant it you give me space to get my message across.

I know very little about how gravity works and yet I accept the fact of gravity.

You are an atheist.

If it is a concept, as you assert, then it is one of the easiest concepts to understand. We lack belief.

Alright, and a Satanist simply Opposes.

Too late....:D

I don't think so :D


Sceptic, Libertarian, Egalitarian
Premium Member
Basically what I want to observe is what recognized atheists here have to think about Satanism.

And please, if your going to be a jerk please be a soft one ;)

which type of Satanism?

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
Its not irrelevant.

You did say we can agree to disagree right.....?

Atheism is a philosophy whether you can accept it or not, and really people rub off on each other here. That is the point of coming here isn't it?

What's out philosophy? The point of this forum goes way beyond one rubbing off on another. This forum is a presentation and discussion forum. What a person takes from the information is on them. I have certainly entered my share of threads here and took absolutely nothing away from them. You may be easily impressed by others but not me. The mere religious claims of the sheeple are unimpressive to me.

Some of the atheists here just cannot get their head around that atheism is a philosophy as much as it is a practice.

You obviously debate so there must be some type of hidden motive you that I'm not seeing..

You give off this vibe as though you really don't have a clue about Atheism. There's no philosophy, practice or hidden motives behind Atheism. We lack belief because, in part, the believer can't substantiate their claims.

And what does this have to do with anything?

You asked what we thought about Satanism. I gave you an example of some one rooted in mystic belief and thought said belief actually affected his or her life because he or she followed a particular ritual of said belief. In that I stick to what I originally answered in lieu to your original question.

"Don't know much about it....but don't really see them any different than any other religion/cult"


If this is "I'm an atheist because I don't care", then I guess we share a similar understanding.
Nope...not my position at all.

Its just that what you understand is something that will not allow you to understand what I am trying to get across.

I guess not because so far I'm not seeing your point.

Alright, and a Satanist simply Opposes.

But you asked what do Atheist think about Satanism not vice-versa.....

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I'm ready to believe
I don’t think I would go as far as calling atheism a philosophy. Can requiring proof be called a philosophy? If someone tells me that the Earth has ice cream at its center and I choose not to believe him because he can’t prove it, would you now label me as an adairyist and consider that my philosophy?


Left Hand Path
What is the philosophy of atheism?

God could possibly not exist.

What is the practice of atheism?

From what I have observed it is a way in which people attempt to rebuke the existence of God.

But then again a person who would not wish to concern themselves with the affairs of God then they would not bother to label themselves so.

Unless the "your an atheist at birth" yank got to them first.

which type of Satanism?


A rational question ;)

Most people see "theist" and "non-theistic". I say, whether or not any type of theism is involved it most certainly does not completely define the totality of "Satanic".

Naturally "Satanic" defines "opposite". Before Satan became a biblical figure, he was a symbolic and metaphorical figure.

"A needle in a haystack".

Regardless of its repute, it is something that applies to everyone, because everyone contends and opposes at least one aspect of human creation. In turn, things that oppose us are generally treated with disdain. Which leads me to a thought a I should make in a new thread "love your enemy" (I think there may have been a thread created about that already though).

Whether or not people apply themselves into a position that reflects their truth, I (speaking as a Satanist not for Satanism) use the reflection to signify remanifestation spiritually and "intellectually".

I recognize the spiritually aware, and I recognize the spiritually deceitful, as much as these two coincide with the "faithless" and deniers of spiritual observation.

What is observable in a lab should also be observable outside of it. And if one questions the sanity of others, then they should question the sanity of themselves. If one man is convinced another is insane, then this man has yet to witness insanity.

Scientifically speaking, the fact that we exist is "insane", concluding that the philosophical chair does indeed "exist".


Left Hand Path
You did say we can agree to disagree right.....?

We agreed that you disagreed that atheism is a concept, by posting you agreed to debate.

What's out philosophy? The point of this forum goes way beyond one rubbing off on another.

Is there a typo in this paragraph?

But anyways, wait for it...

this forum is a presentation and discussion forum. What a person takes from the information is on them. I have certainly entered my share of threads here and took absolutely nothing away from them. You may be easily impressed by others but not me. The mere religious claims of the sheeple are unimpressive to me.

You just proved my point. "Rubbing off on each other". People wouldn't come here to not seek knowledge, in its vaguest forms.

And whether or not what information you chose to take, information is observed regardless.

Whether or not you chose to belief that a meteor impact would never affect you, it will. Perhaps not physically disrupting/destroying but you will hear about it. Things that happened 2,000 years ago affect you, simply because you have heard about it. Whether you agree with it or not is not a subject of this thread.

You give off this vibe as though you really don't have a clue about Atheism.


There's no philosophy, practice or hidden motives behind Atheism. We lack belief because, in part, the believer can't substantiate their claims.

You say "we" as if those convinced that God does not exist is on your side.

You are far from lacking belief, on any level concerning "God" and his devices.

You asked what we thought about Satanism. I gave you an example of some one rooted in mystic belief and thought said belief actually affected his or her life because he or she followed a particular ritual of said belief. In that I stick to what I originally answered in lieu to your original question.

Fair enough.

Maybe I might try, what would your thoughts be if you were forced to fight a man with your bare fists?

...not my position at all.

Good, now lets drop this attitude and converse.

guess not because so far I'm not seeing your point.

I will bite my tongue.

you asked what do Atheist think about Satanism not vice-versa.....


Yea well I offered a more clear and distinguishable concept, an "easier" one that doesn't claim to not be a belief out of belief.



Left Hand Path
You did say we can agree to disagree right.....?

We agreed that you disagreed that atheism is a concept, by posting you agreed to debate.

What's out philosophy? The point of this forum goes way beyond one rubbing off on another.

Is there a typo in this section?

But anyways, wait for it...

this forum is a presentation and discussion forum. What a person takes from the information is on them. I have certainly entered my share of threads here and took absolutely nothing away from them. You may be easily impressed by others but not me. The mere religious claims of the sheeple are unimpressive to me.

You just proved my point. "Rubbing off on each other". People wouldn't come here to not seek knowledge, in its vaguest forms.

And whether or not what information you chose to take, information is observed regardless.

Whether or not you chose to belief that a meteor impact would never affect you, it will. Perhaps not physically disrupting/destroying but you will hear about it. Things that happened 2,000 years ago affect you, simply because you have heard about it.

You will hear things from people that they have heard from other people. These people will tell you what something is and they could possibly have another regard that implies. 2+2=4, the explication is that two combined devices equals four total combined devices. The implication is that the totality of the combined devices equals four, a single digit. Of course though, this isn't something little kids think about, because they are taught so.

The form of Satanism I first discovered was in fact "atheistically" bound, hence is the reason I no longer label myself a "LaVeyan Satanist".

You give off this vibe as though you really don't have a clue about Atheism.


There's no philosophy, practice or hidden motives behind Atheism. We lack belief because, in part, the believer can't substantiate their claims.

You say "we" as if those convinced that God does not exist is on your side.

You are far from lacking belief, on any level concerning "God" and his devices.

You asked what we thought about Satanism. I gave you an example of some one rooted in mystic belief and thought said belief actually affected his or her life because he or she followed a particular ritual of said belief. In that I stick to what I originally answered in lieu to your original question.

Fair enough.

Maybe I might try, what would your thoughts be if you were forced to fight a man with your bare fists?

...not my position at all.

Good, now lets drop this attitude and converse.

guess not because so far I'm not seeing your point.

I will bite my tongue.

you asked what do Atheist think about Satanism not vice-versa.....


Yea well I offered a more clear and distinguishable concept, an "easier" one that doesn't claim to not be a belief out of belief.

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Sceptic, Libertarian, Egalitarian
Premium Member

A rational question ;)

Most people see "theist" and "non-theistic". I say, whether or not any type of theism is involved it most certainly does not completely define the totality of "Satanic".

Naturally "Satanic" defines "opposite". Before Satan became a biblical figure, he was a symbolic and metaphorical figure.

"A needle in a haystack".

Regardless of its repute, it is something that applies to everyone, because everyone contends and opposes at least one aspect of human creation. In turn, things that oppose us are generally treated with disdain. Which leads me to a thought a I should make in a new thread "love your enemy" (I think there may have been a thread created about that already though).

Whether or not people apply themselves into a position that reflects their truth, I (speaking as a Satanist not for Satanism) use the reflection to signify remanifestation spiritually and "intellectually".

I recognize the spiritually aware, and I recognize the spiritually deceitful, as much as these two coincide with the "faithless" and deniers of spiritual observation.

What is observable in a lab should also be observable outside of it. And if one questions the sanity of others, then they should question the sanity of themselves. If one man is convinced another is insane, then this man has yet to witness insanity.

Scientifically speaking, the fact that we exist is "insane", concluding that the philosophical chair does indeed "exist".

So Satanism is just opposition? In which case I'm fine with it. In fact I welcome it. I always like to challenge other peoples and my own beliefs