Perfection has nothing to do with it. We have no idea wat energy actually IS. Or how it happened. Yet it is responsible for everything that exists. This isn't a perfectionist quibble. It's a glaring foundational hole in our understanding of everything.
Better to acknowledge that than to try to fill the hole with imaginary beings, I suggest.
Science gives us the automobile. Philosophy allows us to ask ourselves if this was a gift or a curse.
More accurately, science and technology.
If it weren't for philosophy, you could not have asked for that comparison. Because science has no value system. No ethical standards. And no concern for the human experience.
As I've mentioned to you before, humans have evolved so that we're born with certain moral instincts, found even in pre-verbal infants ─ dislike of the one who harms. like of fairness and reciprocity, respect for authority, loyalty to the group, and a sense of self-worth through self-denial. Those moral values are in place long before philosophy enters the picture. So are others, largely on the conventions of interacting with other people depending on their sex, age, relationship, status, authority &c, but these are learnt rather than instinctive, hence are more variable.
And scientists, being humans, have those same moral tendencies. Science itself is about facts. Most moral issues arise in the context of war and medicine, and are solved with values whose origin is in the instincts I mentioned above and of course often enough in the ethics of a particular occupation or school of thought.
The only manner in which ANYTHING is known to exist is as a concept. Perception IS conception. Why is this so impossible for some people to grasp?
Perception is part of conception, but all you get by standing in your town square and looking around you is what your brain's editing procedures think are relevant. Your perception of most of it involves no concept. If you set out to describe it, that alters the nature of what you're doing, and many of the words you use will be concepts.
Objective reality is the world external to the self which we know about through our senses. It's where our parents are, or were, and it's where we get our air, water, food, shelter and society. You have no doubt it's out there or else your posting here is inexplicable.