I already explained that.That is a Bible story, an anthropomorphism, meaning it is not what God ever said. God did not regret making mankind or make any mistakes. That is absurd.
Other religious people don't seem to find it absurd.
I am not a Christian. I reject much of the Bible as literal truth as I believe much of it is figurative and much of it is anthropomorphism. The Bible is not evidence of Messengers and God because it was written by fallible men, not by Messengers of God. As such it is fraught with errors.
God did communicate to everyone through a Messenger. Who are you to tell God that He should communicate in some other way?
And how do you know your scriptures aren't fraught with errors as well?
God wanted to do something and He did it. God sent Messengers to represent Him.
Yes, that is your belief. I find there to be no reason to think you are correct in that belief.
It is not a matter of disagreeing. It is not a dialogue when you just keep digging in your heels.
Both of us come from positions we are comfortable with. I see you as digging in your heels and you seem me as doing the same. I try to work from your position and explain why what you say doesn't make any sense to me.
I explained the logical reasons why God used Messengers and you can give me no logical reasons why God would communicate directly to everyone. You think that would be more effective and you cannot even explain WHY it would be more effective.
But I *did* give you what I consider to be logical reasons why a God that cares, is good, and is able *would* communicate. You rejected those reasons by simply claiming your position again and not by actually countering my argument. I consider that to be digging in heels.
What God would do is what we have evidence for. There is no evidence that God has ever communicated directly to everyone, and that means God did not do that if God exists.
Or that no God exists, or that God doesn't care, or that the message isn't important, or that God is unable. You leap to one explanation when there are several others that explain as much or more.
How does what I described make God uncaring? Can you answer that with a logical answer? Otherwise I will assume that the only reason you say that God is uncaring is because God does not do what you want Him to do.
Um, YOU were the one that said that God doesn't care. I agreed that is a good explanation.
The fact that God does not communicate directly to everyone, which is what you want, means God is not all-knowing? Demoting God to less than all-knowing because God does not do what you want Him to do? You are going to have to do better than that. Logically speaking, you are NOT all-knowing so you cannot know as much or more than God. The best you an say that you do not believe God exists because you don't believe there is any evidence.
Again, my wants have nothing to do with it. Remember that I don't believe in you mythology. Instead, it has to do with the meaning of the words 'good', 'knowing', 'powerful', etc. I agree that giving up any of those characteristics fits the facts better than having all of them.
I said: "Logically speaking, if communicating directly to everyone in the world was the BEST WAY to communicate then God would have communicated that way because an all-knowing God has to KNOW the best way to communicate to accomplish its goals...."
And so, logically, if the way seen is NOT the best way, then it doesn't involve a God that knows, is capable, and is good.
Try to refute my logic. Give me one good reason why God would not know the best way to communicate to the humans He created.
If God is not all-knowing, then it is a possible explanation for the inferior way of communication used.
Why are you deflecting from what I said?
I don't believe I am.
There is NOTHING logical about God communicating directly to everyone,
I disagree. As I explained, God would want to communicate with everyone (all good), would be able to do so in a way that was beneficial to everyone (all powerful), and would know the best way to accomplish that communication (all knowing).
it is all based on emotion...
"I WANT God to talk to me directly" like a little child who wants a lollipop.
Nope, that has NOTHING to do with it at all.
Who says I have a desire to believe in God? I believe in God because of the evidence, not because I want to. Just ask my husband who has spent many nights listening to me complaining about God and religion.
There are no facts about God because God can never be proven as a fact but there are facts about the Messengers who are Manifestations of God on earth.
You cannot prove that they *are* messengers from God unless you can prove there is a God. And, outside of their claims, there is no evidence they are messengers for anyone other than themselves.