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Atheists: What would be evidence of God’s existence?

CG Didymus

Veteran Member
So by your argument, god is merely observing our actions. He does not have any magical foreknowledge and does not determine future events by will or decree.
But then we get the Bible stories in which God does intervene. He gets pissed off at Adam for listening to the serpent that God created and allowed into the garden and... made it so that serpent could talk. God "repents" that he created man and floods the world. The Egyptian army is closing in on Moses and the Israelites, so God parts the sea and let's them cross, then closes the sea on the Egyptian Army. He sends Jonah to Nineveh to tell that that he is going to destroy the city. But God changes his mind when he sees that the people of Nineveh started being good for a while. Then he ends up destroying them when they turn evil again.

By what is being said in these posts, it almost sounds like God doesn't get involved with the choice? Yet, knows what the choice is going to be? I guess that's better than knowing what the choice is going to be, and it's the wrong one, but doesn't do anything to change the person's mind. But, if there is a just, loving, all-knowing God, then he better try and make things better rather then sitting back and let things keep going like this... Like almost as if there is no God.


One Planet, One People, Please!
Premium Member
Do Baha'is believe that God does help guide people to make the right choices? I know some Christians do. They feel that the Holy Spirit is in them and guiding them.

But that create a problem... A Christian might feel he is being guided to preach Jesus to a Baha'i. And the Baha'i feels God has led him to teach the Faith to this Christian. They both think that what they believe is the truth. The Christian wants to save the soul of the Baha'i and get him to admit he is a poor lost sinner in need of salvation. The Baha'i? Tell me what a Baha'is should say?

I see the guidance is given by our ability of choice. Our prayer enables us to connect to God's Will and not our own will, so what speaks to us in prayer is the Holy Spirit, the Messenger, we have no direct connection to God.

The actions we take from prayer are the keys to better understanding, we choose our fate by the actions we take in this life.

Death is really inaction to God's Will for us and a person of faith can be just as afflicted with their own desires, so much so that they see their choices are from God, when they are actually prompted by one's own will.

That is why we are told to.look for the light in all things, God is Love God is Virtues, God loves us all.

Are people who preach the destruction of non believers, really preaching God's Will, or their own will, that is the quandary of choices.

Regards Tony


Active Member
Given that there are followers of more than one religion on here, most of them are making false claims, by definition.
Only in trying to describe God more than just the possibility of a God . An open mind with no answer is open to suggestions but an open mind should never ignore reality .

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Humans are not apes , there is many dissimilar characteristics . Besides the point , physics didn't create the ape either , so what did if not a God ?
Sorry, humans are apes. You cannot name one characteristic that is shared by all other apes that man does not have. Even the creationist Carl Linnaeus, the man the developed the modern day (but now dying out) system for naming and characterizing animals knew that men were apes.

Do you have a scientific source that supports your claims or do you only have denial and ignorance?


Scratching head, scratching knee
As I said , the Big Bang jumps from nothing to some thing
Wrong. The Big Bang goes from a hyper-dense singularity to the early moments of this universe.

Science can't explain anymore than this which in essence is just stating the obvious , there was nothing but now there is something .
Science explains far more that most religionists have any notion of.

This is why any God theory will always be equally as true as the science because it is physically impossible to create a high dense state from no thing.
If you have two explanations for an event, and one relies only on natural processes and the other relies on the supernatural, the natural one is better because we have mountains of evidence and experience of natural processes causing and producing stuff, but we have zero evidence that the supernatural even exists in the first place.
It's like saying that the explanations for missing keys "I mislaid them" and "Elves stole them" are equally as true.


Active Member
If you deny evolution then you are ignoring reality.
One mans vision accepted by many does not make that ones mans vision true . The reality is uncertainty and scientists best guesses was evolution based on similarities .
The problem is if you claim we evolved from apes , then Darwin needs to explain where apes came from and so on until you reach a point of no answer . What came first the chicken or the egg ?
The real answer is unknown because we don't have the history records of this .


Scratching head, scratching knee
A 62 year old man and a 62 year ape sat in a bar having a Banana milk shake together . The man says to the ape, '' we don't observably look the same'' ., the ape replies ''that is because we are not the same species'' .

100 years later the same event occurred , the ape was still an ape and the man was still a man .

Can you please provide this observation evidence you claim to have of an ape turning into a man ?

This does not mean some persons drawing of evolution .
Are you serious?
It's difficult to tell sometimes because religionists can often genuinely hold such ridiculously inaccurate ideas about evolution.

Even though I am used to it by now, such utter incomprehension can still make me gasp. I just worry for their children.


Active Member
Are you serious?
It's difficult to tell sometimes because religionists can often genuinely hold such ridiculously inaccurate ideas about evolution.

Even though I am used to it by now, such utter incomprehension can still make me gasp. I just worry for their children.
I am not religious but believe in the possibility of a God because physics falls short .


Scratching head, scratching knee
Only in trying to describe God more than just the possibility of a God .
The vast majority of religionists have a very definite (and often contradictory) idea of god. Many of them, possibly all of them, are making false statements.

An open mind with no answer is open to suggestions but an open mind should never ignore reality .


Active Member
The vast majority of religionists have a very definite (and often contradictory) idea of god. Many of them, possibly all of them, are making false statements.


Thou shall not kill !

Is that a false statement or something God would want if there is a God ?


Veteran Member
If physics created the heavens and the Earth then what law of the universe says the universe created us ?

As you admit we are not physics .
As I said your ignorance of basic scientific facts is astonishing. Though it's what I've come to expect from people who were indoctrinated by creationism.

Biology is the scientific study of life

Physics is the branch of science concerned with the nature and properties of matter and energy.

Dear of dear if you can't get even that right...:rolleyes:

Then again anyone who denies the scientific fact of species evolution hasn't even the remotes understanding of how science works.