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Atheists: What would be evidence of God’s existence?


Veteran Member
Okay, one more time... In God's spiritual realm, he can see the beginning and end. Everything has already happened. And, since it ends the way he wants it to end, then is all the pain, suffering, diseases, natural disaster and all the rest of the bad stuff part of what he wanted? I know you don't want to blame God, but, still, if he's real, this is what he created. And since he allows it to happen, why isn't it what he wanted to happen to get to the end result? So he's to blame, but it was for a good reason. All the death and suffering he let happen and wanted to happen, because it will someday get us to finally turn to him and love each other?
"I claim that God has infallible foreknowledge of what choice we will make, but I do not claim that we will make choices different from the choices God knows we will make."

I never said that it ends the way God wants it to end, so all the pain, suffering, diseases, natural disaster and all the rest of the bad stuff is not necessarily part of what he wanted even though it is what He allowed.

All the death and suffering might someday get us to finally turn to him and love each other or it might not. It all depends upon how we respond to it, how we interpret it.


Veteran Member
Quite clearly an inaccuracy I have put in bold . No , people think space itself is expanding when space has no physicality . People also say there is nothing outside of the expansion ,not even space .
Those are a repetition of your sophistry here, using a straw man argument you're parroting. The big bang theory makes no claims about what existed prior to Planck time. Did you really not know this, seriously?


Veteran Member
It doesn't matter, if a deify knows the one choice we will make, then all other choices would be illusionary. Everything else is coloured bubbles you've created to put a square peg in a round hole.
That is completely illogical because we can make whatever choice we want to make and God will know what choice we decided to make.

Tell that to the judge -- "Judge, God knew what choice I was going to make so I had no choice but to make that choice!"

No, in reality, you could have made another choice in which case God would have known that was the choice you would make.

This is not that difficult. :rolleyes:


Veteran Member
God has always known what you would do, from the beginning of your life until the end and God also knows what you will do in the afterlife.
That is because God is all-knowing.

Another unevidenced claim, and again if a deity knows what I will do before I do it, that rationally that would mean I have no choices. You keep repeating the claim here, as if it isn't you who doesn't understand what it means for free will.

I can leave my house, go through my front door, turn left or right.

Now if your deity knows I'm going left before I do it, then I cannot turn right, alternatively if it knows I will turn right then demonstrably I cannot turn left.

dear oh dear...


Active Member
Those are a repetition of your sophistry here, using a straw man argument you're parroting. The big bang theory makes no claims about what existed prior to Planck time. Did you really not know this, seriously?
Time is the progression of the present measured at 1.s of history per 1.s passed measure . Planck did the long winded way to come up with {x0}+{x0}=x1 . There is no straw man argument , expansion requires relative motion and motion requires space , x does not equal to x^n of distant intergalactic space .
The Hubble red-shift of expansion is based on visual matter , not the space between the galaxies . You need to understand a possibility of a God , regardless of personal whim .


Veteran Member
Now if your deity knows I'm going left before I do it, then I cannot turn right, alternatively if it knows I will turn right then demonstrably I cannot turn left.
No, it does not mean you could not have turned left.
Had you turned left instead, God would have known that is what you were going to do.
Your lack of capacity to understand this demonstrates that you know nothing about the nature of God.


Veteran Member
You are making the claim so explain why you would have no choices.

Same as every other time you asked this, if a deity exists and knows which choice I will make, then ipso facto there is only one choice that I can make, and childish ad hominem won't help if you can't see that simple fact by now.

Lets keep it very very simple and try bullet points:

1 I can turn left.


2. I can turn right.

You are claiming your deity knows which one of those I will choose before I make the choice. Ipso facto the other choice cannot be made, or your deity would be wrong, and you would be wrong about it knowing. :rolleyes:
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Veteran Member
I can leave my house, go through my front door, turn left or right.

Now if your deity knows I'm going left before I do it, then I cannot turn right, alternatively if it knows I will turn right then demonstrably I cannot turn left.

No, it does not mean you could not have turned left.

So your deity (in your own words) is 100% certain I'm turning right, but I could still turn left?



Veteran Member
Lets keep it very very simple and try bullet points:

1 I can turn left.


2. I can turn right.

You are claiming your deity knows which one of those I will choose before I make the choice. Ipso facto the other choice cannot be made, or your deity would be wrong, and you would be wrong about it knowing. :rolleyes:

Sorry, that argument is flawed.
You say the other choice can't be made..
More to the point, YOU DIDN'T WANT TO CHOOSE it.
That's why it can't be made, because God KNEW you would not choose it.

It has nothing to do with one's power to choose.
..and that is what you are implying.


Veteran Member
ou are claiming your deity knows which one of those I will choose before I make the choice. Ipso facto the other choice cannot be made, or your deity would be wrong, and you would be wrong about it knowing.
No, I am not claiming that. I am claiming that the deity always knew the choice you would make whatever choice that was.

I am claiming that you can make any choice you want to make and the deity will have always known that was the choice you would make.

The deity cannot be wrong so the deity always knew the choice you would make.


Veteran Member
So your deity (in your own words) is 100% certain I'm turning right, but I could still turn left?
Where did I say that the deity is 100% certain you will turn right but you can still turn left?
You could have turned left instead of right in which case the deity would have known you would turn left.


Veteran Member
I just did?

I've enlarged it for you, as you seem to miss this explanation before?
You absolutely did not explain WHY.

You said: if a deity exists and knows which choice I will make, then ipso facto there is only one choice that I can make,

But you did not explain WHY there is only one choice you can make.


Veteran Member
Thus limiting me to that choice, and logically negating me making any other choice. This is not that complicated.
I said: "I am claiming that the deity always knew the choice you would make."

Why does that limit your choice? Explain why.

This is not that complicated.