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Athiests Only: What would suffice as proof of God?


Active Member
After reading everybody's responses in Katzpurs thread. I thought this would be a natural follow up.

1. So how about it, what would suffice as proof of God?

2. Would any of the bilbical miracles convince you if you witnessed them?

I think it a better thing to do is to ask question # 1 to the christians. I know that they act on faith instead of proof, but they also believe Christ will retun. So, you can ask " what would suffice you as proof that God has returned (whenever he does)?
For me, I would need God to come down here and take me on a time warp and show me the beginning and the end off all things and explain him or herself in full on every issue I have with him/her. Then I would need some displays of power. You know, God would have to pull a Bruce Almighty on me to get me to believe.
1. Showing up, for instance, at the UN, in front of cameras for the eyes of the world to see.

2. Chris Angels does a better job than Jesus.

That still would not help. . . even the Christians would reject that "proof".

Not if he zaps them into ants, let them crawl for an hour or two, and then zap them again into their former selves.

If he is God, showing up at the UN would mean he would really show he is what he is.:D
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Sat Sri Akal
Yaeh - personally I think God and science go hand in hand. That faith is dependent on knowledge, otherwise it's blind faith(or not faith at all). Miracles are no proof of god- but they do happen. Certainly I am very sceintfic person, and due to my spiritual path definitions of god there's no problem in scinece vs. god. On the other hand, I do know that there is god(no doubt), but there is one thing that even I cannot comprehend - I was actually able to see things in a small marble stone- probably some sceintific reasoning behind this for sure - but how was I able to see things that happened in past and I wasn't even there. To this day I get mind bogled - and why not future? hmm.all that I know is that I have experienced this and I do not lie!

I personally do not beleive in miracles -they are just something not yet sceintifically explained. I even talk to my parents that miracles are not needed in order to proove god- but few other thing that i have not expereineced but have no answer for - http://pakistaniat.com/2007/01/29/pakistan-sikh-panja-sahib-hasan-abdal-guru-nanak/
For us the name of God is "Truth" which can be found(slowly realized) through knowledge and spiritual wisdom

any sceintific explanation welcomed!


Mystery Lover
It depends of what God you are talking about... If you are talking about Zeus then if I see a guy with a white beard riding a cloud and firing lightning out of a staff I'd be really impressed!

So what God are you talking about?

And if you are talking about the biblical God... What biblical God are you talking about? The one that created the universe 6,000 years ago or the one that created it 13,700,000,000 years ago?
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Guardian of Asgaard
Christian God - Come out come out wherever you are. If say he came out to 100 people and i was one of them and we all saw the same thing, then i'd believe.


Active Member
After reading everybody's responses in Katzpurs thread. I thought this would be a natural follow up.

1. So how about it, what would suffice as proof of God?

2. Would any of the bilbical miracles convince you if you witnessed them?

As others have said, the only thing that would convince me of the existence of God would happen after I was already dead. And no, none of the biblical miracles would convince me either if I witnessed them because as someone else said, they're all smoke and mirrors.


Agnostic Pantheist
After reading everybody's responses in Katzpurs thread. I thought this would be a natural follow up.

1. So how about it, what would suffice as proof of God?

2. Would any of the bilbical miracles convince you if you witnessed them?

I think proof of God is irrelevant, I believe the whole concept of needing to believe and have proof in the fantastic is a flawed human bi-product of our primitive past. we should be seeking knowledge and experience, not fantastic dogmas.
our sub conscious contains many mysterious dimensions, we shouldn't be quick to paint it with the supernatural, we should learn it and express it instead. things that are unexplained to us at this point should not be attributed to gods.
there is so much we don't know, that it seems like a mistake to paint it with personal religious beliefs.


I would like to see a person with all 4 limbs amputated having a lot of religious people pray for him/her, and to see that person’s limbs grow back live as they prayed.

It would certainly qualify as a miracle for me.


Agnostic Pantheist
After reading everybody's responses in Katzpurs thread. I thought this would be a natural follow up.

1. So how about it, what would suffice as proof of God?
This is a flawed logic for me. as a thinking human being I dont demand any proof of God. the existence of God is irrelevant to me. if a 'divine' force exists, my belief is of no value. im sure all that kind of force would want from me, is to be a responsible and aware being, regardless of my subjective beliefs. further more, a supernatural God would exist in his plane, and im in this, and my belief would serve no purpose, I would still need to execute my responsibillities as a human being and an eathly citizen here on earth for the most part.
2. Would any of the bilbical miracles convince you if you witnessed them?
Nah, I'd just think one of my trickster friends slipped LSD in my 'chocolate chip' cookie :D
Christian God - Come out come out wherever you are. If say he came out to 100 people and i was one of them and we all saw the same thing, then i'd believe.

This is definitely a requirement. There must be witnesses! It cannot be to me alone, there must be verification, otherwise I could be in a trance or drunk or sleeping.

Or hypnotized! Has anyone ever watched Derren Brown do his stuff? Where with a word or two he hypnotizes shop people into taking white pieces of paper instead of money, or makes the gal behind the counter at the dog track pay on a losing ticket, or makes people forget which underground stop they just told him they were getting off at?

I mean I'm sure he's had some failures, they only show the successes on TV. But - I have no idea whether I am susceptible.

Whatever it is, it's gotta be public and incontrovertible.

Or, just enter my heart directly and tell me the truth like you've done for so many others.

... not possible? Mmk just checkin. ;)

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
After reading everybody's responses in Katzpurs thread. I thought this would be a natural follow up.

1. So how about it, what would suffice as proof of God?

A permanent 100% complete erasure of all doubt and possibilities in regards to Gods existence everywhere. That would suffice as proof of God. -NM-

2. Would any of the bilbical miracles convince you if you witnessed them?

The raising of lazareth might do it. Yet only If I can check the body to see if it's rotted and get past the possibility of any uber- advanced technology that might be existing out there somewhere in the universe that could easily match the miracles mentioned in the Bible. Even then, it might not be enough to fully convince me as I would probably be thinking E.T. but it would be a nice start. -NM-


Done here.
I don't think anything could prove the existence of the Abrahamic god, because the Abrahamic religions make claims about their god that are not susceptible of proof. A god like Thor could reveal himself, but if there were an omnimax god we would not be capable of perceiving those omnimax qualities, or of real knowledge of such a god. Even if we were able to directly perceive the essence of God -- something that is impossible according to Orthodox Christian theology -- we would not be capable of comprehending or understanding it, and a belief in such a god would always have to be based on faith rather than knowledge.

Some other gods could possibly reveal themselves, and I trust that if they wish to do so, they will. Until that time, I'll continue to regard them metaphorically.


After I die, a gate of heaven would make me think about it. I would be pinching my arm till it's black though..

And no way would a book from 2000 years old convince me.


After reading everybody's responses in Katzpurs thread. I thought this would be a natural follow up.

1. So how about it, what would suffice as proof of God?

2. Would any of the bilbical miracles convince you if you witnessed them?

I am not an Atheist, but I have some issues with theses questions.


1. God cannot be proven to anyone. Non-physical entities cannot be tested empirically; the belief in God depends solely on one's interpretation of the universe. Some say the universe is proof enough; some do not. Science (human observation and objective hypothetical reasoning) is limited in the sense that no one can go back into time - or before time, and witness the big bang and whether or not God initiated it or initiated the membranes that may or may not have caused it. Therefore, the belief in Atheism and Deism require faith. Science neither proves God nor disproves God - it is all up to the individual to decide his views.

2. Signs, "miracles," and feelings should never be the basis for one's belief or non-believe in a divine being. Those opinions should be based upon logic and philosophical/scientific reasoning alone. Signs and wonders and feelings, though powerful in the moment, fade with time and are eventually erased by doubt. In most cases they can be explained rationally via science. I'm not here to say that miracles are impossible - because they happen everyday; it is a matter of mathematics. However, faith/opinion based on feelings is doomed to fail - be you an Atheist or religious.

~ Rhonan


1. God cannot be proven to anyone. .......................Some say the universe is proof enough; some do not.


Edit: as a smiley alone would be lame..
Didn't you contradict yourself a bit here by saying you can't proof AND some say they do have proof?
With other words, what would be your definition of "proof" here?



One cannot prove God's existence to another - this is up to the knowledge, beliefs, and opinions of the individual. Some believe in God, claiming that the existence of the universe is good enough for their beliefs; others do not believe in God, claiming the universe has no need for a God.

It's all a matter of perspective. Select and develop your beliefs in a rational inquisitive manner to reach a conclusion.
One cannot prove God's existence to another - this is up to the knowledge, beliefs, and opinions of the individual. Some believe in God, claiming that the existence of the universe is good enough for their beliefs; others do not believe in God, claiming the universe has no need for a God.

It's all a matter of perspective. Select and develop your beliefs in a rational inquisitive manner to reach a conclusion.

As I understood the OP though, the question is what would an individual accept as proof? It wasn't necessarily, "What can you say to me, or show me, Rhonan, that I would accept as proof?"