After reading everybody's responses in Katzpurs thread. I thought this would be a natural follow up.
1. So how about it, what would suffice as proof of God?
2. Would any of the bilbical miracles convince you if you witnessed them?
Ever see the Monty Python cheese shop sketch? The clerk asks the customer what sort of cheese they'd like, but it turns out they're out of stock. So the customer names one sort of cheese after another, only to hear that they're out of that sort as well. In the end, he demands to know whether the shop has any cheese at all. And, of course, they don't.
This pretty much sums up how I feel about evidence for God. Really, it's not my job to suggest what evidence you should offer. Rather, you need to start by clearly defining a logically possible entity whose existence has some sort of consequence. You can work backwards from there to come up with testable claims; things that would be true if that type of God existed, but not otherwise. Then you need to test those claims, and if they fail, you must reject that form of theism. If it survives all tests, has significant explanatory and predictive power, and is parsimonious, only then is it worth my time to ask you about evidence.
As for the Bible stories, no. Why should I?