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Attempting to Censor X in the UK

Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
A source that Krampus doesn't exist?
You mean this?



......unaffiliated...... anti-dogmatist
Premium Member
If you are part of a mob trying to set fire to hostels containing asylum seekers - some of them children - I think it's a given that you are far right.

The rest is you you being disingenuous again.

To your first point - the vast majority of that "mob" did no such thing, and it would appear that you're not seeing the larger context?

As to your second point, I'm here to debate IDEAS, and this is the 2nd time today you've come at me with personal attacks. Not a good look for you and not generally a sign of good arguments.


......unaffiliated...... anti-dogmatist
Premium Member
If it were my wording, as the resorted to violence I would have called them extremists.
Resorting to violence over decades long "concerns" that have never really been a thing, they are extremists.

Mass immigration has been "a thing" and a very problematic one throughout Europe for several decades now. And for decades the UK's politicians have ignored the public when they vote to limit immigration. At some point, being ignored will turn violent. And that's on the leaders, not on the people.

This is nothing like that but rather pointing out the brazen hypocrisy of Musk.
It looks a LOT like shifting the conversation away from the idea to attacking an individual.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Mass immigration has been "a thing" and a very problematic one throughout Europe for several decades now. And for decades the UK's politicians have ignored the public when they vote to limit immigration. At some point, being ignored will turn violent. And that's on the leaders, not on the people.
What do you do about nonexistent problems like the fantasy zones where people who may have done more drugs than Ozzy and Keith Richards combined still believe there are sections of England under Sharia law.
Or as I asked someone the other day, how the hell do you enforce a chem trail ban when they don't exist but condensation trails do? How do you address the concerns of people clinging on to stupid?

It looks a LOT like shifting the conversation away from the idea to attacking an individual.
It's the nonsense that Twitter/X amd Musk are paragons and champions of free speech. It's also this absurd idea that social media feeds--things well known and established for perpetuating falsehoods--are sources of credible, unbiased news. That goes agaisnt their entire model which is to maximize the amount of time users spend on their junk.
In other words, they run on a model of ratings and profit over credibility.
Summary: The UK is experiencing a lot of rioting these days, and one of the measures some politicians are calling for to combat this unrest is to attempt to censor comments made on twitter.

The video below provides evidence of these attempts at censorship and goes further to claim that in many cases the media in the UK (and elsewhere), are often not reporting the truth and that in many cases, the most accurate reporting is coming from sites like X.

This is yet another attempt to curtail free speech and we cannot give an inch. If we lose free speech, we've lost our freedoms in general.

The UK wants to ban Twitter because Musk uses the platform to spread misinformation. Is misinformation truly free speech? You can't yell fire in a crowded theater because people might get harmed. Spreading misinformation about covid and transgender people can be harmful. So it should have real life consequences like spread lies get fined if not an outright ban.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
Considering there are too many delinquents who have so much economic power in the US, it's good that the commoners are armed.
It's not a surprise after disarming the civilians that UK Mass surveillance came roaring in with a vengeance to the point where it has even violated human rights to the point that it even got the attention of Amnesty International.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
The UK wants to ban Twitter because Musk uses the platform to spread misinformation. Is misinformation truly free speech? You can't yell fire in a crowded theater because people might get harmed. Spreading misinformation about covid and transgender people can be harmful. So it should have real life consequences like spread lies get fined if not an outright ban.
Well since yelling fire in the theater is banned I really feel sorry for the people if a fire actually comes out as any person yelling fire is going to end up in jail for uttering the word. =0p


Well-Known Member
The UK has given up their freedoms ever since they gave up their firearms and millions of government cameras were set up to spy on the public by their own government with a massive surveillance network.
I find your remark strange to say the least, and for two reasons.
1/ My father also felt uncomfortable with the gun laws and was eventually arrested for selling illegal firearms.
2/ I have been trained and licensed in the operation of CCTV systems and have never found anything remotely sinister about existing systems.

Like so much that you spout, it is nothing other than right wing alarmist nonsense. If you want to write about the real world, I suggest that you visit it first.

Secret Chief

To your first point - the vast majority of that "mob" did no such thing
Maybe if you lived here in England you wouldn't post such utter rubbish. As of Monday, 975 people have been arrested and 546 have been charged, as per the National Police Chiefs' Council. I live in one of the cities that had to put up with such yobs, just about 1 mile from the disorder. Mob is entirely the correct word, no quote marks needed. The vast majority were indeed only there to cause trouble. They were not looking to participate in a peaceful protest. It was disgraceful.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
I find your remark strange to say the least, and for two reasons.
1/ My father also felt uncomfortable with the gun laws and was eventually arrested for selling illegal firearms.
2/ I have been trained and licensed in the operation of CCTV systems and have never found anything remotely sinister about existing systems.

Like so much that you spout, it is nothing other than right wing alarmist nonsense. If you want to write about the real world, I suggest that you visit it first.
Well if you want to regard Amnesty International as a right wing nonsense organization , be my guest.

Also AP...

If any of that isnt real world enough for you, I'd suggest not to read these right wing sources.

Secret Chief

Summary: The UK is experiencing a lot of rioting these days, and one of the measures some politicians are calling for to combat this unrest is to attempt to censor comments made on twitter.

The video below provides evidence of these attempts at censorship and goes further to claim that in many cases the media in the UK (and elsewhere), are often not reporting the truth and that in many cases, the most accurate reporting is coming from sites like X.

This is yet another attempt to curtail free speech and we cannot give an inch. If we lose free speech, we've lost our freedoms in general.

Ha ha GB News. Oh, you're serious.


......unaffiliated...... anti-dogmatist
Premium Member
hat do you do about nonexistent problems like the fantasy zones where people who may have done more drugs than Ozzy and Keith Richards combined still believe there are sections of England under Sharia law.
Or as I asked someone the other day, how the hell do you enforce a chem trail ban when they don't exist but condensation trails do? How do you address the concerns of people clinging on to stupid?
Across Europe, tens of millions of voters are saying that they've had it with mass immigration. They are living with the results of these policies. Are you saying they're all stupid or xenophobic?

t's the nonsense that Twitter/X amd Musk are paragons and champions of free speech. It's also this absurd idea that social media feeds--things well known and established for perpetuating falsehoods--are sources of credible, unbiased news. That goes agaisnt their entire model which is to maximize the amount of time users spend on their junk.
In other words, they run on a model of ratings and profit over credibility.

What's being claimed is that SOMETIMES the most honest news you can find is on X. In this case, I'd say that's true. Certainly not in all cases, but I'd say that as a rule, if crap happens that exposes the flaws in woke-progressive-ism, the media is very unlikely to be honest about it.


Well-Known Member
millions of government cameras were set up to spy on the public
That is what I referred to. You are very welcome to show me these millions of cameras.
None of which seem to be mentioned in the Amnesty reports.
Last edited:


......unaffiliated...... anti-dogmatist
Premium Member
The UK wants to ban Twitter because Musk uses the platform to spread misinformation. Is misinformation truly free speech? You can't yell fire in a crowded theater because people might get harmed. Spreading misinformation about covid and transgender people can be harmful. So it should have real life consequences like spread lies get fined if not an outright ban.

Forget about Musk.

In this and similar cases, the MSM tends to not report honestly when progressive-wokeism comes under fire. That's when platforms like X can provide an important counterpoint.

Don't get me wrong, I think social media has a lot of severe problems. But that said, much of the MSM has been totally captured by the woke.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
That is what I referred to. You are very welcome to show me these millions of cameras.
Your wish is my command.



......unaffiliated...... anti-dogmatist
Premium Member
Maybe if you lived here in England you wouldn't post such utter rubbish. As of Monday, 975 people have been arrested and 546 have been charged, as per the National Police Chiefs' Council. I live in one of the cities that had to put up with such yobs, just about 1 mile from the disorder. Mob is entirely the correct word, no quote marks needed. The vast majority were indeed only there to cause trouble. They were not looking to participate in a peaceful protest. It was disgraceful.

Yes, and the police are also arresting people who make facebook posts that go against the party line. The problem here is that the UK's government has become horribly corrupted, and that leaves few options for the people. I'm not advocating violence, but politicians around the world continue to play with fire when they lie endlessly.