occult, magic, religion, mysticism.. we see it as obsolete equally as abstractions of state, law, group thinking under various forms serving to gather herds of masses etc.
It seems you already have your mind and heart set on your views and feeling about religion. I can only then share with you my own personal views about certain things named.
Most "Westernized" people have lost touch with something important. When we see a westernized person intellectually reject things like occultism, magic, mystery, mysticism, religion, culture, etc; this is an outer symptom of a deeper cause. The cause being that most westernized people have lost touch with that important something. And since the westernized person is a cell/unit of its society, the symptom such people have affects their Western society. There is something wrong with the West. It can be felt. There is an imbalance in the Force.
In my culture's weltanschauung, there exists two different minds: the Brainmind and the Heartmind. The Brainmind is the seat of your waking self, your consciousness, your faculty of reason, your faculty of thinking and logic.
The Heartmind is called Jit/Chit which is a dialectal form of Citta/Chitta [Sanskrit]. In the West's weltanschauung, Heartmind roughly corresponds with the Psyche and the Unconscious mind. Heartmind is the seat of will, volition, emotion, and intuition.
Both minds use and speak their own set of "languages."
The language of the Brainmind are things like actual spoken language, words, ideas, thoughts, ideations, concepts, numbers, math, logic, sense based observation, and so on. These are all causal forms and exoteric languages the brainmind speaks and understands.
The Heartmind speaks and understands its own languages. Chitta is primal, primeval; having existed before the evolution of the neo-cortex. Thus it is alien to spoken language, to logic, to reason, to numbers, to letters, to words, to definitions, to ideas. Causal languages of the brainmind are alien to Heartmind.
Heartmind speaks the language of symbols, impressions, instant grasp of things, intuitive knowing, pictures, feelings, and so on. The Heartmind is the Dreamer. It is the source of our dreams when we sleep at night. That is the primeval language of Heartmind/Psyche or the Unconscious Mind. The languages the Heartmind speaks is esoteric, Essence, suchness, quiddity, qualia, psychic impressions. That's all it knows and understands.
What most Westernized people call "religious trappings" are like letters written in the esoteric, wordless language of the psyche/unconscious mind. Trappings like rites and rituals, prayer, and chants, are all symbols in motion which speaks to this primeval mind. "Mysticism" is a language of the Heatmind. Mysticism is a way by which the Heartmind apprehends its world. Whereas material science is the way by which the Brainmind apprehends its world. Magic - via the psyche or unconscious mind - connects us with the subtle current and supernal Force of Life/Nature/Cosmos.
When you throw out such things like mystery, magic, mysticism, prayer, chants, rites, rituals, ceremonies, etc, you are Dumbing or Muting Heartmind. Dumb meaning unable to speak. You get rid of this heartmind's ways of expressing itself to you, of communicating with you. And since the heartmind is the link between the mortal human being and the supernal force of Life/Cosmos, you cut yourself off from that Source, meaning you become unaware or Blind to that Living Source.
Heartmind is what the West has lost Touch with. It shows in the symptoms the Westerner exhibits: materialism, atheism, causal abstractions... there is a feeling of "deadness" in the West. People are into dead ideas, dead prophets, dead books, dead words, dead definitions, dead scientific theories. And that Western society is affected by the symoptoms of its cells/units in turn. All the Life has been squeezed out of the "Being" of Western society.
What bewilders me personally is that some westernized people might know and feel that something is wrong with the West, but yet they try to make things like ONA in the image and likeness of this same Western society. Where Heartmind and its esoteric wordless languages and means of communications are denied and thrown away, for science and technology... forgetting that Heartmind and its esoteric languages gave birth to that very same science.
What would western science be today if it weren't for flashes of intuitive insight in the scientist... symbols and representations of things in mathematical equations... the mysticism and alchemy and occult of olden days...
Rather then try to find Balance, the Westerner appears to want to go further into imbalance towards one extreme side. There is almost an air of arrogance in the West as a "civilization" where it feels that because of its science and technology, it has become so great, that it doesn't need the primitive heartmind anymore and its strange esoteric illogical languages: forgetting that it is the Heart that is the Mother of humanity and human civilization.
Anyways: I guess I'm easy to spot